Análise da vitamina B12 e do zinco em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica em um hospital privado em Belém do Pará

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Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará


Worldwide, obesity is considered one of the most serious public health problems, reaching 800 million people who live in this condition. There are a few ways to treat this condition, from the most cautions, such as lifestyle changes, to the most invasive, such as surgery – only when there is no success in clinical treatment. Among the surgical treatments, bariatric surgery stands out, popularly known as the obesity surgery that "reduces the stomach", which aims to treat obesity at different levels and the diseases that are associated or aggravated by this condition. However, as a consequence of the surgeries, obese individuals who normally already have changes in zinc concentrations - which are lower due to the inflammatory process produced by obesity, in addition to other vitamin deficiencies, tend to worsen these rates. Therefore, there are nutritional deficits after bariatric surgery that tend to be aggravated if replacement is not performed properly, especially in nutrients such as iron and vitamin B12, in addition to zinc. To analyze and compare, through the laboratory profile of patients undergoing bariatric surgery, the preoperative and postoperative levels of vitamin B12 and zinc at 3, 6 and 12 months. The study is descriptive and retrospective, with quantitative data analysis. The sample consisted of 102 records of patients undergoing bariatric surgery using the DGYR technique, with data collected at 4 different times (preoperative, 3rd, 6th and 12th month after surgery) to assess serum levels. of zinc and vitamin B12. 102 patients were included in the study, more than half of which, 56.9%, were female and 43.1% were male. Added to this, the highest prevalence of individuals who underwent bariatric surgery were between 18-25 years old, equivalent to 25.5% of the patients submitted to the research. Regarding the comparison of B12 in the four moments, comparing in two by two, it showed that only the preoperative and the 3rd month and the 6th month did not differ significantly compared to the 12th month. As for the average of zinc, there were no significant differences between the four moments (p=0.165). There was also no significance when comparing the variables with gender and age. When the levels of vitamin B12 and zinc were analyzed, an increase in the incidence of male patients was noted. However, the highest prevalence continues to be female. Regarding postoperative B12 serum levels, there was an increase due to adequate supplementation and liver reserve, with a more notable result in the 12th month. However, the Zinc values, when compared to each other, did not show statistically significant variations, which is justified by the follow-up restriction up to 12 months postoperatively when compared to other studies. Finally, regarding the relationship between B12 and zinc levels, when comparing sex and age, all results had a non-significant p-value, making it not possible to relate differences between groups and their variations in serum levels of their micronutrients.



LINHARES, Juliana Albim; OLIVEIRA, Tarquinio Leão de. Análise da vitamina B12 e do zinco em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica em um hospital privado em Belém do Pará. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2022.