Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do2022-09-282022-09-282022-06-07SANTOS, Franco de Assis Pinto dos; SILVA, José Antônio de Carvalho. Hórus: aplicação web para a localização de vagas em estacionamentos particulares em tempo real. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Computação) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2022., efforts are being made to optimize the time that each person spends during their day to day in order to focus on essential activities and this applies to the time spent commuting to activities that need to be carried out. The city of Belém notoriously has several problems in terms of urban mobility, which generates waste of this precious time and among these problems is the loss of time by drivers in finding parking spaces in the vicinity of their destination. This work seeks to solve this problem through an intelligent solution that allows, in real time, city drivers to locate parking spaces in the city close to their destination, through a web/mobile application built from the React and Expo libraries of Javascript, with integration with a Realtime Firebase database powered in real time by ultrasonic sensors connected to an ESP32. Surveys were carried out through Google Forms both on the interest with the application and for feedback on its final form, validating the product as viable.Acesso Aberto urbanaAplicativo móvelEngenharia de softwareDesenvolvimento de aplicativoEstacionamento privadoVaga em estacionamentoRealtime FirebaseENGENHARIASHórus: aplicação web para a localização de vagas em estacionamentos particulares em tempo realTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso