Impacto clínico e prognóstico das modificações no sistema TNM do American Joint Committee For Cancer oitava edição em pacientes com câncer de mama

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


Introduction: Breast cancer is in fifth place as the cause of cancer death in the world population. In Brazil, this neoplasm is a first in the female public, without considering non-melanoma skin cancer. However, with the objective of conducting early research on the biological causes of breast cancer, there was a great reduction in mortality rates and greater survival in patients with metastatic disease. The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is a state cancer system that enables disease progression. The AJCC instituted its history form based on anatomical information of the primary tumor ("T"), regional lymph nodes ("N") and metastases ("M"). Biological factors, tumor grade, estrogen receptor (ER) positivity, HER2 and progesterone receptor (PR), were included in the eighth edition of the manual, implemented in 2018. Aim: This work aimed to analyze the impact generated by the update of the TNM / AJCC staging system (eighth edition) and to elucidate the importance of including the biological factors and other modifications of the new system for a better medical approach. Method: A retrospective, analytical, cross-sectional, and documentary study of a qualitative approach in which patients with breast cancer were submitted to Ophir Loyola Hospital in 2018, having undergone the cancer staging of the TNM of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) seventh edition, so that it could be reclassified according to the prognostic status of the eighth edition of this manual. Socio-demographic data, hormonal and reproductive histories, risk factors related to cancer, anatomopathological characteristics, biological factors and molecular subtype of the tumors were considered. Conclusion: Changes in the stage of the breast cancer patients evaluated after the reclassification with the eighth edition of the TNM / AJCC system were found, so that there was a positive impact of this system on the prognostic targeting, generating a better therapeutic selection.



BOHNE, Mariana Rocha; KHAYAT, Yasmin de Farias. Impacto clínico e prognóstico das modificações no sistema TNM do American Joint Committee For Cancer oitava edição em pacientes com câncer de mama. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019.