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    Business as Mission: negócios e profissões como estratégias missionárias na janela 10/40
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Trindade, Thales Breno Neves; Freitas, Felipe Fonseca Tavares de;; Abrahim, Gisele Seabra;
    This research reflects on the return of Jesus and the missionary work necessary for this to happen, presenting the scenario of ethnolinguistic groups and least evangelized countries in the world, and offers the Business as Mission strategy as a solution for advancing the gospel in these contexts. It exposes how the Movement has transformed over time and its current influence. Finally, it clarifies how Businessmen and Professionals, in practice, came from their homecountry, went to some of the least developed and least evangelized countries in the world and gained their businesses and professions to contribute to the advancement of the gospel in these contexts. It also presents how this strategy was implemented in Brazil as a pilot project, leading to the churchplanting. For this, books written by some businesspeople who reported their experiences using this strategy were used, as well as conceptual books on the Movement written by academics on the subject and reports from world organizations on the reality of these countries, as well as interviews with Businesspeople and Professionals who they are on the mission field. With this, this work confirms the prediction, influence and potential of this strategy and regular as a competent approach to open new fronts of mission work in the unrealized peoples of the world, so that they can have the opportunity to hear for the first time about Jesus Christ, feel loved and decide to follow him, making his return abbreviated.
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    Sucessão familiar: os dilemas encontrados no momento de inserção do sucessor
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Lourenço Neto, Francisco Ramos; Araújo, Felipe Fonseca de;; Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de;
    This study aims to analyze the dilemmas faced by family businesses during the succession process of introducing the successor. To achieve this objective, in-depth interviews were conducted, adopting a methodological approach of multiple case studies, as proposed by Yin. The study examines four family businesses to investigate the dynamics of succession, the dilemmas encountered, and the effective strategies employed throughout the process. The results of these in-depth semi-structured interviews from this multiple case study contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges confronted by family businesses at the time of successor insertion and provide practical insights for managing these dilemmas.
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    Plano de negócios: viabilidade para a abertura de um café e bar na cidade de Belém do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Ibarra, Camila Lheis; Miranda, Julia Soares; Rodrigues, Julianne Teixeira Odane; Barros, Karoline Souza; Cereja, Fabíola Alves;
    This work proposes the creation of a business plan aimed at evaluating the viability of a café and bar located in the center of the city of Belém do Pará. The analysis will address the market viability and the financial viability of the enterprise. To understand the viability of the business plan, several aspects will be investigated, including the study of the regional market. This approach involves detailed analysis of local consumer behavior, considering consumption patterns and preferences. In addition, local competitors will be examined and suppliers available to meet the company's needs will be evaluated. Based on these analyses, work will be dedicated to building the marketing plan and operational plan. These documents comprehensively detail how the company plans to position itself in the market, aiming to gain a competitive advantage. Finally, a complete financial plan will be drawn up, the purpose of which is to measure the business's ability to generate returns and achieve relevance in the market. Completion of this work will provide valuable insights for strategic decision-making, outlining the potential impact of the café and bar on the local business scene.
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    Plano de negócios: viabilidade econômica da expansão interna da loja Guajará Materiais de Construção
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Silveira, Amanda de Souza; Gonçalves, Luidy Campos; Cavalcante Filho, Mário Cardoso; Melo, Sérgio Gabriel Barra; Cereja, Fabíola Alves; Araújo, Tatiana Maíra Thomaz;; Fonseca, Gustavo Uliana
    In the current construction materials market, substantial growth is evident. According to na article by Valor Econômico, the retail sector of construction materials increased its revenue in 2022. Based on estimates from the Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) of FGV in partnership with the National Association of Construction Material Retailers (Anamaco), the sector generated approximately R$ 207 billion in 2022, showing a 2.5% growth compared to 2021. For 2023, the organization anticipates a revenue growth ranging from 1% to 3%. This business plan provides a comprehensive overview, addressing the objective of assessing the economic feasibility of the internal expansion of Guajará Construction Materials store, along with its justification and key points. Moreover, the Market Analysis section provides detailed insights into the construction materials market in the Guajará store's region, covering competition, customer profiles, consumption trends, and growth opportunities. This includes SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces analysis. Additionally, the Marketing Plan outlines strategies to enhance visibility, attract and retain customers, encompassing communication, promotion, pricing, distribution, objectives, target audience, positioning, marketing mix, and the action plan for these strategies. Similarly, the Operational Plan section offers strategies to optimize internal processes, increase operational efficiency, and reduce costs, involving inventory management, purchasing, store layout, and personnel management. Consequently, the Financial Plan projects finances for four years, including revenue, costs, expenses, investments, cash flow, profitability indicators, and financial viability analysis. It covers financial goals, sales projections, required investments, and the analysis of financial feasibility. Finally, the Business Plan Evaluation section highlights conclusions, measures indicators, and provides a verdict on the economic viability of the internal expansion of Guajará Construction Materials store.