Rodrigues, Cybelle Cristina Pereira2024-09-122024-09-122021YAMADA, Aline Rejanne Michiko da Conceição; QUARESMA, Heron Correa. Tendência da mortalidade por acidente vascular encefálico na população brasileira entre 2009 a 2018. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. The morbidity and mortality of Brazilian individuals exposed to stroke is a public health problem and has numerous socio-spatial repercussions. Thus, it is important to know the stroke mortality rate in the Brazilian population, in order to promote public health policies. Objective: To analyze the occurrence of stroke mortality in the Brazilian population between 2009 and 2018. Methodology: Data were collected (age, sex, education, marital status, race / color, ICD-10 classification, place of occurrence) of 1,003. 862 national cases of death due to stroke that occurred between the period of 2009 to 2018, present in the SUS Mortality Information System (SIM-SUS), collected from the Informatics Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Results: The mortality rate varied from 52.3 to 47.9 deaths / 100 thousand inhabitants in the period from 2009 to 2018. The South region was responsible for the highest mortality among the period studied, with a coefficient of 58.9 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants, however, it presented the greatest percentage reduction after standardization, with a percentage of 13.8%. The North region was responsible for the lowest mortality rate in the period, with a value of 34.4 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants, however it was the only region that presented an increase of 22.3% of deaths between the studied period. There is an approximate frequency of mortality between men and women for the total population, with a predominance, in absolute numbers, in males (505,552 - male; 498,183 - female). There was an increase in death from stroke in proportion to the increase in age in all Brazilian regions. There is an inverse relationship between mortality and the increase in education in all Brazilian regions, ranging from 219,586 cases in individuals with no education to 32,590 cases in individuals with 11 or more years of study. There is a predominance of deaths from stroke in white individuals (50.5%, n = 507,380 cases) followed by brown individuals (34.7%, n = 347,951 cases). 77.8% (n = 780,602) of the cases had an outcome in public or private hospitals. The occurrence of death from stroke predominated in married people (36.1%, n = 362,816). There is a higher notification of stroke not specified as hemorrhagic or ischemic (41%, n = 411,651). Conclusion: There was a decrease in the mortality coefficient, with the South region having the highest coefficient, but the largest reduction in events and the North region, the smallest, despite being the only region that showed an increase in the number of cases. The gender variable did not show significant differences in the number of deaths, although the male gender stands out, however, the variables age, race and study time revealed a predominance in the number of deaths in the elderly, white race and individuals with shorter study time. Given these findings, it is necessary to carry out more actions to promote programs such as Hiperdia and greater participation of health professionals who are part of the Family Health Strategy to avoid health problems in the at-risk population that may lead to a stroke event.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil vascular cerebralEpidemiologiaMortalidadePerfil epidemiológicoÍndice de mortalidadeSistemas de informação em saúdeAVC HemorrágicoAVC IsquêmicoCIENCIAS DA SAUDETendência da mortalidade por acidente vascular encefálico na população brasileira entre 2009 a 2018Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso