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    O uso de recurso lúdico para o desenvolvimento de habilidades psicomotoras na primeira infância
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Maués, Ana Carolina Moreira; Silva, Roberta Moraes Rabello da; Moreira, Jenifer Leda Muniz;
    Child development is a primordial phase for human development, with the need for an improvement in the repertoire of skills, from the stimulation carried out through ludic resources, such as toys, for example. The toy features significant contributions to this development, as it is an important tool for learning and insertion in the world, thus achieving what is expected in each age range of child development. To collect theoretical references for the basis of the product and build a toy for the age group from 3 years old, to stimulate the psychomotor skills of Fine Motor Coordination, Coordination Visual Motor and Spatial Structure. Divided into three stages, the first being the identification of references, the second the delineation of the phases and the last the execution of the project with the toy production. A product was developed in format of a fitting toy, using as a stimulation resource the geometric shapes, the textures, colors and figures, through the mediation of caregivers and professionals, contemplating the importance of the relationship between Psychology and motor skills.
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    O cinema na graduação de psicologia: uma perspectiva analítica sob o olhar dos autores Sigmund Freud e Carl Jung
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Carvalho, Daniella Freitas de; Lobo, Raphaela Pontes; Cruz, Edson Júnior Silva da;
    Cinema in undergraduate psychology: an analytical perspective under the eyes of authors Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, is a theme that relates the Seventh Art with analytical psychology, linking concepts developed by the aforementioned authors to what happens on a movie screen. Relating psychology to cinema can be used as an active methodology, and its main objective is to expand the repertoire beyond the analysis within the professional area, the development of a podcast has the purpose of adding to the psychology graduation. The methodology will consist of a podcast, named ''On the screen with them'' which will have 3 episodes, including an extra that will bring what theoretical material will support the discussions that will take place in each of the chapters. Each episode will have a genre of film and in it cinematographic works that apply within the genre will be analyzed. There will be a total of 4 episodes, each with an average duration of 50 minutes.
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    Podcast como recurso para orientação de pais sobre estilos parentais
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Medeiros, Mariana Bouth de; Moreira, Jenifer Leda Muniz;
    This work aims to develop a product in podcast format with informative and guiding content on parenting styles, to assist parents and caregivers in their educational practices with their children. Each episode consists of a) introduction and opening: where the narrator makes her presentation and that of the subject that is addressed in the episode; b) a brief story/dialogue of characters: in which a parent-child interaction is presented, illustrating the subject that is addressed in the episode; c) theoretical information: presentation of information and guidelines on the subject, based on the references consulted; and d) closing: presentation of a general orientation or a homework assignment to be carried out spontaneously by those who are interested. At the end of the work, it is expected that caregivers will be able to have contact with information about parenting styles and know that there are more appropriate ways for their practices in the education of their children.