Chaves, Rosa Helena de Figueiredo2024-09-172024-09-172021FRANCO, Pedro Pastorini; SILVA JUNIOR, Wilson Ribeiro da. Avaliação de diferentes protocolos anestésicos para a realização de ovariosalpingohisterectomia em ratas. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. Experimental models are useful tools for the understanding of a range morphological changes and those related to different systems. In the context of experimental surgery, laparotomy is the procedure most used by researchers, due to the possibility of easy access to abdominal organs through surgery. In research projects, anesthesia recommended or even mandatory, depending on the procedure, therefore choosing an ideal anesthetic protocol for the procedures becomes essential. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of different anesthetic protocols in the performance of OSH in female rats by evaluating HR, RR,T°, time of induction and maintence. METHODOLOGY: Thirty-one (n=31) animals were randomly civided into 5 experimental groups. in GP: animals (n = 3) underwent OSH for technique training. In QX: animals (n = 7) anesthetized with Ketamine 80mg / Kg + Xylazine 20mg / Kg and undergoing OSH. In QXF: animals (n = 7) anesthetized with Ketamine 60 mg / kg + Xylazine 8 mg / kg + Fentanyl 0.03 mg / kg and undergoing OSH. In QM: animals (n = 7) anesthetized with Ketamine 70 mg / kg + Midazolam 5mg / kg and undergoing OSH. In QMF: animals (n = 7) anesthetized with Ketamine 60 mg kg + Midazolam 5 mg / kg + Fentanyl 0.03 mg / kg and undergoing OSH. From the induction of the animals and trought trans and postoperative period the animal were monitored regarding the above parameters. The time it took the animal to start moving and walking with coordination was also documented. After post-anesthetic monitoring, the animals were euthanized. Variables were detected in mean and standard deviation. The Kruskall-Wallis test was used (with Dunn's post-test, when necessary) and p value <0.05 was acopted. RESULT: most of the data collected was not statistically classified, but in the analysis of the means it was possible to establish that the QMF protocol was the one that kept the parameters taken close to normal for the species. CONCLUSION: Considering always keeping the HR, FR and T°C values within the normal values for the species and thus keeping the animal as close as passible to homeostasis, we can consicer that the QMF protocol was the best one that fulfilled this role in this study.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilárioAnestésicosOvariectomiaExperimentação animalOvariosalpingohisterectomiaFrequência respiratóriaFrequência cardíacaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEAvaliação de diferentes protocolos anestésicos para a realização de ovariosalpingohisterectomia em ratasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso