Perfil do número de óbitos por COVID-19 em profissionais de saúde no estado do Pará

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


Introduction: The coronaviruses are a group known since the mid-1960s. In December 2019, the press in Wuhan, China, began reporting cases about a mysterious virus that caused respiratory injuries, being named SARS-CoV-2. The most vulnerable organs to SARS-CoV-2 include lungs, heart, esophagus, kidneys, urinary bladder and the ileum. The human-to-human transmissions occurs through close contact with respiratory droplets produced when an infected person breaths, sneezes or coughs. The clinical picture may vary from a mild and asymptomatic presentation to a severe presentation, including septic shock with respiratory failure. The majority part of the cases in which death occurred were in patients with some pre-existing clinical condition of risk and/or the elderly Objectives: To identify the epidemiological profile of deaths from Covid-19 in the population of healthcare professionals in the State of Pará. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, ecological study was performed, based on publicly available data from Ministry of Health, Pará State Public Health Secretariat, Regional Medical Council of the State of Pará and Regional Council of Nursing of the State of Pará. A Program was used to collect the interesting data, classified with CID-10 U07.1 or B34.2, as well as occupation, age, gender and race/ color, between December 2019 and July 2021. Results: We detected a percentual of health professionals in state of Pará who were affected by Covid-19 and whose Evolution was death. In this group, most of the deaths were related to doctors, with nurses in second place and nursing technicians coming third. The sociodemographic variables showed that the Metropolitan Region I was the most affected. Furthermore, the brown population and the 60 – 69 aged population were the most affected among these professionals. Conclusion: Among the professionals who evolved to death, doctors are among the most affected, being followed by nursing technicians and nurses. Regarding the issue of ethnicity/race and gender, it was found that men, of mixed ethnicity and coming from Metropolitan Region I, accounted for a greater number of affected individuals. The offer of individual protection equipment to health professionals in the state of Pará is an issue that must be discussed by the health community and the respective authorities, since that, without this equipment, the professionals present a greater risk of becoming infected and dying. In addition, the tools’ quality for data collection about the pandemic is an aspect to be observed by public agencies since many data and knowledge are difficult to access or only partially available to Society in general.



LIMA, João Paulo Cardoso de; TAPPEMBECK, Wigson Yan dos Santos. Perfil do número de óbitos por COVID-19 em profissionais de saúde no estado do Pará. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021.