Rodrigues, Cybelle Cristina Pereira2024-09-132024-09-132021BARROS, Danilo Augusto Junior; NUNES, José Marcus Farias Guimarães. Cobertura vacinal: série histórica da imunização de crianças de 0 a 4 anos no período de 2010 a 2020 na região norte. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. the creation of the National Immunization Plan (PNI) is a major milestone in Brazilian public health, achieving success in the control and eradication of diseases through vaccination at various stages of life. Childhood is the stage in which most of vaccines are administered, being a key aspect for the achievement of better quality of life and longer life expectancy. Objective: This study seeks to present data on the vaccination coverage of children aged 0-4 years at national and regional level in Brazil in the period between 2010 and 2020. Methodology: vaccination coverage data were obtained from the DATASUS health information platform, corresponding to the years 2010 to 2020 and were displayed at national and regional levels. Then, they were exposed in 3 age groups that correlate with specific immunobiologicals for each age and their respective vaccine coverage. Results: the collected information demonstrated little variation in performance across the broad vaccination landscape compared to age groups. The Midwest region had the best vaccine performance in the period, however, the vulnerability of the North region in supplying of immunizing agents to its population draws attention, having the worst performance amongst the 5 brazilian regions in all comparisons. Also noteworthy is the large number of immunizing agents that were below the goal of vaccination coverage recommended by the PNI. Conclusion: Brazil is facing an important decrease in vaccine coverage, reflected in the failure of achieving the minimum vaccination coverage goal for several diseases, creating vulnerability and the possibility of recurrence of previously controlled or eradicated infirmities at both regional and national levels.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil vacinalImunizaçãoQualidade de vidaAtenção básicaAtenção primária à saúdeErradicação de doençasExpectativa de vidaCIENCIAS DA SAUDECobertura vacinal: série histórica da imunização de crianças de 0 a 4 anos no período de 2010 a 2020 na região norteTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso