Azevedo, Thiago Augusto Galeão de2023-10-272023-10-272019-06-17Silva, Laíze Fernanda Assis da. Vivências de travestis e transexuais no ensino superior: uma análise das relações de poder e controle de corpos sob a ótica de Michael Foucault. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. work aims to evaluate the theoretical conceptions of Michel Foucault regarding the analysis of power and construction of the device of sexuality as methodological species of control of bodies and social exclusion of deviant individuals to socially accepted behavioral rules. Such understandings will be applied as a way of demonstrating the discrimination and obstacles that transvestites and transsexuals suffer in social spaces, especially in their experiences as students of educational institutions of basic and higher education. Thus, the present research will debate the various aspects of power from a Foucaultian perspective, which directly influence the marginalization of deviant individuals to the norms of gender imposed by a heteronormative system. The objective is to discuss the consequences of this exercise of power, which have resulted in high rates of violence and mortality of the trans people, generating a precarious life prospect. In addition, it will be sought to reflect on this problem so that, in a way, it provides a certain visibility to this vulnerable population. In this sense, the work was carried out from the bibliographical analysis of philosophers and theorists that deal with issues of gender and sexuality, as well as data collection provided by NGOs and testimonies of students from the city of Belém-PA.Acesso Aberto políticaRelações de poderIdentidade de gêneroSexo e sexualidadeRelações de gêneroDiscriminação sexualGêneroTransexualTravestiFoucault, Michel, 1926-1984CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASVivências de travestis e transexuais no ensino superior: uma análise das relações de poder e controle de corpos sob a ótica de Michael FoucaultTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso