Escola de ensino médio: anteprojeto para o município de Laranjal do Jari

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


The present work initially proposes to analyze the international commitments assumed by Brazil in the educational context, and the main problems involved in achieving the proposed objectives. Among the challenges observed, most notably, the educational inequality observed between Brazilian regions, in which performance standards in the north and northeast regions, and, specifically, in the Amazon region, are considerably less significant when compared to those in other regions. In this sense, it was also possible to observe precariousness or even the non-existence of certain environments in low-performing schools, as identified in institutions in the municipality of Laranjal do Jari, in Amapá. In this context, given the determinations of the PNE (National Education Plan), it is understood that the positive performance of schools is directly related to 03 fundamental pillars, namely: resources, professionals and environment. From this perspective, architecture emerges as a tool capable of assisting in the specific structuring of the 3rd pillar, a factor that determined the theme of this work: High School, Preliminary Project for the municipality of Laranjal do Jari. Having defined the theme, the objectives of the work became the conception of an architectural preliminary project for a secondary education institution for Laranjal do Jari, as well as the identification of environments relevant to the scenario of institutions that, today, practice secondary education with excellence and the definition of bioclimatic strategies consistent with the municipality's climate. In view of this, we sought to analyze bibliographical references consistent with the theme, which could provide guidance on design decisions favorable to the teaching environment and architecture applied to the climate. Likewise, we sought to study design references relevant to the theme, which could point out assertive architectural solutions, as well as challenges that could be solved from a different perspective. From this situation, the architectural draft was prepared following standards determined by the FNDE and the BRASIL PROFESSIONALIZADO program, in order to condense solutions and seek low-cost alternatives, considering the possibility of implementation by the municipality. Finally, this work concludes in the search to materialize a possible solution to mitigate a latent problem in Brazilian society, specifically in the Amazon region: educational inequality.



MARQUES, João Lucas Jaccoud. Escola de ensino médio: anteprojeto para o município de Laranjal do Jari. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.