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    Doença de Alzheimer: nutrientes para a prevenção uma revisão da literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Costa, Bruno Renan Costa da; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a degenerative, progressive and irreversible dementia that gradually compromises the individual's cognitive level and, in the long term, affects the entire organism. aging. It is expected that as the world's population ages, the number of people living with dementia will triple from 50 million to 152 million by 2050. Many studies have shown an important role for nutrients in reducing the risk of dementia and delaying the onset of dementia. cognitive decline. To identify the main nutrients that can help prevent Alzheimer's disease. This study is a literature review, in which a search was carried out in the databases: LILACS, MEDLINE, SCIELO, BIREME and PUBMED, using the terms Alzheimer's disease, food, nutrients, prevention, between years from 2010 to 2022, using as inclusion criteria articles available in full in Portuguese, Spanish or English. 170 references were found in the searched databases, however, only 17 articles were selected, following the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Food in the prevention of Alzheimer's Disease proved to be a somewhat encouraging path. Nutrients such as omega-3, vitamins E, C and complex B have been highlighted when ingested in the recommended amounts.
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    Prevalência de insegurança alimentar em famílias ribeirinhas da comunidade Usina Vitória – Barcarena/PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Baima, Flávia Pinheiro da Silva; Gaspar, Daniela Pinheiro;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;
    Food and Nutritional Security (FNS) is approached from a multidimensional and integrative perspective, being intrinsically related to the promotion of the human right to food. However, riverside communities stand out as groups that face significant challenges in this context. To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with food and nutritional insecurity among families in the Usina Vitória community in Barcarena/PA. This is a quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional study carried out using a socioeconomic and demographic questionnaire and the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA), with 52 families totaling 180 people selected as participants. The prevalence of severe food insecurity was found in 35% of the population examined, and moderate in 29%. In 100% of families with more than five children, as well as in households with more than four people, food insecurity was observed. It was found that 63% of families were headed by women. As for education, primary education predominated with 61%. These results highlight the need for an in-depth analysis of current social, economic and food security policies, with a focus on meeting the needs of people experiencing moderate and severe food insecurity. The majority of the population has a fragile socio-demographic and economic profile, which characterizes the condition of food insecurity, mainly social and economic factors, such as family composition and income of just one minimum wage. The low level of education found also contributes to reducing the chances of better remuneration and professional opportunities. It is necessary to reformulate social programs, increase awareness about financial and nutritional education, as well as promote policies aimed at reducing income inequality. Furthermore, this data can be used to inform decision-making and directing resources to address food insecurity in different population groups.
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    Desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia educativa sobre contagem de carboidratos para pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Souza, Maysa Carvalho Cavalcante de; Marques, Simone do Socorro Fernandes;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;
    This study has the goal to make a bibliographic review about the efficacy of the carbohydrate counting upon the metabolic and glycemic control, elaborate an educational booklet to facilitate and to make flexible the food choices of the diabetic patients, to assist in the disease control and avoid complications. It is an integrated review of the specialized literature with qualitative approach that has been made through indexed articles search at Virtual Health Library with the support of The National Center for Biotechnology Information (Pub Med). The inclusion criteria were the integral gratuitous database since 2017 to 2021. The exclusion criteria were incomplete articles, divergent and ones did not reply the guiding question. In the end, nine scientific articles were taken. The results showed effective metabolic control for who made the carbohydrate counting and improving of the glycemic control with freedom and food choices flexibilization. It is an effective strategy to allow glycemic control, safety and quality of life. The review allowed to accomplish an educative technology by means of a carbohydrate counting booklet to make easy the understanding about the diabetes and simplify food choices day by day. It was concluded that the carbohydrate counting is a proper tool since favors best food choices and a healthy life, for this purpose was made an educational booklet about the understanding of diabetes and healthy eating aiming at learning carbohydrate counting with food group tables.
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    Incentivo ao aleitamento materno: elaboração de uma tecnologia educacional para gestantes
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Morais, Thaissa Ferreira; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos;; Gaspar, Daniela Pinheiro;
    Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is a fundamental measure to protect and promote health. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have made efforts to protect, promote and support EBF, so that mothers can establish and maintain this practice until the recommended period. The work in question had the objective of producing a game-like educational technology for pregnant women, with a view to encouraging EBF. Descriptive, qualitative research, carried out in two stages, initially there was an integrative literature review and then the development of the game entitled “Amor de Peito”. From the synthesis of scientific evidence it was possible to identify the factors that lead to early weaning, which were: the use of bottles and pacifiers, breast complications, return to work or studies, early food introduction, low milk production and the belief in weak milk. Such axes-themes guided the elaboration of the game, with important information for the pregnant women's knowledge. The production of evidence-based educational technology proved to be a successful strategy for the development of a tool to prevent early weaning to mediate health education practices.
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    Desidratação em atletas amadores de Jiu - Jitsu
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Lima, Thiago Silva Pereira de; Ribeiro, Joseana Moreira Assis;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;; Silva, Josiana Kely Rodrigues Moreira da;
    Jiu-jitsu presents itself to many people as a form of competition, however it is worth mentioning that such practice can be developed with numerous objectives, among them the search for a physical activity that provides physical and mental health and well-being. This present research aimed to evaluate the level of dehydration of athletes practicing jiu jitsu during training. Male amateur athletes aged over 20 (twenty) years up to 59 (fifty-nine) years of age were included in the research, dehydration was analyzed from the difference between body mass at the beginning and end of training. It was verified the time of exercise practice, the water intake before, during and after the training, the temperature of the drink consumed to hydrate, the hydration orientation, the drink used for hydration outside the gym, the number of cups consumed by day out of training, and finally the significant degree of dehydration of the fighters. We can see that Jiu-Jitsu practitioners did not drink enough water and most of them are unaware of the importance of properly hydrating themselves.
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    Desenvolvimento de planilhas eletrônicas como ferramenta de apoio ao discente no atendimento nutricional
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Oliveira, Wagner Rossi de; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Gaspar, Daniela Pinheiro;; Moreira, Jorvana Stanislav Brasil;
    Information Technology (IT) have generated profound changes in pedagogical practices in the classroom. The insertion of this new reality in universities is a natural and necessary process. If applied correctly, they can contribute to more effective learning and greater motivation to learn among students. The present study was developed in two stages, where it sought to identify in the literature software-type technologies with educational potential, for nutrition students through an integrative literature review, so that an educational software could be developed, based on electronic spreadsheets, of the open simulator type, as an instrument to support the construction of knowledge in higher education in nutrition. Data collection was carried out between the months of December 2021 to March 2022, in the databases: Portal Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO); Virtual Health Library of the Ministry of Health (BVS) and Google Scholar. Original articles were included that answered the guiding question of this review, available in full, published in Portuguese or English. The final sample consisted of nine articles, which were published between 2016 and 2012. They show the potential of using software for teaching and learning, since four of them were based on spreadsheets, while four studies were authoring software. For the construction of the software, the recursive development methodology was used. The technology was developed using Microsoft Excel software, and allows the user to carry out nutritional anamnesis activities, anthropometric calculations, calculation of nutritional indexes and energy needs, quantification of macronutrients and micronutrients of a food plan from a table of nutritional composition of food and household measures. The development of the tool was successfully achieved, with that it is expected to assist the student in the steps of nutritional care.
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    Estudo do valor nutricional e capacidade antioxidante dos frutos Mangaba (Hancornia Speciosa Gomes) e Noni (Morinda Citrifolia Linn) oriundos do Estado do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022-09-29) Uría, Adriana Maria Del Pilar Sánchez; Gaspar, Daniela Pinheiro;; Silva, Suely Maria Ribeiro da;; Silva, Jair Campos da;
    In the search for the identification of new natural sources with antioxidant capacity in the state of Pará, this work aimed to carry out the physicochemical characterization and evaluate the antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in the pulp of noni and mangaba fruits. In the pulp of noni and mangaba, the proximate composition (moisture, ash, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fibers) was determined. Noni and mangaba pulps presented low calories 27.83 and 68 kcal/100g respectively. The antioxidant capacity was determined by the ABTS method. In the noni pulp, the antioxidant capacity was determined in the aqueous extract and in the MeOH extract (50%)/acetone (70%), the aqueous extract showing the highest antioxidant capacity (14.5 µM trolox/g), in the mangaba pulp the antioxidant capacity showed 8 µM of tro-lox/g). Noni and mangaba pulps showed high levels of vitamin C, 170.66 and 144 mg/100g, respectively. The phenolic compounds of noni and mangaba were 129.66 and 115 EAG mg/100g respectively. This research provided a better understanding of the chemical composition and functional properties of Noni and Mangaba fruit pulps produced in the state of Pará.
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    Estratégias nutricionais no tratamento de doenças autoimunes
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Malcher, Marina Rodrigues Vieira da Gama; Marques, Simone do Socorro Fernandes;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;
    The present work seeks to analyze the relationship between diet and autoimune diseases, with regard to dietary strategies that would be relevant for the treatment of diseases in this group, with emphasis on the most found pathologies in relation to nutrition (rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and vitiligo) by the investigation of existing scientific articles on the subject. This is a study with an exploratory objective, based on a narrative literature review, of a basic nature. Sixteen articles were analyzed, which demonstrated that the food strategies most related to autoimmune diseases, with improvement of symptoms, are diets with an anti-inflammatory pattern or diets that modulate the intestinal microbiota. There also is: Low-carbohydrate Diet, Gluten-free Diet, Semi-vegetarian Diet, Balanced Diet (associated with dietary supplementation of various macronutrients), Low-FODMAP Diet, and Paleolithic Diet with modifications. The dietary strategies under study showed several positive effects on related autoimmune diseases, such as improvement in the associated symptoms, reduction of the inflammatory profile, and, in some cases, remission. However, most articles conclude that more studies are needed to attribute the benefits found to the strategies used.
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    Alimentação para prevenção do câncer de mama: produção de uma tecnologia educacional
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Gonçalves, Maria Helena Monteiro; Moraes, Yasmin de Fatima Brito de Oliveira; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Mori, Rejane Maria Sales Cavalcante;; Almeida, Viviane dos Santos Viana de;
    According to the Ministry of Health, cancer (CA) derives from multiple cumulative effects, due to disordered cell growth in the presence of neoplastic agents, as normal cells multiply naturally, responding to the body's needs, cancerous grow uncontrollably, forming abnormal cells, invading and compromising organs and tissues. Nutrition can be a great ally in preventing the development of the disease, since the consumption of foods rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits and “good” fats is a preventive factor, but it can be considered a risk factor, if the consumption of processed foods, deli meats, red meat, among others, is excessive. To develop an educational technology (ET) for users of primary health care on food for the prevention of breast cancer. Review study with a qualitative approach, carried out through methodological development, divided into two stages: integrative literature review (ILR) and production of ET, which is a digital booklet. The protective factors identified were the consumption of natural or minimally processed foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, seasonings and spices. While the excessive consumption of red meat, whole milk and derivatives rich in fat, deli meats, soft drinks, industrialized foods are considered risk factors. After the survey and organization of significant topics, the development of the booklet was started, with easy understanding content, containing in its extension the use of images and adequate textual content. In view of what has been explained, it is essential to produce educational technologies that allow subsidizing health actions to prevent breast CA.
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    Efeitos da dieta low carb em desportistas: uma revisão integrativa da literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Quaresma, João Pedro Franco; Ribeiro, Joseana Moreira Assis;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Silva, Josiana Kely Rodrigues Moreira da;
    Food is a necessity for our vital conditions, however, it is currently noted in the face of every technological and social revolution that food is closely linked to modal patterns and that these innovations directly influence our daily food consumption. To understand how a carbohydrate-restricted diet can compromise the athlete's performance and if there is any change in body composition. Considering all the aforementioned context, this work sought to carry out an integrative literature review based on data analysis in the format of scientific articles, addressing publications between the years 1998 to 2021, through systematic searches using the databases electronic: Medline, Science Direct, Saúde Total, Biodelta, Scielo and the bibliographic collection available in the library of the Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará. Data collection was carried out from September to October 2022. After reviewing and interpreting the studies that were selected, it is noted that the low carb diet can indeed negatively influence the performance of athletes, mainly referring to professional athletes. In addition, the low carb diet can influence body composition in a short period with an addition to weight. The diet is of paramount importance that is always individualized and pleasurable for greater adherence by the individual and needs more research with an emphasis on sportsmen for better results.
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    Fatores de risco no desenvolvimento de diabetes gestacional
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Souza, Isabelle Cardoso de; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos; Marques, Simone do Socorro Fernandes;;; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Gaspar, Daniela Pinheiro;
    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is defined as a disease resulting from endocrine-metabolic abnormality, which is classified as an absolute deficiency of the hormone insulin or resistance to its action that triggers high levels of serum glucose, which leads to interference entry of glucose into the cell, increasing the plasmatic concentration. Being characterized by being a common metabolic problem during pregnancy, with a prevalence of 3 to 25% of pregnancies, becoming defined as an intolerance to carbohydrates, in various degrees. To identify the risk factors that influence the development of gestational diabetes. This work can be defined as a systematic literature review. For the execution of the work, original scientific articles were searched on gestational diabetes mellitus, high-risk pregnancy, glycemic control and risks of gestational diabetes. Carrying out the analysis of the studies, it is possible to say that the risk factors in the development of gestational diabetes mellitus are caused by several reasons, among them the analyzed studies verified that the majority of the women who presented gestational diabetes mellitus during their pregnancy, presented factors risk factors such as overweight/obesity both pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy, in addition to maternal age (over 30 years), number of pregnancies, family history (1st-degree relatives) and history of gestational diabetes in another pregnancy. The present work, through the scientific bias, finds that several factors contribute to the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, among them are overweight, obesity, maternal age, excess weight gain during pregnancy, number of pregnancies and deliveries, family history and history of another pregnancy.
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    Estado nutricional de crianças menores de doze anos portadoras de leucemia: uma revisão bibliográfica
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Silva, Gabrieli Pantoja Soares da; Barbosa, Lavínia Souza; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos;; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;
    Leukemia corresponds to the most common type of cancer in childhood. According to data from the National Cancer Institute (INCA). Leukemias account for 33% of all malignant diseases affecting children, and are thus the most common disease in the world. When it comes to leukemia in pediatric cancer patients, cases of malnutrition correlate with the higher number of infection, greater likelihood of recurrences, lower therapeutic response and lower survival rates, such as the early diagnosis of childhood cancer, is essential for the chances of healing and the percentage of survival to be greater. Thus, the nutritional status of children under 12 years old with leukemia and to indicate how nutritional risk factors may affect the treatment of children. Therefore, through a qualitative literature review, descriptive and explanatory type, searches were made through scientific articles published in recognized platforms and that make available up to date information on the subject under study. Based on the results found, the studies demonstrate that the eating habits adopted by children in treatment of leukemia, are influencing nutritional risk factors. These influences originated from the habits related to the period of treatment of leukemia.
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    A prevalência do aleitamento materno em recém-nascidos pré-termo e suas dificuldades: revisão integrativa da literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Souza, Ana Carolina Neves de; Pires, Mikelly Britto; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos;; Almeida, Viviane dos Santos Viana de;; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;
    Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) until the sixth month of life, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), is the ideal food for promoting healthy growth and development. Especially when it comes to preterm newborns (PTNBs), they are the ones who benefit most from breastfeeding. However, despite presenting several benefits, breastfeeding has not yet reached the recommended and expected rate in Brazil, a fact that can be explained by the limitations and difficulties of newborns and mothers. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of breastfeeding in preterm newborns. Therefore, through an integrative literature review, searches were carried out for articles published in the last ten years, in the following databases: Scielo, LILACS and PubMed, using the descriptors "Breastfeeding in premature newborns", "Early weaning" , "Breastfeeding difficulties in preterm infants" and "Prevalence of breastfeeding in preterm infants". Initially, 430 articles were found, after reading the abstracts, 45 articles were selected. Those selected in full, who answered the guiding questions, totaled 13. From the results found, it was observed that there are a decrease in the prevalence of breastfeeding in preterm infants, especially after hospital discharge. Difficulties such as physiological immaturity, fear, insecurity, lack of early contact between mother and child, factors that compromise the structure of the breast and lack of guidance were the most reported for breastfeeding. Factors such as cesarean delivery, duration of mechanical ventilation, double pregnancy, extreme prematurity, greater complications during hospitalization, use of pacifiers and younger age of mothers were identified as risk factors for the interruption of breastfeeding in premature infants. Support strategies for mothers, from prenatal care to post-discharge follow-up, are still needed. In addition to the training of health professionals, in order to develop an empathetic look at the situation experienced by the mother, to support and assist them efficiently.
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    Composição corporal de desportista de uma academia de Belém-PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Queiroz, Eduardo Gabriel Pinto; Sodré, Vinicius Augusto Lameira de Melo; Ribeiro, Joseana Moreira Assis;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Silva, Josiana Kely Rodrigues Moreira da;
    Work whose theme is the body composition of athletes from an academy in Belém-Pa, where the collected data will be analyzed and discussed with other studies on the same subject. To verify the body composition of athletes from an academy in Belém-Pa. This study was quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive. The study is quantitative due to the collection and analysis of data being quantitative on the variables, determining the association or correlation between the theme's variables. After collecting data and comparing the results with similar studies, it was noticed that most athletes are male, aged 20 - 25 years, with an average IMC of 18,5 kg/m² - 24, 9 kg/m² (Eutrophic), percentage of normal fat, already the IMC and percentage of fat, classified as eutrophic with percentage classified normal. Conclusion: In nutritional assessment, it is important to use more than one evaluation method, in order to achieve a more reliable result.
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    Relação entre estado nutricional e qualidade de vida de pacientes idosos diabéticos acompanhados em uma clínica escola
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Ferreira, Ana Beatriz da Silva; Nestor, Gabrielli Karolina Monteiro; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Marques, Simone do Socorro Fernandes;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;
    Aging is something common for all individuals, consequently chronic non-communicable diseases may arise, such as Diabetes Mellitus. It is known that the diagnosis of diabetes can impact the quality of life due to changes in the routine that the elderly have. This study aims to relate the nutritional status with the perception of quality of life of elderly patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study carried out with 41 elderly people in a teaching clinic. Four instruments were used for data collection: a socioeconomic questionnaire, a data collection protocol and the B-PAID and WHOQOL-BREF scales to assess quality of life. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics using mean and standard deviation. Most of the elderly analyzed are aged between 60 and 69 years (63.4%), are female (53.7%), married (48.8%), studied up to elementary school (65.9%) and have an income of up to 1 minimum wage (51.2%). Regarding nutritional status, most are overweight (61%). In assessing quality of life using the B-PAID, the largest dimensions observed were food and emotional. In the WHOQOL-BREF, the major domains were psychological and personal relationships. There was no significant association between the perception of quality of life and the nutritional status of elderly people with diabetes, noting that most of the elderly diabetic participants have a good quality of life, even living with diabetes.
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    Cuidado nutricional na hipertensão arterial: produção de tecnologia educativa para gestantes
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2022) Lima, Alice Silva; Uchôa, Ana Carolina Santos; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Almeida, Viviane dos Santos Viana de;; Mori, Rejane Maria Sales Cavalcante;
    Arterial hypertension and its complications are the main causes of maternal mortality during pregnancy, and monitoring during prenatal care is essential. To develop an educational technology (ET) for pregnant women on nutritional care in hypertension, as a prevention and control tool. A qualitative study of methodological development was carried out, which took place through an integrative literature review, with the selection of 7 studies and then the production of an ET. Consumption of green vegetables, fish, cereals, whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetable oils, milk, dairy products, orange vegetables, fortified foods such as flour and dairy alternatives, and lean meats, showed a protective relationship against the development of gestational hypertension. The most related micronutrients in the prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy were magnesium, iron, folate, iodine, potassium, calcium and vitamin D. Afterwards, the ET was prepared, of the digital booklet type, based on what was evidenced by the studies. There is little availability of studies related to the topic addressed, making it important to carry out more research on this topic. The biggest obstacle found was the lack of studies that explain the physiological mechanisms involved in the interaction between nutrients/food and the pathophysiology of gestational hypertension, in order to justify the beneficial (or harmful) properties of foods for better control of hypertension during pregnancy. Thus, based on the literature review carried out, it was possible to develop an educational technology on the knowledge that pregnant women need to acquire about nutritional care in gestational hypertension.
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    Alterações nutricionais em indivíduos com SIDA em utilização de terapia antirretroviral
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Paixão, Wellington Felipe Coelho; Marques, Simone do Socorro Fernandes;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Moura, Carla Acatauassú Ferreira de;
    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is characterized as a chronic clinical manifestation caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. The use of antiretroviral therapy has drastically decreased mortality and opportunistic infections, on the other hand, is strongly associated with metabolic and functional changes in the body, including HIV lipodystrophic syndrome, which causes dyslipidemias, glycemic and morphological changes, with changes in body fat distribution, as well as altered hormone levels and higher risks of developing chronic non-communicable diseases. To identify anatomical, metabolic and nutritional changes in individuals with AIDS in antiretroviral therapy. Systematic searches of Original Scientific Articles, Dissertations and Theses on Nutritional Status and biochemical alterations of AIDS carriers using antiretroviral therapy were carried out to perform the study, Lipodystrophic Syndrome and HIV published between 2010 and 2021, in the Portuguese, English and Spanish descriptors. When carrying out the research with the descriptors detailed in the methodology and in the described languages, 86 articles were found from which, after the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 articles were selected, in which it was possible to observe that most of the men evaluated were eutrophic and women were overweight, in addition to the high risk for metabolic complications due to the high cholesterol and triglyceride levels caused by the advance of infection and HAART in 50% of the evaluated patients. It was also observed that individuals with HIV are more susceptible to glycemic alterations and lipodystrophic syndrome, especially in females. Nutritional changes resulting from the use of ART are common and should be detected early through nutritional evaluation for treatment.
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    Estado nutricional e inflamatório de pacientes com doença renal crônica em estágio inicial de hemodiálise e após seis meses de tratamento
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Goldim, Tainah Ratis; Figueiredo, Sandra Maria dos Santos;; Almeida, Viviane dos Santos Viana de;; Mori, Rejane Maria Sales Cavalcante;
    Non-communicable chronic diseases have grown in recent years, and with it kidney disease due to the prevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure. This can be acute or chronic, the first being reversible and the second irreversible, where the patient needs renal replacement therapy. With the progression of the disease, the nutritional and inflammatory status are compromised. Diet therapy is one of the main pillars for the treatment and control of the disease. To identify the nutritional status and laboratory tests of chronic kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis at baseline and after six months of treatment. Characterize the studied population. Identify associated diseases presented by chronic kidney patients on hemodialysis. Assess the nutritional and inflammatory status of chronic kidney patients and their relationship with the duration of hemodialysis. Analyze laboratory tests performed at the beginning and after six months of treatment. The research was of a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional type, took place in a private hemodialysis clinic in Belém and electronic medical records of adults and elderly of both genders who were in the beginning of hemodialysis treatment from January to August 2020 were evaluated with survey of height, weight, biochemical tests and associated diseases. The medical records of 30 patients were evaluated, 70% male, 50% presenting associated SAH and DM as the main comorbidity. Regarding nutritional status, the highest prevalence among the elderly was underweight with 43%, followed by eutrophic status with 38% and, in relation to adults, eutrophic status had the highest amount with 44%, followed by overweight with 33 % after six months of treatment. In addition, there was no significant difference, as the p-value was 0.0654 and 0.6768 between the nutritional and inflammatory status when compared to the reference values, but there was a change in the nutritional status after six months of treatment for some patients . For some tests, the result was significant, such as for hematocrit, albumin and calcium, which had a p-value <0.0001, hemoglobin with a p-value of 0.0005, pre urea with a p-value of 0.0320 and PCR with p -value of 0.0037. The assessment was significant for some indicators, but it would need to increase the variable length of treatment in order to be able to more accurately monitor the evolution of these patients.
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    Estado físico e funcional de idosos e sua relação com o exercício físico: uma revisão narrativa da literatura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Soares, Newton Oliveira; Ribeiro, Joseana Moreira Assis;; Campos, Jamilie Suelen dos Prazeres;; Silva, Josiana Kely Rodrigues Moreira da;
    The World Health Organization (WHO) says that aging is a slow and gradual process that happens irreversibly and that reduces the organic capacity to physiological stress. To know the physical and functional status of elderly people and their relationship with physical exercise. The study was a type of narrative bibliographic research, as it is characterized by the use of information, knowledge and data already collected by people demonstrated in different ways, such as documents, books, and the following databases were used: Scielo, Pubmed and Lilacs, with filters for publication date, article type and text availability. As a result, 223 articles were found in total, of which 176 were excluded and 47 included, among which there is not a large number of studies relating the physical status of elderly people with the practice of physical exercise, but rather its functionality with the practice of physical activity. In this way, the research made it possible to conclude that currently the physical state has given way to functionality in the routine of the elderly as the main focus of the scientific academic environment, but that there is a scientifically proven effectiveness of the combination between the practice of physical exercise and healthy eating for the benefit of human health, in old age and in all stages of life.
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    Efeitos do consumo do chá verde (Camellia Sinensis) em praticantes de exercício físico
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Souza, Marina dos Santos Duarte de; Ribeiro, Joseana Moreira Assis;; Ozela, Cilea Maria dos Santos;; Silva, Josiana Kely Rodrigues Moreira da;
    Green tea is currently the most consumed beverage in the world, after water, several researches show a variety of beneficial effects concomitant with the regular consumption of green tea, mainly in the prevention of some pathologies such as cancer, vascular disorders, obesity and inflammation. The tea, obtained from the Camellia sinensis plant, contains several phytochemical compounds in its leaves with important health benefits. Among these, the catechins for their antioxidant action. The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of green tea (Camellia Sinensis) consumption in exercisers.Literatures show that the consumption of green tea combined with the practice of physical exercise helps in greater gain in lean mass and greater loss of fat compared to the practice of isolated physical exercise, in addition to increasing muscle strength, when consumed before the practice. The study is a type of bibliographic research. Concluding that further research studies in this area are needed to cover technical knowledge and research levels, however, according to the literature and researched studies, sufficient intake of green tea extract, in combination with exercise, and especially a proper diet and accompanied by a qualified professional, can improve the capacity of resistance, modulating the lipid metabolism and thus helping to control weight and body composition.