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    Espaço artesano: marketplace online de produtos artesanais
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Barros, Rômulo Alberto Almeida; Pereira, Antônio Carlos Jorge; Monteiro, Odlaniger Lourenço Damasceno
    The internet has revolutionized the way people consume products and services. E-commerce has matured and is now a segment of national and international retail giants. On the edge of this business logic is the artisan from Pará, who still uses the local physical model as a main form of commercialization. Therefore, in order to cater to this poorly explored market niche, this work seeks to solve the problem of the artisan from Pará, who aims to expand his business through the internet. The research methodology employed was of the exploratory-descriptive type using the questionnaire technique as an instrument in the data collection. Discusses concepts of craftsmanship and its relationship with e-commerce. It proposes the development of an online marketplace, the "Espaço Artesano" , focused on cultural crafts. Implements web development techniques and tools. The highlighted result is a functional website that will serve as a new channel for sales and dissemination of Pará's workmanship.
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    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Shimada, Elisson; Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do
    This portfolio shows the extracurricular activities from the author, informing his difficults, experiences and how he intends to improve his performance. His activities was the Academic Center of Bachelor of Computer Science - CABCC, participating as treasurer; Campus Party 11 edition, participating in speeches, workshops and network; SERPRO company, participating as intern in the sector Government Digitization Superintendence - SUPDG; Engineering office, the author participated in the robotic group as integral of the group, and in the programming group, participating as captain, as a person that leads the group, and test the possible candidates that desires to enter the group.
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    Portfólio: relato de percurso de formação no curso de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Manito Neto, Antonio Pantoja; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros
    The Portfolio aims to show the academic path of Student Antonio Pantoja Manito Neto during the undergraduate course in Computer Science Course of the Escola de Negócios, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARGO) do Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA, addressing the projects, exhibitions, event organizations and professional experiences of the author, showing the academic stages experienced and the interdisciplinary development achieved during the course.
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    Portfólio: experiências acadêmicas e profissionais no curso de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Furtado, Alder Marcel Silva; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros
    The Portfolio is one of the types of Course Work of the Escola de Negócios, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARGO) of the Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA. This modality aims to show the experiences lived by the student Alder Marcel Silva Furtado during all 4 years of the Baccalaureate course in Computer Science, highlighting the relevant points of the steps experienced within the undergraduate. This work will show internships, study groups, higher education institution associated groups, congresses, and related, non-college related projects in the areas of assistive technology, software development, database, design, system requirements, and project management.
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    Operação de um sistema especialista em monitoramento de Data Center
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019-06-14) Lobato, Felipe Fernando Barbosa; Brito, Itamar Jorge Vilhena de
    The main objective of this work is to describe the operation of a specialized system in Data Center monitoring, starting with its main concepts, inventory of components, assembly of the structure, methods and procedures used for the development of the system. Next, it shows you the best way to develop a single solution that meets all the requirements of the monitoring system. Structured diagrams for understanding the flow of the system and step-by-step of the use of its functionalities up to the running system display are shown in detail. Having as a result the ambient parameters such as: temperature, humidity battery charge of the nobreak, internal camera circuit and interaction with user firing input and output commands such as: open or close the door of the environment.
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    Análise de dados do mercado imobiliario utilizando Python para encontrar estatísticas descritivas: uma proposta para contornar o Big Data
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Silva, Caio Abdon da; Paixão, Carlos Benedito Pereira da
    With the diversification of the Internet in recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of data produced and soon the difficulty arose to analyze them. With this came a new phenomenon in the world of computing that was the Big Data. The objective of this work is to bring an alternative to circumvent this situation through programming, will be addressed as this problem hampers data analysis and will be shown a solution to it. The methodologies used to perform the data analysis were python and its libraries, along with descriptive statistics. Next we will talk about the comparison between the analysis tools against programming. And at the end of this work, it will be shown how to use this method if it was able to improve the data analysis.
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    Portfólio: desenvolvimento de experiências acadêmicas e profissionais na área de tecnologia
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Girotto, Gustavo Henrique Sales; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros
    The Portfolio is one of the modalities of Conclusion Work Course in the Escola de Negócios, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARGO) of the University Center of the State of Pará. This modality intends to show the different path followed by the student Gustavo Henrique Sales Girotto during the graduation period, showing the positive and negative topics of every steps and making possible the interdisciplinarity achieved by the author during the course. This paper will present the professional and academic experiences lived by the author.
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    Análise e implementação da técnica de invasão Man-in-the-middle em redes sem fio IEEE 802.11 com a elaboração do relatório incidente
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Castro, Filipe do Couto; Moraes, Lucas Davi Monteiro; Silva, Lucas Miguins da; Toutenge, Yussef Lobato; Mendonça, Eudes Danilo da Silva
    As technology advances, people become more susceptible to network intrusions, and the Manin-the-Middle invasion becomes extremely dangerous because of its ease of implementation. The purpose of this monograph is to create an incident response document, based on an implementation of a Man-in-the-middle attack carried out on the Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA network.
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    Criação de um sistema automatizado de investimentos para arbitragem financeira triangular no mercado de cripto ativos
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Gama, Gabriel Cortez Farinhas da; Ferreira, Luan de Risse; Uchôa, Lucas de Sousa; Mello, Renan Barbosa de; Ferreira, Fábio dos Santos
    This scientific work aims to build an automated financial trading system addressing the triangular arbitrage method focusing on the cryptocurrency market. To accomplish this goal we have understood the protocol process of the virtual currencies with emphasis on Bitcoin which was the first of them. After that, we researched the active cryptos market functioning, thinking about this process we developed an application using the Binance API to perform the measurement and transactions in the cryptocurrency market.
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    Um estudo sobre a biblioteca React JS e seus impactos no ambiente de desenvolvimento web
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019) Neves Junior, Antonio Eduardo da Silva; Damous, Arthur Victor Ferreira; Sobrinho, Franklin Gonçalves; Ferreira, Victor Hugo Serejo; Pires, Theo Carlos Flexa Ribeiro
    Many application development technologies are emerging at a very high speed today, but which of these technologies is good enough to invest time and effort is still a big question for the developer community. The advancement of development technologies brings new programming languages, new frameworks, new libraries and new standards, so should programmers maintain the technology that has worked for years, or should they migrate and try to optimize their services? Since 2016, the React library has been premised on optimizing the construction of user interfaces and has been gaining new followers, so it is necessary to study this JavaScript code library, so that programmers can better analyze the options they have. nowadays to migrate to new technology or so that a programming student can start their studies and have good expectations of success in the professional market.
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    Sistema para Monitoramento de Processos – SMP
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2019-06-13) Cruz, Gabriel Henrique Sampaio da; Costa, Matheus Godinho Rebelo Brandão da; Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do
    The information society receives increasingly developed technologies, improvements that generate a domain where economies, even those of less industrialized places, are affected. It is the paradigm of information technology. However, it is not all work environments that have access or make strong use of computerization, whose technologies mutually improve with the areas where they are applied. Among them, is Advocacia Rui Evaldo with its headquarters in Castanhal-PA with branches in Bragança-PA and Capanema-PA, and using in an obsolete way resources to process monitoring and interaction among employees from different branches, making the work routine a mess. The SMP is a system that has been implemented to simplify the monitoring of information related to this particular law firm, presenting resources of information systems and information visualization for data organization, process monitoring, notifications and easy use.
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    WeeBooks: biblioteca digital para amantes da leitura
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020-12-10) Gonçalves, Anne Beatriz Martins; Gomes, Vitor Hugo Freitas
    Technological advances have contributed to the increase in demand for mobile applications. People have been looking for ways to organize their habits, using mobile tools that do not always provide everything they need in the same application. WeeBooks aims to integrate different reading functionalities in a single application, ensuring ease, simplicity and less exchange of applications for users. The application uses Google Books API, available for free to search for books and their information, in addition to Firebase backend services, and Flutter mobile framework libraries. The main results of the project are the viability of various ways of acquiring books online, ways of organizing libraries and browsing digital readings. WeeBooks makes it possible to help and spread the habit of reading.
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    Buggy: sistema de bug tracking para projetos
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Aguiar, Bruno Costa de Masi de; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros
    Bugs affect the lives of many software development teams around the world and, not uncommonly, development teams are unaware of a better way to organize and resolve these flaws, in ways that cause intermittency, instability and unreliability of entire environments. This Final Paper presents a system that provides software developers with a solution to monitor and identify bugs in the code and subsequent sending of reports to the primary system. The system was developed from bibliographic research and deductive methods with a qualitative approach to scientific articles related to the theme, also applying development methodologies and practices such as Scrum and Domain Driven Design. Through the use of questionnaires, it was possible to validate the applicability of the solution in the market, emphasizing the pertinence of integration with other platforms, in addition to the detection and categorization of bugs.
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    Implementação de ambiente de baixa complexidade para sistema distribuído baseado em NGINX
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Farias, João Tomé de; Aquino, Renato Silva de; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros
    Distributed systems foresee process decentralization and scalability, however, not always associated with increased performance and low complexity. This happens due to the difficulty of allocating processes on certain processors and complicating the implementation of the environment, recognized disadvantages of the distribution and responsible, therefore, for the underutilization of the system. The worst result, in this case, implies denying access or limiting resources to maintain the integrity of services. The search for high performance, simplicity of implementation and integrity of the solution are constant and sources of several publications in Distributed Systems. This work aims to develop a product to propose a solution for this approach, intending to optimize access, low complexity and integrity in distributed systems.
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    Algoritmos bioinspirados – uma revisão sistemática da literatura no Brasil
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Gomes, Wesley Gabriel Pereira; Tork, Vinicius Martins; Soares, Lucas Leal; Souza, Alan Marcel Fernandes de
    We present a systematic literature review on Brazil regarding bio-inspired algorithms. This is a study on the bibliographic review of articles published in federal universities in the last four years (2016-2020). This study searched the indexed literature in the bibliographies by the following Portuguese keywords in computer science: “bioinspiradas”, “metaheurísticas” and “inteligência artificial”. This undergraduate thesis presents a brief introduction in the subject of bio-inspired algorithms, meta-heuristics and artificial intelligence and subsequently the results of the published studies about bio-inspired algorithms were analyzed, evaluating which of them utilized the Ant-Colony Optimization (ACO).
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    Controcamps: aplicativo mobile para gestão de insumos agrícolas
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020-12-11) Sasamoto, Marcelo Yuji; Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do
    Agriculture in the State of Pará represents a great importance for the state, having a wide territorial area for the cultivation of food, but there is still a certain deficiency in the application of technologies to assist the rural producer, for the management and planning of his agricultural production. And in this course conclusion work I present the development of a mobile application to support management in agribusiness, aiming to solve the main challenges of the rural producer, such as managing the products used in planting, controlling costs and the difficulty of planning and scheduling their activities from camp.
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    MonumApp: aplicativo para identificação de monumentos históricos de Belém
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020-12-07) Magnenti, Álvaro Somensi; Souza, Vitor Henrique Moreira de; Gomes, Vitor Hugo Freitas
    Belém has more than 400 years of history, and several "marks" of this trajectory can be found in the city's monuments. Monuments tell an important part of the local history, and for that reason, they are fundamental to understand how Belenense society was formed. However, these milestones are falling by the wayside due to a lack of information about them. This factor contributes to residents and visitors do not enjoy this historical heritage of the capital of Pará. Therefore, this work aims to create a mobile application capable of identifying the monuments of Belém and informing the user about them, simply and quickly, helping the preservation and appreciation. During the development of this project, it was observed the difficulty in obtaining the necessary information regarding the monuments located in Belém. Therefore, a data survey was carried out. Also, using MongoDB, Spring Boot, React Native and QR Code, it was possible to develop a mobile app that is easy to maintain and scale. This work seeks a new way to allow a technological immersion in the city's history.
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    Análise de desempenho da usabilidade e user experience da aplicação VR Alzheimer como auxílio à terapia de marcha de pacientes com doença de Alzheimer
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Correa, Matheus Iran Botelho; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcantara
    Dementia is a major cause of physical and mental disability in the elderly population worldwide. Among the types of dementia, Alzheimer's disease is the most common, affecting 35 million people. This paper aims to evaluate and discuss the results obtained in the article PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE USABILITY AND USER EXPERIENCE OF THE VR ALZHEIMER APPLICATION BY PHYSIOTHERAPISTS AND PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. In it, the VR Alzheimer's interface is validated against the usability and user experience metrics included in the questionnaires: System Usability Scale and Single Usability Metric, which were applied to physiotherapists in the CESUPA Physiotherapy Clinic. The performance analysis related to the use of virtual reality in gait therapy in patients with Alzheimer's disease was carried out using the user experience questionnaire, which was adapted to facilitate the collection of their experience. And then the main conclusions, general discussion and future perspectives of the research are presented.
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    Sistema de autoatendimento para agilização de pagamentos - Sem Muvuca
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Lima, Daniel Berg Souza; Silva, Thiago Augusto Souza; Moura, Tiago Lopes de; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa
    The “Sem Muvuca” self-checkout system aims to abstract and streamline part of the process of purchasing products in small and medium-sized retailers. It is intended to achieve the objective through the parallelization of the scanning process of the products by the customer through a PWA (Progressive Web App) that will culminate in the generation of a virtual list of its products. This list will be used in the validation and payment of real products, abstracting the payment process, offering options for existing processors such as Mercado Pago.
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    Borali – aplicativo mobile para localização de vendedores ambulantes de alimentos
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Silva, Jordinei Gadelha da; Larrat, Lucas Eugenio de Souza; Macedo, Tales de Oliveira; Luz, Victor Cassio Viana da; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa
    Millions of Brazilians have in their routine the habit of eating meals outside the home and in new places, and among this routine, often there are street vendors, with their meals or snacks. However, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain information about sellers and locate them on a day-to-day life, due to the decrease in the number of street vendors due to the restrictive measures taken to combat COVID-19. This factor helps people not be able to find the street vendors they were used to or new sellers. Therefore, this work aims to create a mobile application capable of displaying street vendors and informing the user about them, as well as charting a route, simply and quickly, helping in its location and orientation. During the development of this project, it was observed the difficulty in getting the necessary information regarding street vendors. Therefore, a data collection was carried out on street vendors. This work seeks a practical and simple way to find these street vendors.