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    Chaospoieses: arquitetura digital e inteligência artificial no traçado do projeto de uma casa noturna
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Sousa, José Pedro de; Toscano, Thais Zumero;
    This project proposes an analysis of the impacts and implications of technological advancement, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Algorithm Aided Design (AAD) in the field of architecture. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the aim is to understand how these transformations influence the productive process and architectural development. Drawing from contemporary philosophical and cultural discourse, with attention to the thoughts of Patrik Schumacher, Deleuze & Guattari, and Yuk Hui. Furthermore, parallels are drawn with electronic music and Rave culture, highlighting their affinity for the adoption of new technologies. The project seeks to provide insights and reflections for understanding these processes in the context of architecture. On the side, the principles studied are applied to the development of a preliminary design for the requalification of a historic building in Belém-PA, transforming it into a nightclub (Club).
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    Anteprojeto arquitetônico de um instituto de desenvolvimento esportivo e educacional em Belém – PA: Instituto Rei Pelé
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Oliveira, João Victor Teixeira de; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Nascimento, Flávio Campos do;
    The Brazilian socioeconomic scenario shows that young people and children, whose human development is compromised due to their exposure to social vulnerability, perceive sports as an opportunity to ascend to a more promising life condition. In this context, the scarcity of sports spaces with the necessary quality also stands out, highlighting the lack of these facilities that serve the community. Sport emerges as a powerful tool for social transformation, being the central point of the proposed project. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to carry out an architectural preliminary project for a sports and educational development institute in Belém – PA, named Instituto Rei Pelé, which was conceived as an aggregator for social projects in the city, promoting equal access to activities sports and offering development opportunities for low-income young people. The methodology used has a qualitative-quantitative approach and descriptive research procedures. Architecture plays a fundamental role in this context, not just as a physical structure, but as a means to create spaces that inspire, empower and unite the community in search of more equal social development. The Institute's project proposes it as a model that transcends conventional architecture, positioning itself as an integrating force for a significant transformation of society.
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    Jardins brincantes e o florescimento da educação integral: anteprojeto arquitetônico e paisagístico do pátio escolar com foco no projeto Preventório Santa Terezinha
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Silva, Iza Carliny da Silva e; Pinho, Taynara do Vale Gomes;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;
    Recognizing the importance of free play in childhood in a scenario of enclosure and standardization of school programs, the place of Preventório Santa Terezinha, in Belém do Pará, resurfaces presenting multifaceted areas with the aim of boosting the integral development of the public in question through elements, materials and vegetation. The objective is to translate children's voices with playful and dynamic territories that expand conventional classroom languages, transcending the limits imposed by walls. The study focuses on the child's articulation with the environment and on ways to catalyze this process through landscaping.
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    Anteprojeto arquitetônico de um centro de acolhimento para mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica em Belém do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Oliveira, Ivyan Gabriella Souza de; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Costa, Bárbara Faciola Pessôa Baleixe da;
    Violence against women is a problem that is rooted in society. Over the years, the female struggle began to gain greater visibility, however, even today, the number of reports of violence against women continues to grow alarmingly, regardless of the type of violence suffered, whether physical or psychological. The Casulo Project arose from this urgent demand for more places to support women victims of violence who find themselves in unsafe homes, aiming to be a welcoming, cozy environment that contributes to the reintegration of those welcomed into society with greater autonomy and security. In this way, an architectural preliminary project was developed for a reception center for victims of domestic violence in Belém do Pará, through the collection of bibliographic and iconographic data, in addition to a technical and cadastral survey, enabling the elaboration of the architectural proposal, as well as the documentation, through the use of BIM technology software, with the aim of proposing a project with environments that present more humanized and inviting spaces, providing well-being and comfort for these women and also their children, in a time of so much vulnerability, having as one of its main pillars the use of biophilia as an integrative and healing element.
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    Ruas para brincar: anteprojeto urbanístico de corredor à primeira infância na avenida barão de igarapé miri no bairro do Guamá
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Martins, Eduarda Dias; Pinho, Taynara do Vale Gomes;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;
    The invisibility of children on the social scene is reflected, among other things, in the exclusion of their needs and desires in decisions related to the city. In this sense, seeking to elevate children to protagonists of the public space, First Childhood Corridor aims to innovate, with the urban requalification of Rua Barão de Igarapé Miri, in the municipality of Belém, with an intervention focused on playful and multisensory aspects, promoting a more fun and accessible walkability, not only for the little ones, but also for their network of caregivers. Thus, through on-site interviews and references to related projects, the project provides solutions that make the child's experience in public spaces more playful, safe and independent, with the resizing of sidewalk lanes, the placement of urban furniture for resting and the implementation of new green areas. Thus demonstrating that a good city for children is a good city for everyone.
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    Anteprojeto de restaurante popular para a cidade de Belém, PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Camorim, Beatriz Amaral; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;
    The II National Survey on Food Insecurity shows an increase of 14 million people in a situation of food insecurity in 2022, compared to 2020. This scenario contrasts with the right to food, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. Given this context, this preliminary project proposes the creation of a Popular Restaurant in the city of Belém, PA, where there are insufficient existing establishments to meet the growing demand of people experiencing food insecurity. Furthermore, the need for improvements in the architectural solutions of these establishments stands out, aiming for a more humanized, comfortable and functional place. The project seeks not only to meet the population's food needs, but also to create a space that promotes belonging and social coexistence in the city of Belém.
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    Complexo pet: arquitetura aplicada ao espaço pet
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Santos, Ylanna Dâmaris Pantoja dos; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Navarro, Fernando de Carvalho;
    This course completion work presents the development of an architectural preliminary project with shared spaces for pets, based on the perception of the current demand for integrated spaces that allow good internal flexibility. The proposal seeks to understand how the practices of a petfriendly space work, how they contribute to the well-being and health of pets, and applying these perceptions to these needs, with aspects that help in a comfortable stay in the space designed for the capital of Pará.
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    Estádio municipal de Castanhal – PA: proposta de anteprojeto arquitetônico
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Bassalo, Vítor de Melo; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;; Figueiredo, Vinícius Miranda de
    The overall objective of this work is to propose a preliminary design for a football stadium and multi-purpose arena for the city of Castanhal, Pará. The study encompasses the analysis of international, national, and local stadium projects, considering the specific demands of the region to compose the program of needs. The focus is on modernization and comfort, aiming to create a replicable model. Security is a central concern to attract the population to the stadium during events. The methodology includes three stages: theoretical research, analysis of the implantation area with the application of urban planning legislation, and the development of the architectural design for the preliminary project, including technical documentation and a descriptive memorial. The study aims to contribute to the development of a functional, safe, and attractive sports facility for the local community.
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    Novo terminal de passageiros para o aeroporto de Salinópolis
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Sanjad, Thiago Caminha; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;
    The city of Salinópolis is located in the northeastern part of the state of Pará, in the Salgado microregion, and is situated 220 km from Belém, the capital of the state. The access by land is through the highways BR-316 and PA-124. In 2021, the Government of Pará reopened the Salinas airport, featuring a 1.9 km runway with lighting and the capacity to accommodate aircraft with up to 60 passengers, enabling the landing of commercial planes. However, the current airport infrastructure requires improvements. The aim of this work is to develop an architectural draft for a new passenger terminal for the Salinópolis-PA municipality. The research is qualitative and is based on data collection regarding the growth of tourist demand in Salinópolis-PA and the development of airport projects collected from major standards and manuals for such constructions, such as NBR 9050, NBR 9077, NBR 10720, ANAC's pre-project manual, and the Federal Government's Ministry of Infrastructure Airport Project Manual. Related airport projects that could contribute to architectural and structural system solutions, as well as existing airport typologies, were also analyzed. Field research was conducted to identify the deficiencies of the current airport, perform a cadastral and iconographic survey of the building and the land, and evaluate the surroundings. The program requirements were defined through INFRAERO documents. The design concept was developed using SketchUp software, and the technical documentation, including plans, sections, and elevations, was created using Revit software. The new passenger terminal for the Salinópolis airport was designed in the same location as the existing building but with improved infrastructure. It accommodates a larger passenger capacity, introduces new spaces not present in the current configuration, and prevents the use of architectural elements from the existing building due to a significant expansion of the airport area. The architectural project for the airport passenger terminal was realized with a 3,390 m2 area on the ground floor and 1,485 m2 on the upper floor, totaling 4,875 m2.
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    Arquitetura gastrônomica com ênfase no bioclimatismo
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Martins, Thalia Ferreira; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;
    This Undergraduate Thesis in the field of Architecture and Urbanism addresses the architectural preliminary project of a regional restaurant in the Umarizal neighborhood, Belém, with a special focus on bioclimatism. The methodology adopted for the project development included a comprehensive literature review, covering topics related to both Architecture and Gastronomy, as well as specific aspects of bioclimatism, along with an iconographic analysis. The results of these studies had a positive impact on various investigations aimed at finding architectural solutions applicable to the Amazon region. Knowledge was expanded, especially regarding materials that promote the efficient use of natural resources, such as insulation, ventilation, and sustainability. This process allowed the development of a preliminary project for an efficient building, with various interrelated uses, in harmony with the plot and urban context. As the final product, the graphic documentation of the preliminary project proposal is presented, including technical drawings, perspectives, and the thesis detailing and substantiating the evolution of the work.
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    Arquitetura, arte e dança: proposta de uma escola de dança na cidade de Belém-PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Monteiro, Suzane de Souza; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;
    Dance is an artistic expression that leads to the creative process, expands the perception of ideas, and sensitizes emotions, possessing great cultural, historical, and social value, as well as enabling transformations in people's lives. As an art form, it takes center stage in social changes and the process of societal construction. Despite the grandiose landscape of various types of dances in the State, it is pertinent to emphasize that the majority of schools and dance centers adapt to pre-existing architectural spaces, overlooking the importance of architecture in these environments. This paper presents an architectural draft for a dance school in the city of Belém, in the state of Pará, aiming to expand local art and contribute to its socio-cultural appreciation. The adopted methodology was based on qualitative bibliographic research and descriptive delineation. Data collection was carried out through databases in scientific journals on internet sites related to the proposed theme. The project itself may promote a revival for users regarding dance practice, and the implementation of this venture stands out for its differential contribution to the physical, mental, and social well-being of users.
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    Anteprojeto arquitetônico de acomodações voltadas aos universitários da rede pública
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Amoras, Roberta Paysano; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Toscano, Thais Zumero;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;
    The profile of students inserted in College in Brazil does not reflect the diversity of its population due to numerous factors, one of which is the lack of provision of quality housing for low-income students. The feeling of not belonging to this type of space combined with the lack of solvency of the most vulnerable parts of society results in low graduation completion rates and high dropout rates. The construction of buildings that are not designed from an environmental perspective increases their maintenance costs, making them structures that are difficult to maintain and use. The lack of housing with design adjustments that encourage inclusion and respect the space in which they are built were the motivators for this work, which aimed to design a preliminary project for Student Housing located in the city of Belém do Pará.
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    Anteprojeto arquitetônico de uma instituição de longa permanência para idosos em Belém do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-05) Páscoa, Maria Luiza Vaz Paes; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;
    This work proposes an architectural preliminary project for a long-term care institution for the elderly in Belém do Pará, analyzing the specific needs of this population. Carrying out an analysis of numbers and new customs of the population, which causes an increase in the demand for these institutions for housing for the elderly. Addressing accessibility and inclusion strategies, and the need to create an environment adapted to your needs and possible limitations that could occur. The work presents solutions that promote the autonomy and safety of these users, integrating areas for leisure and rest for the elderly, establishing the ways that architecture, combined with scientific studies on the subject, can help lead to a healthier life.
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    Autonomia e integridade: o anteprojeto arquitetônico de uma instituição de acolhimento de idosos em Belém do Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-06) Cavalcante, Luana Feitosa; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Toscano, Thais Zumero;
    The increase in global life expectancy underscores the urgent need to raise awareness in society about the importance of healthy aging, promoting appreciation and respect for the elderly. This demand emphasizes the importance of developing policies and practices that not only extend citizens' lives but also provide them with a positive existence. This includes access to proper healthcare, opportunities for social participation, and ongoing recognition of their contribution to the community. In this scenario, the innovative concept of Vila Mangueira emerges as an institution dedicated to the elderly. Grounded in three fundamental pillars for a fuller and happier life—autonomy, integrity, and socialization—the project aims to create spaces that encourage active, healthy, and participatory aging. The study, divided into two phases, encompasses theoretical research on the history of Long-Term Care Facilities for the Elderly, as well as their policies, and Environmental Gerontology, followed by the development of an architectural draft. The comprehensive approach of Vila Mangueira not only seeks to meet the growing demands resulting from increased longevity but also represents a tangible commitment to the holistic well-being of the elderly and society as a whole. The project goes beyond providing housing, aspiring to create environments that promote quality of life. This initiative stands out by addressing not only physical but also emotional and social needs, contributing to a more inclusive vision of aging in contemporary society.
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    Arquitetura hoteleira e sustentabilidade: anteprojeto de hotelaria no município de Salinópolis / Pará
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-05) Corrêa, Juliana Barata Holanda; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;
    The triad of architecture, hospitality, and sustainability is intrinsically connected, delineating the future of tourism and how local communities interact with the built environment. Currently, there is heightened awareness of the dual effects of tourism, both positive and negative, necessitating the minimization of its deleterious impacts. Sustainable architecture emerges as an alternative as it integrates techniques to maximize energy efficiency and minimize environmental impact. It employs an aesthetic in harmony with the local nature, providing unique experiences to visitors and promoting environmental consciousness. Hotels in the State of Pará are beginning to adopt sustainable initiatives to better serve tourists and preserve the unique ecosystems of the Amazon. Simultaneously, there is an anticipation of a significant increase in accommodation demand in the state, such as during the COP30 in Belém. Initiatives involving local communities, respecting their traditions, knowledge, and the environment, will be essential to create a tourism model that benefits everyone. Therefore, this work aims to develop a pre-project for hospitality, in the inn category, in the municipality of Salinópolis, Pará. It aims to meet sustainability requirements and practices with minimal environmental impact in the construction and operation of the venture, resulting in a unique lodging experience with comfort and well-being. This involves utilizing a more organic and humanized architecture. To achieve this, a bibliographic survey, an analysis of project references, and finally, the development of an architectural proposal were conducted. As a result, an intervention project was obtained that adopted simple and low-cost strategies to minimize the use of natural resources abundant in the region. Through the conducted research and the development of this pre-project, it is evident that the reassessment of tourist practices – considering the influence of bioclimatic architecture on the built environment and resource management – emerges as a fundamental approach to improving the current scenario, effectively contributing to a more balanced and harmonious future.
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    Escola de ensino médio: anteprojeto para o município de Laranjal do Jari
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-07) Marques, João Lucas Jaccoud; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;
    The present work initially proposes to analyze the international commitments assumed by Brazil in the educational context, and the main problems involved in achieving the proposed objectives. Among the challenges observed, most notably, the educational inequality observed between Brazilian regions, in which performance standards in the north and northeast regions, and, specifically, in the Amazon region, are considerably less significant when compared to those in other regions. In this sense, it was also possible to observe precariousness or even the non-existence of certain environments in low-performing schools, as identified in institutions in the municipality of Laranjal do Jari, in Amapá. In this context, given the determinations of the PNE (National Education Plan), it is understood that the positive performance of schools is directly related to 03 fundamental pillars, namely: resources, professionals and environment. From this perspective, architecture emerges as a tool capable of assisting in the specific structuring of the 3rd pillar, a factor that determined the theme of this work: High School, Preliminary Project for the municipality of Laranjal do Jari. Having defined the theme, the objectives of the work became the conception of an architectural preliminary project for a secondary education institution for Laranjal do Jari, as well as the identification of environments relevant to the scenario of institutions that, today, practice secondary education with excellence and the definition of bioclimatic strategies consistent with the municipality's climate. In view of this, we sought to analyze bibliographical references consistent with the theme, which could provide guidance on design decisions favorable to the teaching environment and architecture applied to the climate. Likewise, we sought to study design references relevant to the theme, which could point out assertive architectural solutions, as well as challenges that could be solved from a different perspective. From this situation, the architectural draft was prepared following standards determined by the FNDE and the BRASIL PROFESSIONALIZADO program, in order to condense solutions and seek low-cost alternatives, considering the possibility of implementation by the municipality. Finally, this work concludes in the search to materialize a possible solution to mitigate a latent problem in Brazilian society, specifically in the Amazon region: educational inequality.
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    Habitação de interesse social – requalificação da Alameda Vitória
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-05) Beleza, Iara Iraí da Costa; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;
    The Social Interest Housing Alameda Vitória is premised on the housing deficit present in the country. The project aims to strengthen the need for low-cost and quality housing for the population, as well as encourage more developed urban spaces, fostering interaction among inhabitants. Located in the municipality of Ananindeua, PA, in the Águas Brancas neighborhood, where 10 families reside in an occupation, studies were conducted to allow the development of the project for the improvement of housing and regularization of land occupancy. A unified housing plan was designed, replicated throughout the terrain, with semi-detached house typologies. The preliminary project was developed through qualitative research, with bibliographic studies on the historical context of social interest housing and ATHIS. Terrain studies and analysis of related projects were conducted to develop a safe and quality social interest housing, meeting all the guidelines of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. The Social Interest Housing project aims to offer spaces with environments focused on thermal comfort, integration, and expansion possibilities. It was designed to encourage the creation of quality housing, with the potential to replicate its typology throughout Brazil.
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    Anteprojeto de residência unifamiliar bioclimática com estratégias para eficência energética
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Pereira, Hérica Raiane Costa; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Kamel, Tales Albuquerque;; Toscano, Thais Zumero;
    The construction industry stands out as one of the main sources of environmental pollution, making it crucial to change this scenario. Studies confirm that construction techniques and inappropriate material choices directly impact the environment, influencing the thermal comfort of users. Furthermore, inefficiency in designs can lead to increased electricity consumption through appliances such as air conditioning and artificial lighting systems, often sourced from non-renewable energy. This issue can be reversed by adopting more sustainable practices by construction professionals. The application of efficient methods, focusing on bioclimatic architecture, seeks passive strategies to optimize the thermal and energy performance of buildings. Additionally, the choice of low-impact environmental materials is crucial. In the presented context, a single-family residence project in the Amazon region exemplifies the implementation of effective construction techniques, waste reduction, the use of renewable energy, and home automation as concrete measures to promote sustainability.
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    Projeto de requalificação urbanística na praça do açaí bosquinho no Mangueirão em Belém - PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023-12-04) Nagase, Beatriz Ayana; Pinho, Taynara do Vale Gomes;; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Leão, Monique Bentes Machado Sardo;
    Considered one of the main urban public spaces, squares play a fundamental role in encouraging community life. Serving as meeting points and social hubs, squares bring together different people for leisure activities, commerce, exchange of ideas, romantic encounters, and even political gatherings. These diverse uses reflect the habits, beliefs, and other cultural aspects of the users, promoting sustainable outdoor urban living. However, faced with negligence from authorities and the users themselves regarding the maintenance and care of the Açaí Square, located in the Mangueirão neighborhood in Belém of Pará, there is a noticeable underutilization and abandonment of the space by the community. Therefore, It becomes essential to requalify this area, necessitating a sustainable planning approach to provide a program of activities that meet the needs of local residents and visitors. The requalification included a wide urban and landscape program, encompassing leisure and recreational activities, and assuring accessibility for the entire population. In this context, a theoretical and project-based study was conducted addressing public spaces, Brazilian landscaping, and urban sustainability, with a focus on public squares. Subsequently, environmental diagnostics were developed, along with community input gathered through surveys and field observations, followed by the allocation of spaces through zoning. The urban and landscape requalification project for Açaí Square was concluded, based on priority guidelines for sustainability, accessibility, and innovation.
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    Casa dos palhaços: anteprojeto arquitetônico de teatro, com ênfase no estudo do som e da identidade em Belém-PA
    (Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, 2023) Toda, Angela Maciel; Silva, Paulo André Dantas;; Cavaleiro, Luan Rodrigo dos Santos;; Rodrigues, Paulo Chagas;
    Theater is as old as humanity, theater buildings have accompanied different historical moments, styles, trends, reflecting each of them on their stages. Along with the development of the theater, there was also the development of acoustics, seeking to solve the problems encountered and guarantee comfort and a good show for the audience. Among many theatrical groups, the Associação Cultural Palhaços Trovadores emerged in 1998, the first clown group of Belém, with a unique history and identity. Based on this, this work sought to develop a proposal for a new theatrical space for the Palhaços Trovadores group, in Belém-PA, based on their needs, their type of audience and in order to guarantee quality acoustics for greater appreciation of the performance. To this end, qualitative and quantitative research was carried out, seeking to collect data about the different theatrical typologies, which of these would best suit the group and subsequently how certain materials would impact the theater's acoustics. From the collected data, a proposal for an architectural preliminary project was developed, seeking to solve the problems encountered and generate a suitable building for its artists and its audience.