A portaria nº 1.129/17 do Ministério do Trabalho como afronta ao combate do trabalho escravo

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


All over the history of the world. We have experienced the most diverse types of slavery, which the biggest highlight goes to the black slavery during the colonial period Americas. Following the way of slavery, Brazil, for a long time, has used the black slavery as it’s principal kind of labor, that is why Brazil has become one of the last countries in the world to abolish it. However, either in Brazil as worldwide the slavery has not finished at all. The slavery has taken new forms and ways of disguised executions, making countries, with the support from international organizations, have created rules and targets for an efficient fight against slavery. In Brazil, there has been a growing expansion of rules to achieve one effective protection of a hard-work man, with the purpose to ensure the decent work. However, in 2017, the Ordinance n. 1.129 from Ministry of Labor has meant a change on the fight against slavery at Brazil, which has brought a big setback, and also an affront to the rights and fundamental guarantees secured on our Constitution.



Silva, Gabriel Margalho. A portaria nº 1.129/17 do Ministério do Trabalho como afronta ao combate do trabalho escravo. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2018.