Carmo, Ricardo Melo Casseb do2022-11-072022-11-072019-06-13CORRÊA, Lucas Alves; NAGAI, Rodrigo Jun Niwa; SANTOS, Rodrigo Reginaldo Souza. Aplicativo móvel para gestão financeira. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Computação) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. education is not something highly valued in many areas of the country, so managing and controlling your own money ends up becoming quite complicated for many people. Together with this, the emergence of the various technological means to facilitate people's daily lives has grown in an unimaginable way. And the search for more agile and practical means of offering these solutions has become crucial to the market. Thus, this work proposes a solution developed with the Ionic framework integrated with a database to generate a mobile application with greater reach that helps in the financial management of employees and micro entrepreneurs, dispensing some of the previously manual processes.Acesso Aberto de softwareAplicativo móvelDesenvolvimento de aplicativoFirebaseComputação em nuvemGestão financeiraENGENHARIASAplicativo móvel para gestão financeiraTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso