Casa dos palhaços: anteprojeto arquitetônico de teatro, com ênfase no estudo do som e da identidade em Belém-PA

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


Theater is as old as humanity, theater buildings have accompanied different historical moments, styles, trends, reflecting each of them on their stages. Along with the development of the theater, there was also the development of acoustics, seeking to solve the problems encountered and guarantee comfort and a good show for the audience. Among many theatrical groups, the Associação Cultural Palhaços Trovadores emerged in 1998, the first clown group of Belém, with a unique history and identity. Based on this, this work sought to develop a proposal for a new theatrical space for the Palhaços Trovadores group, in Belém-PA, based on their needs, their type of audience and in order to guarantee quality acoustics for greater appreciation of the performance. To this end, qualitative and quantitative research was carried out, seeking to collect data about the different theatrical typologies, which of these would best suit the group and subsequently how certain materials would impact the theater's acoustics. From the collected data, a proposal for an architectural preliminary project was developed, seeking to solve the problems encountered and generate a suitable building for its artists and its audience.



TODA, Angela Maciel. Casa dos palhaços: anteprojeto arquitetônico de teatro, com ênfase no estudo do som e da identidade em Belém-PA. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.