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    Identificação dos critérios, diretrizes e importância do selo açaí bom
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Farah, George Gorresen; Monteiro, Leonardo Sousa; Brunini, Rafael Augusto Coutinho; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;
    The article addresses the production and commercialization of açaí in the State of Pará, Brazil, as it is the largest producer of açaí in the country, with the majority of production being carried out by small family producers. To ensure food safety and avoid contamination, State Decree No. 326/2012 was established, which defines hygienic-sanitary measures for the handling of açaí by artisanal beaters. The solution presented is to obtain the Açaí Bom seal, a quality certification recognized in the açaí industry, as this certification guarantees that açaí products meet strict quality and safety standards. The study investigates the criteria and requirements for obtaining the Açaí Bom seal, and its specific objectives include presenting the processes to acquire the seal, describing guidelines to ensure food safety through hygiene standards and presenting the positive and negative points of the seal. through the report of a company in the field. The methodology adopted was a case study, with a descriptive and qualitative approach, involving the exploration of data through relevant literature, reports, industry publications and consultation with a company in the field to obtain a comprehensive view of the certification process. In conclusion, the article exposed the importance of food safety in the production and commercialization of açaí, the need for good manufacturing practices and the obtaining and recognition of the Açaí Bom certification seal.
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    Desenvolvimento das fases iniciais do BSC para construção da visão estratégica em um grupo de fazendas de gado de corte da região amazônica
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Costa, Gabriel Santiago Gama da; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Araújo, Felipe Fonseca de;
    The importance of agribusiness for Brazil and its financial results are noticeable, however, with the growth and modernization of this sector, the level of competitiveness and the need for more assertive decision-making increase. Thus, the present work sought, based on the Balanced Scorecard, to implement the strategic vision in a beef cattle company in Pará called Fazenda Aruans. Based on the use of Mission, Vision and Values, the strategic drivers, interviews were carried out with directors of the institution to outline these three important vectors and then have the ability to draw up a SWOT Matrix, evaluating the internal factors of the company with external factors to obtain more consistent data and write a credible work within the focus company. With these two tools applied, it was possible to outline the company's strategic objectives and relate them to each BSC perspective in the Strategic Map, correlating the objective of each of the company's areas with the business desire, therefore, two main objectives were identified: double the number of animals on the same volume of land that the company has and verticalize the organization's production chain. With this, each perspective was constructed.
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    Análise da gestão ambiental e de qualidade dos resíduos numa indústria de confecção no interior do Pará: um estudo de caso
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Von Paumgartten, Leonel Martins; Neves, Leonardo Araújo;; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Mendes, Marcelo Pinto da Costa;
    Currently, waste management and quality improvement have become a competitive factor for Brazilian companies. Having excellent quality and waste management can mean greater approval from their customers, leaving them more satisfied and gaining loyalty. Furthermore, this behavior contributes to improving the production process, as it reduces pollution and production costs, in addition to better disposing of waste. This work presents a case study carried out in a company from Pará, in the field of manufacturing men's, women's and children's underwear, and fitness fashion. Through interviews with the company's partners and on-site visits, the study aims to map the company's production process, identify the waste that is generated in this process, analyze the destination options that this waste has in order to minimize their environmental impact. Lastly, studying the company's environment and culture to make the implementation of a quality manual viable, bringing a new culture and beliefs focused on waste management to all sectors and employees of the company.
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    Desenvolvimento e aplicação de um manual da qualidade inspirado no padrão ISO 9001 em uma fábrica de biscoitos na Amazônia
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Bergamini, Leonardo Sanjad; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Freitas, Felipe Fonseca Tavares de;; Ferreira, Marcelo de Santis;
    Micro-enterprises, in general, have preponderant needs, such as the efficient management of their resources and the achievement of greater market share. In this sense, those who choose to invest in the implementation of a Quality Management System through the elaboration of a Quality Manual, aim to standardize their main processes, record their culture and, consequently, optimize their management. For Majoca, a small biscuit shop based in the city of Belém-PA, having a Quality Manual that covers institutional, operational, and strategic aspects, is a significant step in the search for sustainable success. The methodology for creating the manual followed a qualitative approach, of an exploratory nature, and used premises from the QMS and inspiration from the ISO 9001:2015 standard to lay the foundations for future expansion of the company. The results assertively met the company's demands and proved to be positive, both operationally and strategically and organizationally.
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    Expansão de uma empresa do varejo: análise da viabilidade econômica e suas implicações
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-08) Moreira, Leonardo Araújo; Oliveira, Lucas Negrão de; Valias Neto, Francisco Monticeli;; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Araújo, Felipe Fonseca de;
    This work aims to perform an economic feasibility analysis for the opening of a branch of a retail company, specifically a stationery store. It is necessary to demonstrate the steps and methods used in the development of these analyses, given the high number of businesses that close prematurely due to a lack of adequate financial planning. The study examines the current market conditions, identifying opportunities and challenges for new entrepreneurs. The methodology includes a detailed bibliographical and documentary analysis of economic aspects, as well as a Case Study, taking into account initial and operational costs, and revenue projections. The research also encompasses a critical review of consumption trends, changes in purchasing patterns, and consumer preferences. Additionally, the work explores the importance of scenario analysis to anticipate potential changes in the business environment, seeking to identify external variables that may impact the venture, enabling the formulation of adaptive strategies. For this purpose, an initial investment survey was conducted, cash flow projection was analyzed, a Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) was defined, and financial indicators such as NPV, IRR, and Payback were calculated. The expected results include valuable insights for entrepreneurs interested in the stationery sector, providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making. By addressing not only economic viability but also the nuances of entrepreneurship and market dynamics, this study aims to contribute to the sustainable success of new ventures in the sector and to any conceptualization of a new business.
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    Liderança como fator orientador para a construção de gestão estratégica de pessoas: um estudo comparativo entre duas empresas em Belém do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-06-26) Beirão, Graziela Azevedo; Sousa, Hugo Rodrigues de Oliveira; Silva, Joyceane Moreira da; Nobre, Pedro Paulo Macedo; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Cereja, Fabiola Alves;
    Companies have leaders who combine efforts and collaborators to achieve organizational objectives, in which the role of leadership is aimed at increasing and directing productivity and process efficiency, envisioning the maximization of results. Given the importance of the leader in business, this study aimed to identify the leadership style that is presented as a guide in the construction of the strategic management of people in organizations. A comparative case study was carried out between two açaí processing companies located in the city of Belém-PA. To obtain the information, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires applied to the leaders and followers of both companies were used as a data collection instrument. As for the results obtained in the study, it was identified that the leader of company A has a dynamic and active profile in the work environment, always seeking to be close to his team of subordinates and giving all the necessary support to the team in achieving results. It can be inferred that the transformational profile identified in the management of the company's leader generates total satisfaction of the team and leads the company to a high market, financial and organizational performance, since the general average obtained through the analysis of the Likert scale was 4,56 and with the application of empowerment in the team. It was also noted that the leader of company B has an aggressive and sometimes intimidating imposing profile towards his commanded employees. The autocratic profile identified, in addition to not generating team satisfaction, does not generate commitment and effort for greater organizational achievements, since the general average obtained through the analysis of the Likert scale was 2.31, a score well below expectations. The comparative study of the two cases showed that transformational leadership favors the effectiveness and the achievement of tangible and intangible returns for the company and is presented as the best option in team management in companies that seek competitive advantage with the formation of high-quality teams performance.
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    Projeção do Sistema OKR em uma instituição de ensino
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Negrão, Fernando Pinheiro; Santos, João Victor Tavares Messias dos; Carmo, Marcello Bernard Cardoso do; Freitas, Felipe Fonseca Tavares de;; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Elgrably, Isaac Souza;
    The schools increase in Brazil and Belém do Pará reflects an educational expansion. The analysis from 2010 to 2021 reveals a reduction in the student-to-school ratio in high school, indicating greater regional competitiveness. In Belém do Pará, this growing competition is evident, with ratios decreasing in all educational categories. Thus, the overall objective was to design an OKR system for a private education company, aligning its goals with the construction of its strategic planning. This work adopted a qualitative-quantitative approach, requiring data collection and follow-up meetings with the management and other institution collaborators to achieve the desired objectives. The results obtained in this project include a clear definition of mission, vision, and values, effective design of the OKR system to guide strategic goals, and creation of a dashboard to track performance throughout 2024, along with a schedule for periodic review. Ultimately, the projection of the strategic planning provides the company with the full ability to proceed with the project and adapting to the challenges that will lie ahead.
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    A otimização do processo produtivo de uma indústria de panificação em Belém do Pará por meio da aplicação de ferramentas da qualidade
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-11-30) Santos, Ana Carolina Cardoso; Bastos, Gabriel Fonseca; Barbosa, Luiza Pinto; Thomaz, Marcela Yamada de Pinho; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;; Neves, Leonardo Araujo;
    Quality tools play a crucial role in the search for operational excellence, helping companies identify bottlenecks and implement a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring customer satisfaction and seeking competitiveness in the market. Therefore, the present work carried out a case study in the Pangostoso bakery industry, which had as its general objective the optimization of the sliced bread manufacturing process. When identifying disorganization problems in the production area, large amounts of waste on the floor and errors in the shipping stage, the quality tools PDCA Cycle, Ishikawa Diagram, Check Sheet, 5'S and Flowchart were applied. From this, it was possible to analyze the root causes of the problems, develop the action plan, verify the results and standardize the improvements implemented. The implementation of the first three senses of quality made it possible to obtain positive results, with a 37.5% reduction in errors during the shipping stage, indicating a significant optimization in this critical aspect of the process. Furthermore, through the comparison of photographic records, it was possible to identify cleaner, more organized and efficient environments. Therefore, the use of quality tools not only provided process optimization, but greater operational efficiency and waste reduction, as well as the creation of a comfortable working environment in good conditions for employees.
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    Gerenciamento da qualidade: proposta de um manual da qualidade em uma loja de donut
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022-06-17) Silva, João Gabriel Raiol da; Araújo, Andrea Cristina Marques de;; Freitas, Felipe Fonseca Tavares de;
    The present study is carried out in a donut factory located in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the state of Pará. This work has as its central focus the analysis of internal processes and the identification of the company's problems with the intention of proposing improvements. So, it intends to reach a higher level of efficiency and organization of the processes, aiming at an increase in the level of service. For that, this case makes use of quality tools and project management, which serve as support for the project's realization.
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    Aplicação mobile para acadêmicos do ensino superior
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2017-12-14) Lobo, Bárbara Ramos; Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do;; Brito, Itamar Jorge Vilhena de;; Mendonça, Eudes Danilo da Silva;
    The objective of this project is to develop a mobile application for high school academics that works like an academic diary, providing an appropriate environment to record their student’s activities, which has two options to perform the task storage and can be done by text notes or images, besides others applications. Different schooling levels users can also use the application. It is a hybrid application that runs on Android and IOS platforms or can be accessed with a web browser. This article used as main technologies Ionic Framework and Google Firebase database to build multiplatform services.
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    Virtualização do Evolved Packet Core
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2017-12-13) Souza, Rodrigo Formigosa Lima Pena de; Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos;; Brito, Itamar Jorge Vilhena de;; Souza, Paulo Tadeu Resque de;
    This monograph discusses the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) virtualization, addressing the 4G architecture and detailing the EPC network functions. The EPC is the 4G core network, and its virtualization consists of decoupling the hardware and software used in the network nodes by implementing standard datacenters that run virtual machines to perform the network functions. Virtualization is of great value to mobile operators, providing many technical and financial advantages. Among them, a more flexible network, which will respond to market demand more quickly with low costs, lower equipment operation costs and the introduction of new services in a simpler way. EPC virtualization is critical for mobile operators, representing the first moment of the core network evolution towards 5G. However, the implementation of this network function also represents a series of challenges until operators can fully enjoy the promised benefits.
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    A importância do planejamento e controle da produção: estudo de caso em uma indústria de açaí
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Garrido, Toléu Rodrigues Coelho; Mendes, Vinícius Gemaque; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;
    The companies are inserted in a highly competitive and volatile market, and in order to establish themselves and obtain a competitive advantage over competitors, they must to take advantage of modern management tools that allow decision-making to be strategic and beneficial to their operations. Therefore, Production Planning and Control is an important tool to support business decision-making. Through a case study in an açaí processing company located in the city of Castanhal-PA, the study aimed to demonstrate the importance and benefits of applying the techniques and tools of Planning and Production Control (PCP) in the studied company. It was concluded that through the use of information from the PCP and the results of the case sudy, the company made the correct decisions in relation to the investments made during the years of operation, as well as reaching an excellent percentage of productive efficiency.
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    Proposta de melhoria do desempenho no processo produtivo de uma empresa do ramo têxtil por meio da aplicação do MASP
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Batista, Davi José Rodrigues; Barbosa, Lucas do Monte; Silva Junior, Carlos Gilberto Vieira da;; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;
    The Problem Analysis and Solution Method (MASP) and the PDCA are two highly regarded methodologies in quality management. Both the MASP and the PDCA aim at fostering continuous improvement in organizations, which makes them essential within the competitive market scenario. The objective of this work is to identify the causes and propose possible solutions to the problems faced by the company MLX UNIFORMES INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO located in Ananindeua/PA, using MASP and Quality Tools, aiming at making the company more competitive, and increase the customers' perception of quality. An investigative research will be carried out in order to identify and diagnose problems in advance based on bibliographical references and documents collected in the company that will serve as a basis for the conclusion of the course work in the company. Afterwards, the first three steps of the MASP will be followed, along with quality tools and brainstorming for decision-making, until the fourth step and proposal of the action plan through 5W1H to put into practice the proposed solutions aiming at improving the quality of the product, greater efficiency in the production line and, consequently, cost reduction.
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    Utilização das metodologias e ferramentas de gerenciamento de processos em uma pequena empresa de doces
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Rodrigues, Pedro Lucas de Noronha; Mutran, Victoria Morgado;; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;
    The sweets and confectionery market is expanding even in the middle of the last year of 2020 due to the new coronavirus pandemic. It should be noted that the mix of products offered is extensive in this sector and its entry barrier is not so high. With that, the appearance of small companies in the production of homemade cakes increased. The present work is focused on developing a case study in a local enterprise in the cake making segment, in order to identify problems in its processes and propose solutions, making the flow of information and activities more efficient and reducing the gaps found. The methodologies and tools used to improve the management of processes and gains in management were the mapping of macro processes, the creation of the process letter, flowcharts and a SOP (for purchases Standard Operating Procedures). The application of the study resulted in a flow of more efficient activities in purchasing, production and sales operations, in addition to the reduction of waste and rework.
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    Práticas de gestão do conhecimento em engenharia de produção: uma análise descritivo – analítica sobre o grau de contribuição ao ganho de produtividade em uma empresa têxtil na cidade de Ananindeua – Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-12-16) Leal Neto, Paulo Ponte Souza Borges; Noronha, Hélen Lopes;; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;; Mendes, Marcelo Pinto da Costa;
    The knowledge management in the business environment seeks to optimize tasks and organize demands that only through a correct analysis methodology and coherent application can achieve projected internal goals. This present work had the objective of putting together an applicational planning of knowledge management tools, as na object of study in production engineering, which can improve the productivity of a textile industry, only possible from an analysis of the main critical points in need of improvement. To this end, the methodology used was the application of a questionnaire to collect the data considered important, together with “in loco” surveys to monitor activities, allowing for greater precision and depth. In addition to planning, other results were also observed, such as the mapping of the main internal processes, the understanding of knowledge management in the activities already practiced in the company, the division of spheres covered by category of such activities and results capable of proposing future research on the pursuit of planning.
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    Elaboração de um planejamento estratégico para uma empresa no setor de paisagismo em Belém - PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-12-17) Nonato, Emanuel Rodrigues; Santos, Lorena Ferreira Fiock dos; Oliveira, Fransuze dos Santos; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;
    Planning strategically is a process seen as vital for all types of companies, whether small, medium or large. Thus, the present work, in addition to applying the necessary tools to plan strategically, from a financial point of view, seeks to emphasize the importance of preparing this planning. A case study was carried out based on bibliographical research about the general theme of the work, market scenario and tools, with a qualitative methodology. This research presents the elaboration of a strategic financial planning in a landscaping company located in Belém, metropolitan city of the State of Pará. Finally, it was shown that strategic planning can be used as a strategic tool to make the company more competitive, so that all efforts are directed towards her real need. Thus, the study below exemplifies this point in the company in question, bringing suggestions for improvements and an action plan to be taken so that it fulfills its mission.
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    Robô comprador – automatização de emissão de pedidos de compras através de RPA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-07-01) Vieira, Fernanda Pinheiro de Menezes; Nascimento, Polyana Santos Fonseca;; Araújo, Andrea Cristina Marques de;
    The procurement department, an integral part of Supply Chain Management, plays an importante role in both the financial and operational results of the companies. Despite the relevance, there are still many operational tasks and repetitive activities in these department, with high volume vs. low financial impact. After an analysis of the purchasing department of a multinational mining company with a branch in the State of Pará, a high volume of material purchase orders was identified with a value of up to 20,000 reais (limit considered low risk for the company, where the buyer needs only 01 proposal for issuing a purchase order) - 86% of the total quantity, with low financial representation - 19% of the total amount. Thus, this study proposes to develop and apply RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to automate the issuance of purchase orders for material from the selected company with a value of up to 20,000 reais. RPA has gained prominence as a software that allows the automation of routine, standardized and highvolume processes, allowing the labor previously allocated to these processes to be reallocated to more strategic activities, increasing the performance of companies with possible improvement in the engagement of teams involved. The main results of the study was a detailed description of steps for the RPA implementation in the purchasing department, a revised flowchart and purchasing procedure - as well as the main expected results of the application. Future work is suggested after collected the results from the implementation, once the project has been fully delivered.
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    Aplicação da metodologia 5S em gestão de estoques para melhoria e controle de suprimentos: estudo de caso em uma distribuidora de material de limpeza em Ananindeua – PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-12-17) Salomão, Dirceu Pinto Marques; Silva, Rafael Alves da; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;; Mutran, Victoria Morgado;
    This case study seeks to analyze the effects of implementing the 5S methodology in a small distributor of cleaning products, located in Belém - PA, in order to reduce the problems found in the control stocks. The assumption is that the application of this methodology can optimize storage, avoid waste of time, raw materials and financial resources, which would increase the profitability of the company. The 5S methodology is based on five steps to improve the functioning of a company: sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. Nowadays, this methodology has been well disseminated in the market and has demonstrated to be a reliable option for organizational problems, especially in sectors such as warehouses. The research was conducted with the participation of the company's employees, and it had a total duration of five months. As means of data collection, the following resources were used: interviews, observation, on-site visits, and a form created for the follow-up of the proposed activities. After the implementation, it was possible to observe the team's acceptance to perform the new actions; the gain of space, due to the organization of the material; improvement in cleaning; less product losses, due to damage or expiration date; and less time spent searching for the items. In summary, the listed results indicate that the 5S Methodology configures itself as an efficient alternative to mitigate problems such as those faced by the company analyzed.
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    Plano de negócios: um estudo de viabilidade para abertura de um restaurante na cidade de Viseu-PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Oliveira, João Paulo Raiol; Araújo, Tatiana Maíra Thomaz;; Patrício, Júlio Cezar dos Santos;
    The business plan presents itself as a fundamental tool for business planning, as it provides the entrepreneur with a detailed view of the important points of the enterprise. This study has as main objective to present a business plan for opening a Restaurant in the city of Viseu-Pará. To this end, market research was carried out, preparation of marketing, operational and financial plans. The research methodology was divided into application of quantitative and qualitative questionnaires with potential customers and semi-structured interviews with competitors. The results achieved indifferent that there is a demand for services similar to what will be delivered by the proposed restaurant Remanso do Gurupi in the city, in addition, the financial indicators indefinitely calculated the feasibility for opening the business, with a term of approximately 5 (five) months for return on invested capital.
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    Proposta de aplicação da manutenção centrada em confiabilidade em uma metalúrgica
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Costa, Rodrigo de Souza; Azevedo, Thayane Nascimento de; Mendes, Marcelo Pinto da Costa;; Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha;; Patrício, Júlio Cezar dos Santos;
    Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a methodology used to ensure that all components of an asset or operating system have their functions preserved, their condition of safe use, quality, economy, and performance without degrading the environment. This paper aims to propose the implementation of RCM on critical machine Casting items in the metallurgical foundry sector, in order to mitigate failure modes and increase process reliability. The stages of the present study were organized into: (i) data collection from the first half of 2018 and 2019 in daily production and shutdown reports; (ii) monitoring and filtering of information; (iii) determination of the object of study; (iv) description of the casting process; (v) investigation into machine mold subsets; (vi) determination of the target subset; (vii) observation on site; (viii) construction and analysis of FMEA; (ix) calculations of MTBF, MTTR, Availability, Failure Rate, Probability and Reliability of equipment indices and (x) proposal of an effective and efficient maintenance plan. In this way, it was proved that the machine 2 under study presented in both years the largest number of stopping events in the stacking subset, having as one of the main causes the speed of the machine operation and mismatch in the proximity sensor related to lack of proper inspections and preventive maintenance. The maintenance plan proposed by Reliability Centered Maintenance aims to increase machine reliability and productivity and assist the foundry industry in decision making.