Del Nero, Luciana Brandão Carreira2024-09-132024-09-132021SANTIAGO, Gabriel Rodrigues; COELHO, Isabela Freitas. Percepção do estudante de medicina acerca do apoio familiar durante a graduação. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. Learning is the result of various stimuli and intrinsic and extrinsic variables, leading to development in both interpersonal and academic environments. In the academic one, family support on choices and paths to be taken by students is a major determinant for their mental health, especially during the current global trend of increased information flows and unachievable charges. Therefore, it is expected that satisfactory parental bonds will positively influence the academic population, their selfesteem, and their biopsychosocial well-being. Objectives: To describe the perception of medical students about their family support during graduation. Methods: Crosssectional, observational, descriptive study using quantitative data. Results: The majority of sample were female students (61.6%), with age raging between 18-20 years (70%), mostly attending the first year of the course. Data suggest present and active family nuclei in the students' daily life, corresponding to low levels of parental rejection in students with low self-esteem (63.3% scored low self-esteem and low paternal rejection while 61.7% scored low self-esteem and low maternal rejection). Most of the students rated their self-esteem as low (61.6%). Conclusions: Although data showed most of families as present and active during graduation, low levels of self-esteem suggest that other variants may compromise the mental health of the researched students, who mostly scored the perception of family support during graduation as satisfactory.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil de MedicinaDesempenho acadêmicoEnsino superiorRelações familiaresQualidade de vidaSaúde mentalCIENCIAS DA SAUDEPercepção do estudante de medicina acerca do apoio familiar durante a graduaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso