Avaliação do conhecimento de médicos docentes sobre terapia de reposição hormonal da pós menopausa em uma instituição de ensino na Amazônia

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


Introduction: KAP-type studies (knowledge, atittudes and practices) hinder a change in the perception of indications and also a significant reduction in the prescription of TH (hormonal therapy) as the impact of WHI (women health initiative) results. In this context, the realization of general data on the use of TH from the publication of WHI data and other studies carried out subsequently becomes relevant to assess both long-term and current impacts on the topic among prescribing physicians. Objective: to analyze the knowledge about hormone maintenance therapy in menopause among the documents of CESUPA's medical course. Methodology: This was cross-sectional, observational, analytical- descriptive study, where the study participants were teaching physicians from the Medicine course at the University Center of the State of Pará, in the city of Belém- PA. It was used a closed questionnaire as investigational instrument by the authors (appendix 1) and online (when in quarantine period) was used. Thirty- four medical professors were interviewed, after written consent or by digitally filling out their free and informed consent form. Results: All gynecologists and endocrinologists knew WHI and only 52.6% of teachers in other specialties knew about the study. Before the publication of WHI, vasomotor symptoms were the main indication of HT for Gynecologists (88.9%) and endocrinologists (83.3%). For the majority of teachers (63.2%) from other specialties, the prevention of osteoporosis remained the main indication for HT before and after studies. Regarding the change in the prescription of professors, 16.7% of endocrinologists affect the prescription of conjugated estrogens, 50% of them started to use non- oral routes of administration and 33.3% of the members of this group referred to the increase in the prescription of hormone therapy. The prescription of alternative therapies started to be defined by 55.6% of gynecologists and 31.6% of teachers of other specialties, after the WHI study. Conclusion: The survey carried out among doctors and professors at CESUPA revealed that most of them knew the WHI study, however, in the gynecologist group a greater number of professionals were found who knew the MILLIONS, HERS I and HERS II studies. It was found that most of the research participants knew the main indications for HT. Among the specialists, the TH indications remained the same before and after the WHI study, which are: vasomotor symptoms and genitourinary symptoms. But among teachers from other specialties there was a change in attitude in this regard, since before the WHI prevention of osteoporosis was pointed out as the main indication, being replaced by vasomotor symptoms after the study.



SOUSA, Anna Caroline Nascimento de; GALVÃO, Bruna Sousa. Avaliação do conhecimento de médicos docentes sobre terapia de reposição hormonal da pós menopausa em uma instituição de ensino na Amazônia. 2020. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2020.