Azevedo, Marineuza Jardim2024-05-212024-05-212021ALMEIDA, Layane Lima de; ARAÚJO, Victória Nascimento Martins. O uso da auriculoterapia no controle da ansiedade em estudantes pré-vestibulandos: protocolo terapêutico. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Fisioterapia) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. a result of the entrance process to higher education, pre-university students have developed problems such as stress and anxiety, thus resulting in decreased sleep quality and their learning performance. Auriculotherapy is a technique with practical application, low cost, safe, non-invasive and with greater patient adherence to the proposed treatment, mainly due to its immediate and prolonged effect, and can be used as a treatment for anxiety, due to its potential for promote physical and mental well-being and consequently promote better quality of life. To establish na auriculotherapy care protocol for anxiety control in preuniversity entrance exam students. The protocol was elaborated from nine scientific articles, having as descriptors "anxiety", "auriculotherapy", "protocol" and "student", being found through literary researches in the electronic databases of PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS and Academic Google. Taking into account scientific studies, the proposed protocol aims at the application of Shenmen ear points, heart, kidney, liver, lung, brainstem, neurasthenia and anxiety, with 20 appointments, twice a week. Auriculotherapy has been gaining expression in the face of the growing production of scientific evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of auriculotherapy for various health conditions. WHO recognizes Auriculotherapy as a microacupuncture system that can have a positive impact on the regulation of whole body function, and its therapeutic effect has been investigated in a wide range of health problems in eastern and western countries. Auricular stimulation with seeds, being safer and non-invasive, is widespread worldwide, with surprising results, from 59% to 78%, in reducing anxiety symptoms. This variation in anxiety reduction is largely due to the points that will be stimulated or even the amount of care and its frequency itself. Thus, the protocol idealized by this study was based on the fusion of ear points, respecting the energy functions linked to the Zang-Fu theory and its benefits in combating emotional disorders. It was observed that auriculotherapy is an effective method to control anxiety and consequently to improve quality of life, however, there is a lack of research on auriculotherapy to control anxiety in pre-university students, therefore it is important to promote a greater production of scientific articles aimed at this audience.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil do sonoQualidade de vidaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEO uso da auriculoterapia no controle da ansiedade em estudantes pré-vestibulandos: protocolo terapêuticoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso