Magno, Ismaelino Mauro Nunes2024-09-102024-09-102022ALBUQUERQUE, Lucas Eduardo Carneiro; KAWACHI, Yuji Reis. A percepção de graduandos de medicina na utilização de imagens como recurso metodológico no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2022. The teaching and learning process can happen in different ways, with education having a very important role in transforming society in a positive way. In addition, the objective of teaching is to achieve a good formation and qualification of the student, with the school being an aid in this development. The constant production of knowledge and the increasingly application of technology, makes there is an inherent need to search for methods and models that aim to ensure practical application, instigating the search for solutions. The use of material such as manuals, formulated in an objective, utilitarian way, with images and easy to understand, plays an important role in health education. In addition, the participatory approach used in the construction of the educational material allows identifying the needs of the target audience, as well as indicating the content of the materials corresponding to their own demands. Objectives: to evaluate the consolidation of knowledge built in different learning scenarios (tutoring, clinical and morphofunctional skills), using a picture book as a methodological resource. Methodology: the study carried out was of the descriptive type, in order to analyze the consolidation of knowledge through notebooks containing figures related to the contents worked in the tutorial sessions, in the Morphofunctional Laboratory and in Clinical Skills. Participating in the research were undergraduates of the Medicine course of the 8th semester of the University Center of the State of Pará (CESUPA). Results: the present study analyzed the consolidation of the knowledge built in the thematic modules (Tutoring, Morphofunctional Laboratory and Clinical Skills) from the answers given by 22 students. 21 questions were elaborated. In these questions the score varied between 47.2% (the lowest) and 95.2% (the highest), the academics had a mean of 80.5% and a standard deviation of 12.5%. The percentages of correct answers did not present a normal distribution, and the median is representative of the class = 85.7%. Conclusion: It was found that the use of images in the teaching-learning process can be an instrument for acquiring and fixing content. Its purpose is to strengthen, in an illustrative way and based on the current literature, the recommendations and possible innovations that will enable the ability to transform acquired knowledge into constructed knowledge.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilção médicaEnsino superiorAprendizagem significativaEstudantes de MedicinaEnsino e aprendizagemImagensCIENCIAS DA SAUDEA percepção de graduandos de medicina na utilização de imagens como recurso metodológico no processo de ensino-aprendizagemTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso