Brito Filho, José Cláudio Monteiro de2023-10-262023-10-262019-06-03AROUCK, Rosilda do Socorro Cavalcante. Reforma trabalhista: a relação do trabalho intermitente e a violação dos princípios no Direito do Trabalho. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. 13,467 / 2017, known as "labor reform" brought to the Labor Law several changes, where it is evident the creation of a new modality of labor contract: the intermittent contract. It is a model that occurs with a job link with flexible hours and salaries according to the employer's needs. The creation of this new modality undoubtedly generates a reflection developed in the chosen theme, Labor Reform: The relation of the intermittent work and the violation of the principles in the Right of the Work. The objective of this monograph is to make a study on the form that this modality of work violates the worker's rights consolidated in the federal Constitution and CLT. In this format, the study will analyze the inclusion of this new contract model and its implication in the preservation of some basic principles in the Law of the worker. The methodology used was the bibliographical research, analyzing several authors as:. The first chapter focused on labor law, with its origin and construction in other countries and its influence in Brazil, culminating the principles that guide it, both constitutional and infraconstitutional. The second chapter deals with the generality of the labor reform and the introduction of the intermittent contract, the main object of this study. The third chapter deals with legal insecurity in the intermittent work due to the controversies that Law 13467/2017 generated and all the post-valid changes. Finally, the last chapter deals with the violation of principles in the inclusion of this new modality of contract, relating important principles in this context and the consequences of this violation, answering the problem question and presenting possible interventions with the result obtained.Acesso Aberto do TrabalhoReforma trabalhistaLei n. 13.467, de 13 de julho de 2017Trabalho intermitenteRelação de empregoRelação de trabalhoViolação dos princípiosContrato de trabalho intermitenteCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASReforma trabalhista: a relação do trabalho intermitente e a violação dos princípios no Direito do TrabalhoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso