Santos, Michelle Bitar Lelis dos2023-09-272023-09-272021SARMENTO, Arthur Ichi Costa. Projeto em internet das coisas aplicada a um cenário residencial visando a melhor implementação e experiência do usuário. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Computação) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. Internet of Things consists of a network of physical objects capable of gathering and transmitting data. Such technology is characterized by the large number of connections, devices and countless applications, all integrated to the Internet and working together, interconnecting all current and future services. In the realm where physical objects connect and create a transmission network, the scenario of Smart homes emerges that have often been conceptualized as a creative dream for communities of the future. For these services to meet the needs of users and become a reality, it is necessary to collect a large amount of data, needing to identify all network devices and integrate them into an intelligent system. It is at this point that this monograph comes into play, aiming to carry out a case study and develop an efficient and simplified home automation infrastructure focused on the use of the Internet of Things. The project transforms the room of a common house into an intelligent one, using few resources and making the integration of several physical objects to a network controlled by a virtual assistant that, through routines and voice commands, automates the environment.Acesso Aberto (Internet of Things)Automação residencialWirelessDomóticaSistemas inteligentesConectividadeENGENHARIASProjeto em internet das coisas aplicada a um cenário residencial visando a melhor implementação e experiência do usuárioTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso