Albuquerque, Mário Roberto Tavares Cardoso de2023-08-172023-08-172022-11-10DIAS, Jéssica Maria Gouveia; SOUZA, José Lucas Dias de. Comportamento sexual e reprodutivo de mulheres ribeirinhas habitantes de uma comunidade no Baixo Acará, Pará, Brasil. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2022. rural communities have geographic, social and economic barriers that refletc on the health of the riverdidade population, especiallu in women’s heatlh. Research on rivesidade women can show patterns that reacte profiles that help in the elaboration of pratical local actions. The objective of the study was to characterize the demographic and social, sexual and reproductive profile and knowledge about contraceptive methods, sexual transmited infections (STI) and family planning of riversidade women, from the Genipauba Community, in Baixo Acará, Pará, Brazil. The study typology was epidemiological and cross-sectional, quantitative and descriptive, through three semi-structured questionnaires with questions about social and demographic, sexual and reproductive health data, autored by the researchers and applied to women aged 18 yeas or older who lived in the community and who initiated the sexual life – the study had the participation of 33 womens. Social and demographic results revealed women aged between 18 and 60 years, broen and evangelical, with incomplete education, in steady and long-term relationships, autonomous, living in wooden houses with on stilts and more than a decade in the community. The sexual health results showed owmen with early coitarche, one or two sexual parners during their lifetime and knowledge about contraceptive methods, using surgical and non-surgical contraception. The sexual health results also showed knowledge about PCCU and STI, but uncertainties about their own serologies and with a case of syphilis during pregnancy, in addition to a family history of uterine câncer. The reproductive health results showed women with high fertility and birth rates, with early pregnancies, unplanned, but accepted, adequate prenatal care and term deliveries, vaginally and in hospitals, but with infectious and cardiovascular complications and abortions due to physical trauma. It was concluded that riverside women have social and health deficits that reflect geographic, social and economic barriers and that the internalization of clinical, gynecological and obstetric medicine is fundamental for the development of woemn and riversidade communities.Acesso Abertoúde da mulherSaúde sexualSaúde reprodutivaComportamento reprodutivoInfecções sexualmente transmissíveisMétodos contraceptivosPlanejamento familiarPopulação ruralMulheresCIENCIAS DA SAUDEComportamento sexual e reprodutivo de mulheres ribeirinhas habitantes de uma comunidade no Baixo Acará, Pará, BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso