Amorim, Claudiane Santana Silveira2024-11-132024-11-132024-06-14ALVES, Júlia Maria Lisboa; SENA, Manuela Marques; REIS, Marcos Antunis Silva. Prototipagem de tecnologia educacional para auxiliar o enfermeiro sobre o trabalho de parto prematuro. 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Enfermagem) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2024. Preterm birth care requires clinical skills and quick decisions. Nurses play a fundamental role in this scenario, and Educational Technologies are powerful tools to train and improve the care provided to pregnant women in Preterm Labor. Although physiological pregnancy is ideally designed to minimize any trauma to the mother, serious complications, such as Preterm Labor, can arise, requiring immediate procedures. In this context, Health Technology plays a crucial role, not only in diagnosis and treatment, but also in promoting prevention and problem-solving strategies in the health area. OBJECTIVE: To develop a prototype for the obstetric nurse on Preterm Labor. METHODOLOGY: This is a methodological study (app prototyping), exploratory, descriptive, based on Falkembach's Instructional Design (2005), in which it will be operationalized in two phases: (i) exploratory and integrative literature review; (ii) prototyping. These steps were adapted to better understand/develop the research. Instructional Design addresses five phases: (i) analysis and planning; (ii) modeling; (iii) implementation; (iv) evaluation and maintenance; (v) distribution. The first two phases were operationalized: (i) analysis and planning; (ii) Modeling (Conceptual, Navigation and Interface). These steps were adapted to better understand/develop the research. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The development of the application proposed in this work presents a promising potential to overcome this barrier. The application will not only facilitate access to existing information, but it will also be able to be continuously fed with new data and discoveries, allowing constant updating and opening doors for future research and scientific contributions.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilíciaTecnologia educacionalPrototipaçãoTrabalho de parto prematuroDesenvolvimento de aplicativoEnfermagem obstétricaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEPrototipagem de tecnologia educacional para auxiliar o enfermeiro sobre o trabalho de parto prematuroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso