Conde, Cláudio Luciano da Rocha2023-10-192023-10-192019-12-19OLIVEIRA, Rafael Creão de. Aumento do índice de disponibilidade da frota de máquinas de uma empresa do setor logístico através da aplicação de métodos de engenharia de manutenção. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. search to improve the performance of internal processes and management indicators is directly associated to customer satisfaction and the company's financial success. Being an outsourced company, these charges are even higher, especially when the production chain where the organization is inserted moves great financial values and demands high operational quality, such as aluminum production. Among several methods for improvement, the Six Sigma philosophy proposes that excellence will never be achieved, as there are always opportunities for improvement, but that optimization should be pursued until the results achieved are acceptable. The study of this work is based on the search to improve the machine fleet performance of the studied company starting from the application of the method used in Six Sigma projects, the DMAIC methodology. The application of the five steps of the methodology allowed to identify the problem related to the maintenance sector and the machine fleet availability indicator that showed the 55% metric, which generates contractual billing losses. The purpose of the study is to optimize it to achieve financial gains, operational reliability and improved customer satisfaction. By measuring data and using quality tools it was possible to analyze which machines and which factors produced undesirable results, thus facilitating decision making to solve the problem. That way, the application of the methodology allowed to reach and exceed the goal, initially proposed to increase to 80% the machine fleet availability indicator. Comparing with the revenue that would be obtained with the indicator prior to the study, the financial benefits represented an economic gain of R $ 2,009,002.20 in the seven months of the study.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil da qualidadeFerramentas de gestãoControle de processoGestão da qualidade totalTomada de decisãoViabilidade econômicaLogísticaENGENHARIASAumento do índice de disponibilidade da frota de máquinas de uma empresa do setor logístico através da aplicação de métodos de engenharia de manutençãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso