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    O uso do colete ajustável de baixo custo no manejo da dor e correção postural em trabalhadoras domésticas – Protótipo
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Souza, Luciane Gisele Olimpio de; Sampaio, Thais Lavareda; Braga, Sidney de Assis da Serra; Martins, Rômulo Cardoso;;
    Work activities always generate a lot of physical efforts from human beings, at the risk of causing wear and tear and low performance in productive capacity, compromising the quality of life, and often this illness is silent. This situation is often found in domestic workers. In view of this, physical therapy intervention is necessary in order to act on postural and pain control, which favors the improvement of quality of life. Propose the manufacture of a low-cost adjustable brace that assists in pain management and postural correction in domestic workers. This is a study that proposed the construction of a prototype of a low-cost adjustable brace that helps in pain management and postural correction in domestic workers. To substantiate this, bibliographic searches were carried out in the following electronic databases: PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS, PEDro. Subsequently, a low-cost orthosis was designed in such a way that ergonomically encompassing the spine from the cervical to the lumbar. A total of 42 literatures were found, 23 of which were used between 1990 and 2022, mostly in a foreign language, displaying publications related to the use of orthoses, some, however, with a low level of scientific evidence. The product resulted in a material applied to the body, closing the main Velcro on the abdomen, and adjustments in the height of the braces. Finishing with the compression adjustments according to the worker's indications, making it comfortable to the body so as not to disturb the participant's daily activities. The adjustable brace is an accessory designed to provide spine support according to the individual's day-to-day tasks, which will act to prevent injuries, which can reduce the contraction of the trunk muscles during daily activities, reducing muscle fatigue and pain. Although there is insufficient, methodological deficiencies and inconsistent studies on the study of the spinal orthosis, studies based on recent systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that the long-term use of the orthosis does not cause detrimental effects on the individual's muscle mass and strength. The low-cost prototype developed offers a good distribution of muscle strength, being able to avoid efforts that exceed the limit of the spine. It is necessary to follow-up, expand and deepen the study in order to determine the most relevant results of the use of the orthosis.
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    Fatores associados à síndrome locomotora em idosos da comunidade de Belém/PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Charone, Giovanna Cardoso; Assis, Beatriz Samara Silva de; Silva, Joelle Freitas da; Lopes, Geovanna Lemos;
    To investigate the factors associated with Locomotor Syndrome (LS) in elderly people in the community of Belém-PA. This is an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, carried out in Belém do Pará - Brazil, at the Municipal Health Unit (UMS) in Marambaia. Data collection took place from August to October 2022, applying a research protocol with sociodemographic and clinical exposure variables, application of the lower limb function test, Romberg balance test and the Geriatric Locomotor Function Scale of 25 Items. 64 elderly people were studied, and 21.78% of the participants had LS, with a predominance of females. LS was associated with balance alteration, with a 16 times greater risk of LS observation in elderly people with static imbalance. The present study found a higher prevalence of LS in females and noted that the change in balance in the elderly showedan important relationship with the locomotor dysfunction studied.
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    Proposta de manual de exercicios para autoconhecimento e conscientização do assoalho pélvico de adultas jovens
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Favacho, Flávia Thais Rocha; Pinto, Letícia Laeme Einstein dos Santos; Mélo, Flávia Maria Lessa;; Duarte, Natália de Souza;; Macêdo, Rafaela Cordeiro de;
    The importance of exercise of pelvic floor since young age still is unknown by mostly of women and the main cause is the ignorance of the importance of this region. Pelvic musculature is essencial to keep the funcionality of main organs, like urinary bladder and anus, and its weakening may cause a lot of negative factors, such as organs prolapses and sexual dysfunctions. Some factors facilitate this weakening, such as pregnancy, obesity, normal birth and collagen deficiency. With a strong pelvic floor, despite the factors cited, chances of occurring adversities reduce drastically. Therefore, is ressalted the importance of young women get self-knowledge and understand their pelvic floors. This study’s objective is to elaborate a physiotherapeutic plan proposal of exercises based on mostly common alterations and complaints of women with pelvic floor disfunctions, which fundamented on literature, using electronic databases: PUBMED (Public Medline or Publisher Medline), SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) e LILACS. Results apresented and discussed on this study are relationed to physiotherapeutic conduct and management dealing with pelvic floor muscles.
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    Atuação da fisioterapia nas disfunções sexuais no climatério
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Malcher, Evelly Lays Santos; Pimentel, Jessyca de Cássia Gomes; Macêdo, Rafaela Cordeiro de;
    Climacteric is one of the cicles of women’s life, bringing a lot of physiological alterations on women’s body, being very often confused with menopause. The symptoms are very similar, such as heat waves and the weakening of the muscles of pelvic floor which, on other hand, could take to a sexual dysfunction, causing big troubles on women’s life. Literary search on website, using webpages Scielo, Lylacs, BVMS, PsycINFO and Medline and counted with inclusion and exclusion criteria, showing nine articles. Results showed upgrades on quality of life and sexual function question on women with physioterapetical exercises, with emphasis on kinesiotherapy, pilates and electrostimulation. Physiotherapy’s intervention is extremely necessary on climacteric, to prevent or treat the weakening of muscles of pelvic floor, which can bring sexual dysfunctions.
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    Responsabilidade social acadêmica frente às dificuldades na aprendizagem e alterações no comportamento: Relato de experiência
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Ferreira, Camila de Morais; Bessa, Ana Carolina Ferreira; Corrêa, Raissa Maria Botelho; Boulhosa, Fabiano José da Silva; Alcântara, Rita Cristina Cotta;; Teixeira, Renato da Costa;;
    Report how the educational community deals with students who exhibit behavioral changes and learning difficulties. It is a descriptive study in the form of an experiential report, based on the experiences and observations of students in the undergraduate Physiotherapy program at the Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (CESUPA) in Belém-PA. It was found that the introduction of active methods and practical classes contributes positively to various aspects of development, but it is also found that it evokes various emotions and pre-existing symptoms; students develop socioemotional attitudes and the teacher's focus beyond that of a formal relationship is vital to recognizing their potential and needs. Finally, the importance of SAE and the involvement of the family in the institution was also delineated. Furthermore, the presence of students with behavioral changes and learning difficulties within the university requires changes and adaptations within the institution. This is to ensure that their academic performance is not affected, and to target academic social responsibility in addition to working with ethical principles to foster academic development.
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    Avaliação termográfica em um atleta amador de futebol americano com desconforto musculoesquelético na cidade de Belém-Pará-Brasil: estudo de caso
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Freitas, Andrey Bruno Cordeiro; Acioli, Carlos Alberto Lima; Oliveira, Wellington Pinheiro de; Motta, Rafael Araujo;; Sousa, Ayda Tieko Ajisaka;;
    American football is a sport with high contact and effort, which can lead to several complaints of pain and musculoskeletal discomfort. Thermographic evaluation has the ability to detect the increase in temperature presented by the injured anatomical areas. A case report, with a quantitative approach, of the evaluation of an American football player from the Remo Lions team in the city of Belém, PA, Brazil. The study was monitored by collecting the adapted MIR-Q monitor, numerical pain assessment scale (Dor RNS) and capturing images using the FLIR C3-X compact thermographic camera. The athlete reported that he trained at the club for 1 year, practices the sport 9 hours a week, after completing the class, being reported on the RNS pain scale grade 5 in the lumbar region and shoulder, heavily, with a feeling of pressure and intermittent. In the thermographic capture of the athlete only in the evaluation of the posterior region, in the ankle region, a temperature difference of 1.0°C was verified, suggesting a risk of injury with significant potential. The case report described shows an evaluation method that has been gaining ground in the identification of musculoskeletal disorders in athletes and presents reflections that can help health professionals in the quantitative diagnosis.
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    Perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de crianças com duplo diagnóstico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA)
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Serra, Ana Clara Lima; Oliveira, Emanuelle Mayane do Nascimento; Paes, Lívia Moreira; Lima, Allan Mateus da Silva; Alfaia, Diego Mansur; Rocha, Larissa Salgado de Oliveira; Araújo, Matheus Sodré de
    To trace the sociodemographic and clinical profile of children with dual diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study with a quantitative approach, based on the information present in the medical records of children between 3 and 14 years old of both genders diagnosed with ADHD and ASD attended at the Service of Attention in Rehabilitation (SABER) located in Belém do Pará. Most of the sample was composed of participants between 7-10 years (63.4%), male (78%), maternal age (43.9%) within the risk margin for diagnosis (> 35 years). Significant results were observed for Paternal age (p=0.035), type of delivery (p=0.034) and follow-up time (p=0.029) when related to patient gender. No relevance was found between clinical characteristics and family income (p>0.05). The study showed the association between the sociodemographic and clinical profile, which was higher in full-term male children who had a late diagnosis for the pathologies and with risk factors related to the age of the parents over 35 years.
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    Influência da gameterapia na intensidade da dor e seus impactos na qualidade de vida e equilíbrio em pacientes com neuropatia diabética
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Lima, Allan Mateus da Silva; Alfaia, Diego Mansur; Serra, Ana Clara Lima; Oliveira, Emanuelle Mayane do Nascimento; Paes, Lívia Moreira; Rocha, Larissa Salgado de Oliveira; Araújo, Matheus Sodré de
    To evaluate the influence of gametherapy on pain intensity, balance and quality of life in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Methods: 4 volunteers, with a diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy aged 60.5 ± 7.50 years, underwent treatment with gametherapy for 24 sessions, 3x/week for 50 minutes and evaluated pre and post intervention by the questionnaire for pain screening. neuropathic pain (DN4) and numerical pain scale, Tinetti scale, Romberg test, Timed Up and Go (TUG), and quality of life by Neuropathy-Specific Quality of Life (NeuroQol). Higher mean values were observed after treatment for the Romberg OA and OF test (p<0.001 and p=0.016), respectively, Tinetti balance scale (p=0.003) and quality of life (p<0.001) when compared pre-treatment, as well as lower values for pain by NDT (p=0.007) and for TUG (p=0.007). In the present study, gametherapy proved to be effective in improving the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, regarding pain and balance, thus contributing to improve the quality of life of these patients, since it acts directly on functional, physical and psychological issues.
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    A influência da queimadura de tórax nas funções pulmonares – uma revisão de literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Cardoso, Lorena Brito; Santos, Gabriela Godinho Bernardes Arnaud dos; Lima, Gabriela Martins de;
    Search the literature for the influence of chest burns on the respiratory system, in order to know the possible repercussions on lung function. This study was based on a literature search using the MEDLINE, PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases, characterized as a descriptive literature review, using original articles published from January 2015 to May 2021. The search in the databases took place from April to May 2021, following 6 steps: elaboration of the guiding question, search or sampling in the literature, data collection, critical analysis of the included studies, discussion of the results and presentation of the review. Fifty-eight articles were found related to the proposed topic and within the inclusion criteria, among these only 11 articles addressed the pulmonary complications resulting from burns and the need for ventilatory support. In the studies analyzed, the main complications found were pneumonia and respiratory failure, all patients who had some type of pulmonary complication required ventilatory support. In addition, it could be observed that the use of occlusive dressings on the chest directly influenced lung functions, decreasing the strength of the respiratory muscles, changing respiratory pressures, volumes and capacities.
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    O uso da reflexologia podal no controle de dores musculoesqueléticas em bailarinas clássicas
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Santos, Gabriela Godinho Bernardes Arnaud dos; Neri, Yasmim Rabelo; Alcântara, Rita Cristina Cotta; Almeida, Pedro Savio Macedo de;;
    To analyze the effects of foot reflexology in the control of musculoskeletal pain in classical dancers. It had a total sample of 9 participants divided into 3 different groups of treatment: 1- foot reflexology, 2- conventional kinesiotherapy and 3- foot reflexology and conventional kinesiotherapy. It was performed 10 sessions, being 3 sessions per week of 50 minutes each. The group with the association of the 2 treatment techniques obtained the best result when compared to the averages of the variables, presenting the greatest drop in pain score, however the group returned with an increase in pain intensity after 30 days. Moreover, it was possible to observe that the most recurrent age group presenting symptoms was 19 to 23 years old, and low back pain was the most frequent complaint. It is important to continue the physiotherapeutic monitoring and insert foot reflexology with kinesiotherapy in the monitoring, providing thesedancers with several benefits that may prevent future absences from training and stages.
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    O impacto da fisioterapia em pacientes oncológicos com constipação intestinal medicamentosa na Amazônia: uma proposta de manual fisioterapêutico
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Silva, Noemy de Oliveira e; Almeida, Rita de Kássia da Silva; Macêdo, Rafaela Cordeiro de;
    Cancer is a set of more than 100 diseases, characterized by a disorderly, rapid and aggressive proliferation of defective cells, which invade adjacent structures and distant organs. Among the symptoms reported by these patients, pain is one of the most frequent, thus, opioids are the most used drugs to control moderate to severe pain. However, its use is limited due to adverse effects, in which constipation stands out, capable of manifesting itself after the 1st dose due to increased anal sphincter tone, fluid reabsorption and reduced motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the treatment of intestinal constipation involves pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies. With regard to physical therapy treatment, different techniques can be used, such as abdominal massage, hypopressive abdominal gymnastics, exercises to strengthen the pelvic pelvic, diaphragmatic breathing, isometric contraction of the abdominal muscles, intracavitary electrical stimulation, among others. The aim of this study is to develop a proposal for a physical therapy protocol for the treatment of drug-induced intestinal constipation in cancer patients. This study is about the creation of a physical therapy protocol for the management of intestinal drug constipation in cancer patients, which is fundamental in the literature, using as electronic databases LILACS, SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), PUBMED (Public Medline or Medline Editor), PEDro (physiotherapy evidence database). The results and discussion are related to physical therapy resources aimed at the management of intestinal constipation not only in drug-induced cancer patients, since, in the literature, studies evaluating the effectiveness of physical therapy management in this public are still scarce. Finally, intestinal constipation as a result of cancer treatment must be prevented and treated early through medications, such as laxatives, and nonpharmacological approaches, such as nutritional guidelines and the physical therapy approach. In view of the above data, it was observed in the literature that physical therapy approaches can be an effective resource to improve the health condition of patients with intestinal constipation caused by the adverse effects of oncological interventions, but more studies on the subject should be carried out.
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    A influência do posicionamento terapêutico nos parâmetros fisiológicos de prematuros sob oxigenioterapia em uma Unidade Neonatal
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Neri, Noádia Ribeiro; Silva, Priscila Samara Garcia Moraes; Luz, Walbert Jemison Pompeu da; Santos, Renato Caldas dos; Guimarães, André Gustavo Moura;; Blois, Luana Valéria dos Santos;;
    The Neonatal Unit (UN) has advanced hospital technological resources, intending to provide adequate support and specialized therapeutic treatment in cases of high complexity of Newborns (NBs) who need intensive and/or semi-intensive care. The objective was to analyze variations in the physiological parameters of newborns according to each position to which they were submitted. An unblinded randomized clinical trial was carried out with a random selection of 30 preterm infants, comprising the 1st to 29th day of life with a gestational age less than 37 weeks, of both genders, clinically stable, who were under oxygen therapy, according to with bed admission at the Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit (NICU-A) (A1 and A2) of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Foundation of Pará (FSCMPA). They were divided into 3 groups: Prone, Left Lateral Decubitus (LLD), and Right Lateral Decubitus (RLD) and positioned in the nest, where data were collected in a proper form, lasting 30 minutes for each positioning, 10 minutes before, during, and after the maneuvers. When analyzing the data, a significant difference was observed in SpO2 through the Prone positioning, but when compared with the other positions through Tukey's Post-Hoc test, it did not present statistical significance (pvalue <0.0001). It was found that the Prono positioning provides an improvement in SPO2 when compared to other positions, however, more research is needed with a larger number of samples focused on these positions, to prove the importance of changes in decubitus in PTNBs, favoring their neuropsychomotor development.
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    A eficácia da hidroterapia no controle da dor durante o parto normal: uma revisão de literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Pinto, Natasha Pereira Campozana; Queiroz, Diane Elen Damasceno; Ribeiro, Vinicius de França Silva; Oliveira, Wellington Pinheiro de; Carvalho, Valéria Conceição Passos de;;
    In the search to minimize pain in labor, non-pharmacological methods arise. The hot bath is a technique of great acceptance and applicability, being used in two ways, spraying or immersion. To describe the effectiveness of hydrotherapy through hot baths to reduce pain in women in labor. Literature review on the effectiveness of hydrotherapy in pain control during childbirth. A survey was used in the Medline, Pubmed, Lilacs and Scielo databases, with publications between 2010 and 2020 in English or Portuguese. After consideration, 12 relevant studies were selected on the subject, which pointed out that the hot bath showed a significant difference in pain control, promotes neurohormonal change, stimulates dilation, reducing the duration of delivery, reduces stress and anxiety, thus like, it is the technique of greatest preference and satisfaction. The hot bath proved to be an effective, applicable and widely accepted technique for pain relief during vaginal delivery.
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    O uso da auriculoterapia no controle da ansiedade em estudantes pré-vestibulandos: protocolo terapêutico
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Almeida, Layane Lima de; Araújo, Victória Nascimento Martins; Azevedo, Marineuza Jardim; Duarte, Luiz Augusto Costa;;
    As a result of the entrance process to higher education, pre-university students have developed problems such as stress and anxiety, thus resulting in decreased sleep quality and their learning performance. Auriculotherapy is a technique with practical application, low cost, safe, non-invasive and with greater patient adherence to the proposed treatment, mainly due to its immediate and prolonged effect, and can be used as a treatment for anxiety, due to its potential for promote physical and mental well-being and consequently promote better quality of life. To establish na auriculotherapy care protocol for anxiety control in preuniversity entrance exam students. The protocol was elaborated from nine scientific articles, having as descriptors "anxiety", "auriculotherapy", "protocol" and "student", being found through literary researches in the electronic databases of PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS and Academic Google. Taking into account scientific studies, the proposed protocol aims at the application of Shenmen ear points, heart, kidney, liver, lung, brainstem, neurasthenia and anxiety, with 20 appointments, twice a week. Auriculotherapy has been gaining expression in the face of the growing production of scientific evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of auriculotherapy for various health conditions. WHO recognizes Auriculotherapy as a microacupuncture system that can have a positive impact on the regulation of whole body function, and its therapeutic effect has been investigated in a wide range of health problems in eastern and western countries. Auricular stimulation with seeds, being safer and non-invasive, is widespread worldwide, with surprising results, from 59% to 78%, in reducing anxiety symptoms. This variation in anxiety reduction is largely due to the points that will be stimulated or even the amount of care and its frequency itself. Thus, the protocol idealized by this study was based on the fusion of ear points, respecting the energy functions linked to the Zang-Fu theory and its benefits in combating emotional disorders. It was observed that auriculotherapy is an effective method to control anxiety and consequently to improve quality of life, however, there is a lack of research on auriculotherapy to control anxiety in pre-university students, therefore it is important to promote a greater production of scientific articles aimed at this audience.
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    Efeito de um protocolo de fisioterapia sobre a funcionalidade em crianças com pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica invasiva
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Silva, Joellem Costa da; Matos, Victória Gabriela de Carvalho; Rocha, Larissa Salgado de Oliveira; Rocha, Rodrigo Santiago Barbosa;
    Immobility is a constant problem in patients undergoing treatment with Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (IMV), contributing to a longer hospital stay, causing muscle weakness, physical deconditioning, loss of muscle mass and delayed functional recovery. Early mobilization is seen as a source of prevention complications of immobilization and assisting in sensorimotor stimulation. To investigate the effects of a physical therapy rehabilitation protocol based on an early mobilization protocol and length of hospital stay in children with ventilator-associated pneumonia. The research was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Foundation of Pará (FSCMP) in 40 children of both genders from 4 to 9 years of age with Pneumonia associated with IMV, submitted to a protocol of early mobilization and evaluated in the pre, second, fifth day and post-treatment using the Functional Status scale and PRISM III. The Shapiro Wilk test was used, followed by the binomial test, Manova test and the post hocde Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05). There was an improvement in the mean value in the final PRISM III when compared to pre-treatment (p=0.000). For the FSS scale, the general score and most of its variables showed significant mean values between all periods of analysis (p=0.00), that showed no statistical difference (p>0.05). The early mobilization protocol proposed in the study in pediatric patients admitted to the ICU under IMV showed an improvement in functionality and in the mortality rate.
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    Abordagem da fisioterapia aquática na dor, flexibilidade, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes com espondilite anquilosante
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Matos, Jennifer da Silva; Barbosa, Anne Karolyne Loureiro; Freitas, Wiviane Maria Torres de Matos; Braga, Sidney de Assis da Serra;;
    Ankylosing Spondylitis (AE) is a chronic rheumatic disease capable of generating severe physical and functional impairments. Therefore, the article aimed to analyze the performance of Aquatic Physical Therapy in patients with AS in the face of pain, functionality, physical capacity, thoracic expandability and morning stiffness. This is an original article of quantitative character and clinical intervention, with a sample of three participants. An evaluation and reassessment was performed using its own form, containing sociodemographic and clinical variables, as well as the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Spondylitis Functionality Index (BASFI - adapted), Quality of Life Questionnaire (SF36), mobility tests and flexibility testing. Theresearch was divided into stages, the first with the objective of reducing pain and stiffness; the second benefited the decrease in fatigue and mobility gain; the 3rd contributed to the increase in muscle strength. The results found after the intervention were significant, there was a reduction in pain in all patients, improvement in physical and functional capacity, significant increase in flexibility (average: >5), mobility (average: >4), and quality of life of the participants. Finally, we highlight the importance of the comprehensive look on the part of professionals and the need for centralized care in these patients, due to the lack of guidance for individuals with Ankylosing Spondylitis, as well as the scarcity of scientific evidence that addresses the physiotherapeutic treatments aimed at these patients.
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    Coronavírus interfere na qualidade de vida e ansiedade na Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Torres, Eduarda Vieira; Oliveira, Silvia Maria Sobral; Pereira, Carolina Veiga; Rocha, Larissa Salgado de Oliveira; Sobral, Luciane Lobato;; Rocha, Rodrigo Santiago Barbosa;
    On Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) the degeneration of motor neurons causes, due to the interference of nerve impulses transmission, the functionality commitment and consequently the individuals’ quality of life (QF). Although, on the COVID-19 pandemic context cause by social isolation, there was the reinforcement of these functional disorders raising to detrimental psychological conditions like anxiety associated with QF. To assess if the social isolation due to COVID-19, affected the axiety and QF levels on patients with ALS. Eighteen individuals with average age of 46,72 ± 14,09 years old, and average diagnosis time of ALS of 2,8 ±1,75 years, were assessed using the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ-40/BR), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) and clinic-epidemiological questionnaires. Descriptive analysis, Shapiro Wilk test and Pearson’s correlation were used. On MMSE the individuals got average score of 27,33±1,90. It was observed in ALSAQ-40/BR decreased QF (70,03 ± 23,17) and on HAM-A scale 50% of the individuals showed anxiety. However, there was no significant correlation between HAM-A and ALSAQ40/BR (p=0,07). On this study, both questionnaires indicated a decreasing in QF and anxiety presence on the individual with ALS during the COVID-19 pandemic period, even though no correlation among the analyzed objects was found. It is indicated the monitoring during interval periods to define the damages from social isolation and by attendance therapy restriction as physical therapy to preserve the QF.
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    Atuação da fisioterapia em pacientes queimados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva em um hospital de referência na região amazônica
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Holanda, Beatriz Leão de; Lima, Cleiciany Pedreira; Freitas, Izabella Mafra; Costa, Leonardo Ramos Nicolau da; Lima, Gabriela Martins de;; Maria, Ellen do Socorro Cruz de;;
    Describe the profile and the outcome of burn patients, as well as the role of physiotherapy in the Intensive Care Unit of a Burn Treatment Centre. A descriptive, retrospective and quantitative study developed at the SAME of the HMUE. Medical records of patients admitted to the CTQ's ICU from 2019 to 2020 were analyzed. Individuals over 18 years of age with progression or not to death were included, from the city of Belém, metropolitan region and interior of the state of Pará. We analyzed 58 medical records of patients, mostly male (81%), aged between 18 and 28 (27.59%), from the interior of the State of Pará (75.86%). The thermal agent was the main cause (52%) and the occupational environment was the location of the occurrences (64%). There was a prevalence of second-degree burns (43%), major burns (60%) and no inhalation injury (91.40%). All underwent motor and respiratory physiotherapy, 84.48% required ventilatory support and among them, 75.51% required IMV. Most patients remained from 1 to 10 days (75.86%) in the ICU and most were discharged from the sector. From knowledge inherent to the profile of critically ill patients and the pathophysiology of burns, the physiotherapist in an Intensive Care Unit for burn patients seeks to act according to the clinical and hemodynamic presentation of the patient, being able to reduce the length of stay in the sector.
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    Principais tratamentos fisioterapêuticos na disfunção temporomandibular: uma revisão integrativa
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Brito, Arnoldo Aguiar; Morais, Arthur Thiago Nunes de; Oliveira, Wellington Pinheiro de; Lira, Soanne Chyara Soares;;
    The present study, aimed to gather cientific evidences about the phisical therapy resourses used in Temporomandibular Disfunction (TMD). Integrative review carried out following the stages for development proposed by Souza14: 1- Elaboration of the guiding question, 2- Research in literature, 3- Definition of information to be extracted from the selected studies, 4- Critcal analysis of the included studies, 5- Analysis, synthesis e presentation of the results. The research was realized in three different databases, Pubmed, LILACS and Scielo, from april 2013, in portuguese, english or Spanish, with full access to its contents, which adressed the phisycal therapy treatment in TMD, that resulted in four hundred and forty-eight (n=448) studies. After this pre-selection, three round were carried out to choose the articles that would be selected to compose the review: Duplicate articles were excluded (n=349), articles that did not fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria (n=80), full reading for selection and ratification of studies (n=16). Physiotherapy has several resources, which according to the literature, have proven to be beneficial for the clinical improvement of patients with TMD. However, the physiotherapeutic resource that proved to be the most effective due to its results and scientific relevance in its studies was Manual Therapy. From this, it is believed that further studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of other physical therapy resources in order to generate new scientific evidence on this topic and thus clarify any doubts that may be relevant in this area.
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    Atuação da fisioterapia na Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave em pacientes com COVID-19: uma revisão sistemática
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Souza, André Felipe Gonçalves; Miranda, Blenda Danielly Libdy; Lima, Gabriela Martins de;
    This review seeks to identify the main ways in which physical therapy acts in severe respiratory syndrome in patients with COVID-19. This is a systematic literature review, with selected studies in English and Spanish, covering the years 2019 to 202l. The search was carried out through the scientific databases, PubMed, MEDLINE, SciELO, PEDro and LILACS, with the descriptors phisiotherapy, SRAG, COVID-19. Twentytwo articles were included for analysis, where resources such as early mobilization; electrical stimulation; oxygen therapy; prone position and non-invasive mechanical conditions (NIV) were the most cited. Physiotherapy worked both in the short term, in intensive care, and in the long term, seeking to reduce the time of mechanics and hospital stay, as well as avoiding complications and improving the functionality of patients. During the searches in the articles, although there is a vast collection about the performance of respiratory physiotherapy, there are few studies related to rehabilitation in patients with SARS; there is a need for better studies in this area. Furthermore, there were contradictions regarding the use of Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in patients affected by COVID-19 respiratory complications, a fact that may be directly related to the clinical outcome of these patients.