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    Comparação de práticas e ferramentas de integração de dados utilizando o banco de dados amostral adventureworks
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-15) Bessa, Arthur Ferreira; Santos, Pedro Bezerra dos; Elgrably, Isaac Souza;; Girotto, Pedro Henrique Sales;; Araújo, Fábio Rocha de;
    In the “Information Era”, companies deal with vast volumes of data. Information overload hampers decision-making. Digital transformation is pivotal, involving data integration through data pipelines. These processes convert raw data into actionable insights for business analysis. This study aims to compare the performance of different pipelines, ETL and ELT, analyzing data transformation time to ensure availability and decision-making efficiency. The comparison between ELT and ETL shows the significance of each method's specific application. In this study using AdventureWorks, ETL outperformed by transforming data before loading, unlike ELT. The difference between code usage and tools like Pentaho highlights a trade-off between performance and accessibility. Choosing between ELT and ETL should account for project needs, while future studies may deepen the understanding of these processes.
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    O uso de assistentes virtuais inteligentes no atendimento hospitalar
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Vidal, Camilo Ribeiro; Pereira, Ramon Algaranhar; Chaves, Raphael Magalhães; Moraes, Wellington Samuel R.; Elgrably, Isaac Souza;; Patrício, Júlio Cezar dos Santos;; Gomes, Vitor Hugo Freitas;
    The employment of Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) has shown accelerated growth in the last decade, demonstrating applications on various scales. This technology spans various areas of society, providing usability and flexibility to users. The use of this technology in the hospital environment stands out. Scheduling medical appointments is often a cumbersome and timeconsuming process, resulting in dissatisfaction for patients. In this context, the present study explores the possibility of addressing the challenges of hospital care through the implementation of Intelligent Virtual Assistants. The method employed to achieve these objectives involves a systematic review conducted through an investigation into the applicability of an artificial intelligence solution. As a result, this article presents other studies demonstrating the development of IVAs in the hospital context, also outlining future prospects for the continued study of IVAs. Finally, the contributions of this work aim to provide insights into future directions for advancing the state of the art and propose recommendations for the visual construction of a non-functional prototype.
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    Avaliando os desafios no planejamento da migração de servidores físicos para a nuvem
    (2023) Yamanaka, Eduardo Lyuji; Leão, Irving da Silva; Santos, João Vitor
    Cloud computing has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, establishing itself as a dominant trend in the technological landscape. Despite representing a rising technology with numerous benefits, the adoption of cloud computing brings forth a series of uncertainties and challenges to be overcome. In this context, this article aims to highlight the main challenges faced by organizations during the planning of migration to cloud computing, addressing critical issues such as security, system integration, regulatory compliance, and cost management. Through a systematic review, the article sought to analyze bibliographic materials, ranging from scientific articles to reference works, with the goal of providing a comprehensive and well-founded understanding of the subject. As a result, the article aimed to present the topics that generate the most doubts in the process of planning the migration from physical servers to the cloud, analyzing and providing valuable insights. Finally, the study sought to offer readers a broad view of the main challenges faced during the planning of migration to cloud computing, exploring crucial aspects surrounding this technological evolution.
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    Teste de Turing e sua alusão a consciência de máquina
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-06-24) Silva, Rafael Veiga Teixeira e; Girotto, Pedro Henrique Sales;; Nascimento, Polyana Santos Fonseca;
    From the initial studies on the competences of Artificial Intelligence, in the 50s, Turing, in his article Computing Machinery and intelligence, inserted the premise "Are machines capable of thinking?". Thus, chatbots are directly related to this idea, given that they are able to converse and learn, via deep learning, to adapt to different conversation scenarios. Therefore, the objective of this work is to compare the studies of the time with the current ones on artificial intelligences and to analyze if these intelligences are able to perform the “Turing Test”, na example of the results in the Loebner Prize, and if its accomplishment matches those pointed out by Turing. That said, at the end, after applying the test to the finalists of the Loebner award, the discrepancy in scores between champion Mitsuku and the other AIs can be seen. However, it was found that despite their high score, the problem of mimicry is still directly implicated as IAs who perform the test precisely with the objective of winning the test, thus interfering with measuring as real artificial intelligence resources tested.
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    Implementação da modelagem Domain Driven design em sistema de agendamento web: um relato de experiência
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Farias, Murilo Dias Ferreira; Kishimoto, Rubens Mititaka; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;; Queiroz, Daniele Moura de;
    This final paper presents an experience report on the implementation of the Domain Driven Design (DDD) methodology in a scheduling system. The problem arises in the application of the domain-based methodology, as DDD offers a set of good practices and standards, but its determinations are very general, which can change depending on the complexity of the business. In view of the mentioned considerations, the question raised by this work arises, which is how to implement DDD in the development of a web scheduling system for a barber shop. The objective is to develop a DDD-based methodology for creating a web scheduling system offering as a result the development stages using strategic and tactical modeling, from domain study, context separation, context map, DDD patterns and architecture of software. Therefore, the final proposal of this work provides all stages of the development of the Domain Driven Design method for a specific business in order to demonstrate a way to carry out this project keeping in mind that it is possible to apply in countless scenarios with different business complexities in the development of a software.
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    Análise da interoperabilidade da infraestrutura de carregamento dos veículos elétricos e sistemas de transporte inteligente
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Brito, Matheus Moraes de; Costa, Stefany Cristina Pinheiro; Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos;; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;
    The urbanization growth and world capitals industrialization were expressive in the last decades, although pollution problems, fuel and constant congestions threaten the efficiency of urban development. Electric vehicles are a promising option to contribute in the energy diversification and an alternative to polluting forms commonly used in urban and rural road infrastructure, despite the differences between the duration recharging and refueling times between the types of vehicles. The inteligente transportation systems represent the implementation of transport advanced technologies to sense and process road conditions to improve traffic fluidity and avoid accidents. In order to improve the efficiency of electric vehicle charging, the research proposes the integration of recharge infrastructure with intelligenttransportation systems as a way of assisting drivers and companies seeking to join the new ecological trend.
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    Sena: ferramenta de auxílio pedagógico para aprendizagem do Sistema Braille
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Mesquita, Ivan Costa; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros;; Girotto, Pedro Henrique Sales;
    This paper presents a device entitled sena, as a tool for teaching the Braille system. The objective is to help in the literacy process of children with visual impairment. For such, an exploratory research on literacy using the braille system was carried out, as well as a description of the product construction process and an interview with braille teachers. The device consists of obstacle sensors, the Arduino Mega 2560 board, the DF Player Mini module, RFID Reader RC522, RFID Tags, and a linear guide. The sena device is divided into two modules, the Electronic Braille Cell module and braille scanner module, providing 8 functions for developing necessary notions and skills for braille literacy.
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    Sistema eletrônico de prontuário médico: Darwini Web
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Barbosa, Giovanny Santiago Alves; Nascimento, Nicholas Andrade do; Porchera, Rafael Russo; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;; Sousa, Marcos Paulo Alves de;
    In recent years, medicine has acquired technological advances in several sectors with the intention of obtaining improvements, such as: reducing material waste, optimizing services, greater integration of departments and improving the quality of services. Among these sectors, hospitals and clinics stand out, seeking to achieve these improvements with their electronic medical record systems. A field research was carried out, in which health professionals and students were interviewed, who in turn reported that the greatest difficulty in patient care is accessing their information, reporting that the process of obtaining the medical history of patients is time-consuming because of the use of outdated or even outdated systems. Given this, this project proposes the creation of an agile, accurate and secure electronic medical record system, together with the creation of a mobile application that allows the patient to read the medical record via smartphone, making the process of obtaining this document more agile, in order to improve the care for both patients and health professionals who participated in it.
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    Reserva aí: aplicativo para fazer reservas de mesas em bares e restaurantes
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Laminas, Gabriel de Freitas; Gomes, João Erik Monteiro; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;; Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do;; Sousa, Marcos Paulo Alves de;
    With the advancement of technology, many companies need to adapt to not fall behind their competitors, this is also true for restaurants and bars. Even with the high delivery service, many people still prefer to go to restaurants, known or new, to have their meals. Due to problems such as finding closed or crowded places, they end up disrupting people's experience and meal. In order to improve the customer experience and help owners of bars and restaurants to be seen more, the objective of this course completion work is aimed at creating a mobile application, for the Android operating system, which helps the customer to make table reservations in bars and restaurants in the capital of Pará, where the same can choose which table to reserve, having a simplified view of the interior of the establishment and also helps the owners, with a focus on those that offer regional food, to have a better control of people in your restaurant. To this end, research and comparative analysis of applications already on the market were carried out. As well as questionnaires with the intention of validating the project and usability through the Google Forms tool.
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    Abordagem teórica e prática da aplicação de Linux em sistemas embarcados: um tutorial para a configuração da BeagleBone Black
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021-06-23) Santos, Felipe Garcia dos; Dias, Suzane Alfaia; Sena, José Adolfo da Silva;;; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;
    With the advent of technology, visible and ubiquitous, there was also the need to produce more IoT devices, which are nothing but embedded systems, many of them, microprocessed. Along with this, the opportunity arises for more vacancies for computer engineering professionals. However, it is notable that many academics in the field are unaware of the step-by-step construction of a microprocessed embedded system, as well as the concept of embedded Linux. This work aims to develop a documentation that contains the development of an embedded microprocessed system in Linux, using as basis the BeagleBone Black development board. The process will be described in the form of a report, using bibliographic and practical research with the Texas Instruments development environment.
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    Projeto em internet das coisas aplicada a um cenário residencial visando a melhor implementação e experiência do usuário
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Sarmento, Arthur Ichi Costa; Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos;; Mendes, Marcelo Pinto da Costa;; Rocha, Johnny Marcus Gomes;
    The Internet of Things consists of a network of physical objects capable of gathering and transmitting data. Such technology is characterized by the large number of connections, devices and countless applications, all integrated to the Internet and working together, interconnecting all current and future services. In the realm where physical objects connect and create a transmission network, the scenario of Smart homes emerges that have often been conceptualized as a creative dream for communities of the future. For these services to meet the needs of users and become a reality, it is necessary to collect a large amount of data, needing to identify all network devices and integrate them into an intelligent system. It is at this point that this monograph comes into play, aiming to carry out a case study and develop an efficient and simplified home automation infrastructure focused on the use of the Internet of Things. The project transforms the room of a common house into an intelligent one, using few resources and making the integration of several physical objects to a network controlled by a virtual assistant that, through routines and voice commands, automates the environment.
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    Ampliação de rede SOHO por meio da topologia em malha
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Viana, Armando Alves; Moia, Marcelo Conceição; Mendonça, Eudes Danilo da Silva;; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros;
    Health, culture, study and work services are all available in the palm of your hand without leaving your home. Being connected is not synonymous with leisure, many responsibilities involve computerized systems and the internet is the means to reach them. Loaded with this thought, this work brings the technical vision behind the implementation of a Mesh network system in a home environment, a technology that increases the Wi-Fi coverage capacity and simplifies the way to connect to the internal network. The work aims to identify the main problems that befall the wireless transmission medium and, through a case study with an applied research nature, introduce changes that directly improve the user experience in terms of stability, mobility and performance. The development indicated that the bad positioning of the access points was the biggest responsible for the instability in the connection, where the implementation of new network devices that guaranteed the performance and brought gains of 611.11%, when comparing the lowest speeds registered. The 2.4GHz coverage achieved strong signal incidence across the scene and the addition of the 5GHz frequency introduced a new level in terms of speed. These records give account of even attractive specifications, but quite achievable by simpler networks, the real gain of this work is to provide freedom to the user, while the devices connected to the network can be moved around the environment without any limitation or loss of connectivity.
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    Proposta de exame de sensibilidade ao contraste utilizando sistema mobile
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2021) Galende, Ana Carolina de Parijós; Siqueira, Flávio Silva; Pereira, João Felipe Tavares Calderaro; Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos;; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;
    Due to the maintenance of eye health, several types of exams should be performed regularly, so meeting with ophthalmologists is a vital routine to assess visual acuity. In order to streamline and facilitate this process, people can take advantage of the computing resource present in mobile devices. To perform contrast sensitivity tests by ophthalmologists using smartphones, as a possible viable alternative, a mobile application is developed and tested. Thus, through this project, it is necessary to investigate whether such a system can become a viable alternative to assist or replace existing machines that perform this type of medical examination.
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    Os benefícios da integração dos sistemas embarcados na indústria 4.0
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Pena, Raphael Rossy; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;; Brito, Itamar Jorge Vilhena de;; Araújo, Fábio Rocha de;
    The following work makes a brief description of the important moments for the arrival of the new level of industrial development, seeking to point out through studies how the application of embedded systems can help the responsible for the analysis of machinery within the scenario of Industry 4.0, leaving aside the corrective maintenance and giving space for predictive maintenance; due to the monitoring of this type of repair, it seeks an environment with fewer and fewer unexpected stops in the production lines in order to avoid unnecessary expenses within the company, because the interruption in equipment the industry ends up having to stop its production. The text has a description of the social advance generated by the Industrial Revolutions and the insertion of new technologies that aim to help the environment, also seeks to point out how the scenario of embedded systems with support from new technologies ensure a certain autonomy of the machines for the diagnosis of problems, thus ensuring greater durability of equipment within this scenario 4.0, allowing the equipment to be used responsibly until the end of its useful life; pointing out how the Big Data, IoT (IIoT), I.A. and Embedded Systems are interconnected / necessary for the establishment of this new type of industry as well as mentioning the emergence of cyber-physical systems and intelligent networks, and how all these technologies guarantee 4.0 maintenance functionality.
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    Portfólio da trajetória de graduação em engenharia de computação de Mayana Pontes
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020-07-16) Pontes, Mayana Miquelli Cardoso; Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos;; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;
    This work contains technical information about four products and learning processes by the author Mayana Pontes, who is about to graduate in Computer Engineering at CESUPA. The products and learning processes are the "Transportador Pessoal" in its two versions, the "Coletor Aquático de Resíduos Sólidos", the "Estação EcoMoobi" and the Internship at the "Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia - IMAZON". As it is a portfolio, each activity will be approached critically by the author, demonstrating her personal development and contribution to each one of them. Technical details of each project and an action plan are also given to show her learning and possible improvements in each project.
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    Uso da tecnologia NFC no auxílio da educação financeira de alunos no ambiente escolar
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020-07-20) Miranda Filho, Manoel Tavares de; Girotto, Pedro Henrique Sales;; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros;; Dias, Suzane Alfaia;
    Brazil is in an unfortunate position worldwide, in terms of financial education and financial knowledge, even behind countries considered poor worldwide. Such a problem leads to a deficit at a certain stage in the educational development of young people, making them unable to manage their own finances since this country has a high rate of cases of negatively registered names. Thus, there is a need for research on the use of NFC technology to help financial education of students in the school environment, in order to propose a system in which schools are able to integrate financial education into their curriculum, using related activities, making the student fit for the financial world. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a bibliographic survey on the subject, to search for components and platforms for development and to study the use of the Arduino, SQlite, Python and Processing components. In view of the research carried out, there was a need to insert young people in the technological scenario early so that they have contact with terms of transactions, facilitating technology, financial education and learn to deal with the acquired knowledge so that they are prepared to use and plan wisely and wisely, your financial assets.
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    Utilização de inteligência artificial para mapeamento de estradas não oficiais na Amazônia
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Botelho Junnior, Jonas Paiva; Ferreira, Fábio dos Santos;; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;; Teixeira, Otávio Noura;
    Mapping unofficial roads in the Amazon has a really important role in understanding the dynamics of access and utilization of the Biome. The Amazon Institute of People and the Environment (IMAZON), had been conducting this procedure in a manual way, making this precise process, longstading. With that in mind, this work propose a new way of making this mapping, using artificial intelligence and remote sensing technologies for accelerate the detecting of roads, making possible to tracking constantly activities in the Amazon. The model of neural net created to accomplish this task was made using a modified U-Net and using Google’s training and prediction services. The model was tested with five locations inside state of Pará, all of those with 1200 km² of area, and it produced promising results, which indicate the capacity of the network de make predictions over satellites images and identify the existence of roads, being capable of detect different formations - Dendritic, geometric and “Fishbone”. Besides that, another test to compare results between two types of images with different resolutions was conducted, showing improvement with the rising of the resolution, when made with the right input conditions. At last, this work accomplished its objective, presenting a new method to map unofficial roads in the Amazon, this being faster, less expensive and capable of keep up with the dynamic of the region.
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    Automatizando a extração de dados públicos: mineração de dados aplicada ao Diário Oficial do Estado do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Pereira, Jherson Haryson Almeida; Portugal, Luis enrique Gomes; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa;; Queiroz, Daniele Moura de;
    The Government of the State of Pará discloses its public acts through its Official Gazette, making them available in a format aimed at human consumption. However, the lack of structure of the format provided makes it difficult to analyze data by computer systems, hampering the obtaining of relevant information for inspection in a quick manner. For its solution, a computational model is proposed to synthesize data from the Official Gazette ofthe State of Pará, in a well-defined model, in order to assist systematic analysis supported by computational tools. For this, this work addresses the fundamental processes for a model to be able to structure and extract public information from the State of Pará, as well as the entire process of implementing it, using techniques that allow the extraction of information from unstructured data. Finally, the proposed model managed to achieve the expected objectives, synthesizing the information provided in the Official Gazette of the State of Pará and persisting in a database, making the analysis of data faster and more efficient and faster.
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    Sensorial Toy: um brinquedo de estimulação sensorial para crianças
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Filgueiras, João Jorge de Sousa; Miranda, Lohanne Gomes; Ribeiro, Mairley da Trindade; Ribeiro, Moshe Dayan Sousa; Carvalho, Bianca Gonçalves Piteira;; Baganha, Alessandra Natasha Alcântara Barreiros;
    This work presents a multifunctional toy for the stimulus of three sensory senses, called Sensorial Toy. The objective is to provide stimuli to the sensory system of children and to assist the therapeutic routine, through the development of assistive technology. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with occupational therapist, exploratory research on assistive technology and description of the process of product construction. The toy consists of hardware and software (application), the ESP32 card and the DF Player Mini module make up the hardware, and allow the intelligent functionalities of the toy, while for the development of the software react native was used. The Sensorial Toy emits sound and has textures associated with the animals, lights up light corresponding to the chosen animal, besides being able to configure which of the stimuli you want to apply. The main differentials are to have a report on the session performed, and to engage the child during therapy.
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    Proposta de dimensionamento de enlace Wireless PTMP
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2020) Perdigão, Delcio Henrique de Almeida; Brito, Yuri das Chagas; Rocha, Johnny Marcus Gomes;
    In several locations in the State of Pará the most viable, technically and economically accessible way to the internet is via radio link. Internet providers using copper cable or fiber optic links are not yet interested in small municipalities or peripheral neighborhoods in the metropolitan region of Belém. This work aims to propose a methodology for the dimensioning of a PTMP (Point-to-type) link -Multipoint) optimized to serve customers in geographically different positions within a 2km radius and with different internet plans (5Mbps, 10Mbps, 15Mbps and 20Mbps). For this, we analyze the main factors that can interfere in the propagation of the radio signal, we study methods to optimize the parameter adjustments of the equipment and we dimension a proposal for a PTMP link in Ananindeua - PA. In the end, we hope to optimize the quality of the end customer's connection.