Girotto, Pedro Henrique Sales2024-11-262024-11-262023-12-06Matsunaga, Daniel Masayuki Aranha et al. Sistema de tráfego inteligente: SiTI. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Computação) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023. mobility is the term used to refer to the movement of people in urban spaces, in other words, it involves the coming and going of people in cities. Based on this, the integration of advanced technologies in urban mobility is crucial to improve the quality of life and address the challenges of urbanization. The inadequacy of transportation networks, stemming from a lack of proper planning, combined with governmental neglect, is a cause of poor quality of life in traffic, leading to congestion and accidents. The aim of this work is to address traffic problems by utilizing artificial intelligence to develop an intelligent traffic system. To achieve this, a real-time image recognition software was developed using YOLO and OpenCV technologies. It was able to recognize, differentiate, and count different types of vehicles. The results obtained include a prototype capable of extracting data with high precision, allowing the application of these values in calculations for traffic light control.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilência ArtificialMobilidade urbanaDesenvolvimento de softwareTráfego inteligenteLinguagem PythonYou Only Look Once (YOLO)ENGENHARIASSistema de tráfego inteligente: SiTITrabalho de Conclusão de Curso