Albuquerque, Mário Roberto Tavares Cardoso de2024-09-172024-09-172021PACHECO, Mônica Vanessa de Moraes Lima; FERNANDES, Ronicelli Cezario. Desenvolvimento e validação de cartilha educativa “quebracuca” como estratégia de autocuidado em idosos hipertensos. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. The world population has been going through a demographic transition process, resulting in population aging. In addition, there was a change in the epidemiological profile, demonstrating a preponderance of chronic-degenerative diseases, such as systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). The high prevalence of SAH in the elderly makes it necessary to have greater knowledge about risk factors, drug and non-drug treatment, prevention of complications inherent to the pathology, in order to reduce morbidity and mortality and improve quality of life and functional independence. In this context, recreational activities are an instrument to facilitate learning, promote improvement in the individual's health, and change in behavior. Objectives: This study aimed to develop and validate a playful booklet with guidelines that enhance self-care in hypertensive elderly. This validation was carried out by expert judges on the subject, as well as representatives of the target audience. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, applied, quantitative descriptive study. The Booklet was organized based on manuals and public health policies, in addition to scientific articles published in virtual libraries. Its content was analyzed by health professionals through a questionnaire administered via e-mail. The evaluators were divided into two groups: the first containing 30 professionals (doctors, nurses, nutritionists and physical educators) who work with elderly hypertensive patients within their area of expertise, and a second group containing 15 elderly patients diagnosed with SAH registered in the CEMEC. The method used was the Likert Scale. Results and Discussion: The technical jury and the target audience evaluated the topics “objectives, content, relevance, illustrations, language and layout and design”. According to the Likert scale score, showing that the higher the “I totally agree” criterion, the more approved the material will be, the Quebra-Cuca Booklet had its validation confirmed, since the technical jury showed 81% acceptance and the public target 96%, generating an overall approval of 86%. Conclusion: The booklet obtained a good approval rate by the judges, demonstrating its importance for health education, in addition to being a useful tool to disseminate the minimum necessary knowledge, therefore considered validated.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilção em saúdeHipertensãoAutocuidadoEnvelhecimentoPerfil epidemiológicoCIENCIAS DA SAUDEDesenvolvimento e validação de cartilha educativa “quebracuca” como estratégia de autocuidado em idosos hipertensosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso