Sousa, Andreia do Socorro Conduru de2024-05-062024-05-062023-12-05BAIMA, Carlos Newton Santos. Estudo de caso: o gerenciamento de produtividade no canteiro de uma obra vertical através do uso da metodologia SCRUM e do indicativo RUP. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023. case study portrays the management and extraction of data on the productivity of construction labor, in various activities, on a building project in Belém do Pará. With the problem being the incompatibility of productivity indices in budgets and planning, compared to the indications practiced in construction, the aim of this study is to collect and evaluate the productivity indices of the work's executive activities, using the unit production ratio (UPR) method, to generate a cohesive and comparative database that will help the executing company in budgets for future buildings, and can measure the planning and budget changes of the construction under study, therefore, the intention to cover various services, in order to increase the construction company's know-how. For the study, productivity data was collected from April/2023 to September/2023, using information from the daily work report (RDO). It is worth noting that the Scrum management method was also used to boost the production capacity of the operational teams through time management activities. In addition, the results obtained showed a continuous improvement in productivity in the activities, after 3 repetitions of the same service, thus generating an evolution in the "learning curve" of the activity and speeding up the project execution process. After using the tools, it was found that some activities were more cost-effective.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilão Unitária de Produção (RUP)ProdutividadeScrum (Desenvolvimento de software)OrçamentoGestão de tempoPlanejamentoENGENHARIASEstudo de caso: o gerenciamento de produtividade no canteiro de uma obra vertical através do uso da metodologia SCRUM e do indicativo RUPTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso