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    Projeto experimental: documentário “Paracuri: Mãos que criam”
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-11) Torres, Karolayne Tenório; Mesquita, Yasmin de Nazaré Cunha; Rodarte, Lídia Karolina de Sousa; Andrade, Ana Paula Dias;;; Caetano, Danilo Miranda;; Jordy Filho, Nassif Ricci;
    This present work outlines the process of creating a documentary that investigates, "How is the intergenerational transmission of ancestral knowledge achieved through the production of Paracuri pottery in Icoaraci?" The motivation behind developing this audiovisual product stems from the observation that the ceramic tradition is deeply connected to familial bonds and has become a strong and symbolic culture in the state of Pará, deserving recognition and dissemination. A documentary was identified as the most effective tool to narrate this story. Consequently, we opted for an exploratory and documentary research approach, aiming to let the artisans tell their own story. The audiovisual product was crafted to immerse the audience in the creative and experiential environment of these artists. As a result, we observed that despite modernization and a different way of life for newer generations, the ceramic culture remains vibrant, adapting and incorporating changes in the world, just as it has throughout its over 100-year history. In conclusion, we recognize that while the craft of pottery is not exclusive to a particular people, the unique ceramic culture of Paracuri has endured due to its connection to the people of Icoaraci.
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    Plano de comunicação digital para o turismo de base comunitária do MMIB - Movimento de Mulheres Das Ilhas de Belém
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Santos, Livia Pantoja dos; Oikawa, Erika;; Leão, Danuta de Cássia Leite;; Oliveira, Fransuze dos Santos
    This project proposes the development of a digital communication plan, focused on Instagram, to promote and publicize ecotourism on Cotijuba Island, led by the Women's Movement of the Islands of Belém (MMIB). The relevance of social media, particularly Instagram, is emphasized as an effective tool for disseminating information and engaging the community. Considering the specific context of Cotijuba Island and MMIB's efforts to promote ecotourism in an associative manner, the proposal to create an Instagram page aims to boost local community-based tourism, a significant potential for income generation and ecological awareness promotion. The strategy seeks to turn challenges into opportunities by leveraging the power of social media to connect tourists with the natural and cultural riches of the region. Thus, it contributes to the social and cultural development proposed by MMIB, highlighting the importance of the innovative use of social media in the context of the Third Sector.
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    Planejamento de campanha para a conferência refúgio 2024: o reino
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-06) Nordeste, Juliana Costa; Fertunes, Ygor Alves; Oliveira, Mariana Menezes de;; Leão, Danuta de Cássia Leite;; Urrutty, Verena Ledo
    This project involves the development of advertising campaign planning for the Rede Refúgio brand, a Christian church located in Belém. The campaign was built to communicate the Rede Refúgio 2024 conference, titled by the authors of this project as “The Kingdom”. The objective of the work is to create planning in an innovative and appropriate way, analyzing the context in which the brand is inserted and the information about it. The main theoretical references were Fausto Neto (2007) on religiosities and mediatization, Tavares (2010) for the advertising campaign creation methodology, Aaker (2007) to better understand brands, Kotler & Keller (2006) for understanding the market context and Kunsch (1986) for integrated communication. To diagnose the brand and create campaign strategies, survey forms were used with the campaign's target audience, an interview with the responsible pastor and brainstorming for the creative development of the campaign. The development of the work provided the creation of campaign planning consistent with the context, objectives and needs of the brand.
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    Fashion Film “Capoorá”: o storytelling
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Nóbrega, Ian Kallel Silva; Oliveira, Victor Castro; Rodarte, Lídia Karolina de Sousa;; Jordy Filho, Nassif Ricci;; Oliveira, Mariana Menezes de;
    This work covers themes such as fashion and communication, aiming to understand how advertising through the use of storytelling in audiovisual productions, such as fashion films, has the power to evoke feelings and sensations, such as desire and consumption, in viewers. The exploratory research, based on literature, seeks to correlate these themes through the foundation of authors in the field of communication, with the purpose of discussing new trends in the advertising market. Additionally, it seeks to comprehend the use of storytelling in the production of a fashion film for the “Capoorá” collection by the brand VNE. The work is divided into four chapters: the introductory chapter, the theoretical chapter, the chapter covering pre-production, production, post-production, and the concluding chapter. This resulted in a 3-minute and 58-second fashion film, divided into two parts. The first part depicts how the clothes are conceptualized and crafted, while the second part shows the finished garments being worn by models, all imbued with Northern references.
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    O crime que envolve: análise das narrativas True Crime em plataformas digitais
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Costa, Helena Nogueira Klautau; Rodarte, Lídia Karolina de Sousa;
    This study analyzed the five most-listened-to episodes of the Modus Operandi podcast and the five most-watched videos of the Quinta Misteriosa YouTube board, relating them based on an understanding of True Crime as a particular narrative genre that, within the formats of digital platforms, has unique and engaging characteristics for its audience. With this, we aimed to understand how these narrative structures are organized, in their differences and similarities, to meet the specific demands of these routine content consumers. The results were obtained using the methodologies of content analysis and pragmatic analysis of the narrative. We found that there is a preference for narratives with a linear structure and for crimes that took place in recent decades, while there is equal interest in understanding both the criminals and their victims. We also found that the use of meaning effects is a fundamental aspect of consumer confidence in the story, resulting in personal styles of factual storytelling based on structures defined according to the consumer rituals most in line with the style of each platform.
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    Mercado de luxo: planejamento de campanha para a marca Éricka Viggiano
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-11) Nascimento, Clara Luanny Mar; Magno, Leticia Neves Moreira; Monteiro, Shirley Angie do Vale; Leão, Danuta de Cássia Leite;; Oliveira, Mariana Menezes de;; Moraes, Giselle do Carmo Souza;
    Our work aimed to develop a campaign plan on TikTok for the Ericka Viggiano Brand, located in Belém do Pará, with specific objectives of promoting the brand, generating engagement, and arousing the audience's desire. In the initial stage, we conducted an introductory research encompassing information about the luxury market and an analysis of the digital environment, with a special focus on the TikTok platform. Regarding the applied methodology, the project adopted two approaches, exploratory and descriptive. In the exploratory approach, we carried out a detailed analysis of luxury brand communication on this platform, identifying strategies and content formats used by industry leaders. In the descriptive approach, information was elaborated about the chosen brand, such as its target audience, current strategies, and its mission. The interview with the brand owner, Éricka Viggiano, played a crucial role in this phase, providing detailed data to deeply understand the brand's reality. In the development phase, we conducted analyses based on the research conducted and presented the campaign called "Quiet Beauty Collection," based on the 'Quiet Luxury' trend referring to the minimalism of the 90s, addressing numerous investigations aiming to identify studies for its execution, including: brand presentation and communication, competition analysis, SWOT analysis, which identified threats, opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses, and the definition of strategies and the central positioning of the campaign, which became more evident with the construction of the action plan. Finally, in line with the objectives, a schedule and budget were developed for the brand campaign planning, to carry out the proposal in the project.
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    Afetos, consumo e pandemia na retomada do natal mágico do Parque Shopping Belém
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Pereira, Beatriz Farinha; Caetano, Danilo Miranda;; Leão, Danuta de Cássia Leite;; Teixeira, Will Montenegro;
    This course completion project examines the market, health, and emotional interaction between the public and Parque Shopping Belém during the Christmas of 2021, amidst the instability caused by the Coronavirus. Its relevance stands out due to the scarcity of relevant studies on the subject in the Northern region of the country, emphasizing the uniqueness of the thesis. The methodological procedures employed combined secondary and primary data using exploratory and descriptive methods, the latter in both qualitative and quantitative versions. To understand consumer behavior and assess their "affectation," a specific questionnaire for the Christmas environment in shopping malls was developed, allowing for a detailed analysis. Data collection revealed the existence of an engaged group that experiences the shopping mall Christmas, predominantly composed of families from various social structures. Thus, despite the "surprise" enchantment provided by the Christmas attractions at Parque Shopping Belém, the engaged participation of this audience contributed to making Christmas 2021 even more significant and emotional.
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    Marketing.Jus: proposta de site baseada nos princípios do User Experience (Experiência do Usuário)
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-06) Silva, Aymee Cristina Oliveira da; Oliveira, Mariana Menezes de;; Oliveira, Sue Anne Collares Maestri de;; Grandidier, Larissa Lassance;
    This research has as its main role the collaboration for the recognition of legal professionals in the digital environment. Furthermore, in the field of advertising, the project contributes to knowledge regarding User Experience (UX), Design Thinking, and the importance of learning these tools for the application of market solutions and strategies capable of addressing the problems of the absence of strategic websites and their lack of quality. Because of this, this project aimed to develop a website capable of meeting the main needs and questions of legal professionals. To achieve this, a hypothetical-deductive method based on Popper (2002) was adopted, through bibliographic and exploratory research from Gil (1987), with a qualitative approach, according to Denzin and Lincoln (2006). In this sense, the ideation and prototyping of the website were based on the Design Thinking methodology grounded in Kelley (2019). Regarding research supported by the concepts of User Experience (UX), Norman (2006) was used as a reference. As a result of this project, Marketing.Jus emerged as a way to help improve the creative blocks of legal professionals in content creation, contributing to learning about marketing strategies through digital networks. Consequently, it was concluded that the development of a website based on user experience is important, focusing on simplicity and accessibility to address the main questions and problems faced by these legal professionals regarding legal marketing in the digital environment.
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    Podcast “Just a Talk”
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-11) Accioli Filho, Antonio Carlos Rocha; Justino, Igor Alves; Leão, Danuta de Cássia Leite;; Caetano, Danilo Miranda;; Andrade, Ana Paula Dias;
    In the decade of podcasting's rise, it's important to ask if there is a need for a podcast for young people in Pará. This project proposes to create a Pará entertainment hub called "just a talk." The hub would feature two different podcasts with two different themes. The work is divided into four parts: an introduction that discusses the effects of convergence culture, the increasing number of podcasts, and the impact of the pandemic on media consumption; a section on related products that inspired the development of the podcast; a section on the construction of the podcast, including its topics and episodes; and finally, a conclusion that discusses the relevance of the work.
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    "Do Estúdio à Cena": documentário sobre o processo de concepção e promoção de novos artistas no mercado fonográfico paraense, com ênfase na artista Bella
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-11) Colares, Ana Júlia de Queiroz; Lima, Ana Maria Cristo Vizeu; Oikawa, Erika; Andrade, Ana Paula Dias;;; Rodarte, Lídia Karolina de Sousa;; Cavalcante, Angelo Martins;
    This experimental project aims to develop a documentary that illustrates the challenges and patterns faced by artists in the phonographic industry of Pará, focusing on an artist and her team that work in the metropolitan region of the capitol. The documentary’s protagonist is the singer Bella Pantoja and it also features her manager, Yuri Wariss, musician Leonardo Chermont and cultural articulator Ná Figueredo, that contributed with interviews and narratives about their careers and archive analysis that allowed to understand and map the main difficulties faced by artists and cultural producers in the region to produce, sell, disclose and distribute efficiently the musical products created by the mix of tendencies from local, national and international markets. To accomplish the goal of developing critical documentar about this reality, bibliographic researches about the act of documentary making were made, research on the participants of the project were also made in order to produce the screenplay and help on production and post-production, resulting in a 25 minutes documentary that will be available to the public during a launch event and, afterwords, on online platforms and movie festivals.