Bastos, Elísio Augusto Velloso2019-02-172019-02-172018-12-18Leal, Andréa Santos Borges. A liberdade religiosa como justificativa para o custeio de tratamento alternativo de saúde por parte do Estado: uma análise do Recurso Extraordinário 979.742. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2018. present work aims to analyze the religious phenomenon and its historical evolution, in view of the consecration of religious freedom as a human and as a fundamental right, in the various international documents, as well as in the Brazilian Constitutions, until the current context, where there are a plurality of religions. Due to such diversity, it intends to equate the problem regarding the limits within which the State can rely on a certain religious thought for the purpose of adopting, or not, specific public policy, considering that, at the same time, it needs to act in an active way, guaranteeing to all its citizens the protection of the aspects that integrate the normative scope of religious freedom, mentioning freedom of belief, proselytism, conscientious objection, freedom of worship, self-determination, etc.; just as the Public Power must maintain a certain neutrality and non-interference, so it does not privilege the majority's belief over the minority creed, thus, promoting the effective separation of Church and State, wich is relevant to the concept of the Lay State. In this bias, this research brings as an example (and as a demonstration of the problem that the effectiveness of the clause of State-Church’s separation faces), the Extraordinary Appeal n ° 979.742, which arrived at the Supreme Court to answer the question that, here, it aims to solve: can you consider religious freedom a justification for the cost of alternative health care? To get to a reasonable result, the proportionality principle will be used as a rational instrument for the collision of rights.Acesso Aberto religiosaDireitos humanosPolíticas públicasIgreja e EstadoReligiãoCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASA liberdade religiosa como justificativa para o custeio de tratamento alternativo de saúde por parte do Estado: uma análise do Recurso Extraordinário 979.742Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso