A indústria pornográfica e a subjugação da mulher: uma crítica ao pensamento liberal como perpetuador da dominação masculina

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


This present work will analyze the question of female subjugation related to the pornographic industry, influenced by the liberal theory in perpetuating the restriction of women’s rights with regard to freedom and human dignity. It is intended to verify the results of pornography in the lives of women, whether pornographers or not, in the sense that free movement of pornographic product brings determinant social visions about the sexual relation and the way in which the woman reacts to it, being an irreversible factor in the increase of sexual violence against the female sex. For this, the liberal theory will be analyzed in order to develop the idea of the negative influence of the contract with respect to the false perception that women fully exercise their freedom, which generates the imaginary of them being responsible for the acts of third parties against their dignity. It will be defended the position that the pornographic industry, widely authorized through the contract of liberal theory, is a fundamental instrument in the perpetuation of patriarchy and, consequently, in the curtailment of fundamental human rights of women. This study is primarily theoretical, with critical analyzes of doctrines from books and scientific articles, with statistics analyzing the consequences of consumptions of the pornographic product. The main objective will be to see how patriarchy, liberal theory and the pornographic industry relate to continuing the male domination over the female sex in such an intense proportion as to irreversibly violate women’s fundamental rights.



MARIBONDO, Rebeca Lopes. A indústria pornográfica e a subjugação da mulher: uma crítica ao pensamento liberal como perpetuador da dominação masculina. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019.