Freitas, Felipe Fonseca Tavares de2023-10-192023-10-192018MELLO, Dandara Henriques; SANTANA, Victor Hugo Sousa de. Auxílio do método PSL em conjunto com a ferramenta AHP para seleção de layout em uma loja de departamentos. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2018. proper layout of departments in a retail store is critical to its operation, due to the need for logical sequencing to facilitate replenishment of materials, information flow, and the customer's buying process. The Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method presents itself as suitable for the planning of the macro-space of a department store. Through this method, it is possible to identify the local characteristics, their limitations, needs and elucidate the interrelations of the business in order to generate alternatives of physical arrangement that meet their requirements. The proposals generated needed to be evaluated in order to generate a better result in terms of the organization and optimization of the flow, compared to the gender of the store in question. The main objective of this work is to evaluate layout proposals generated through the PSL and other data sources - collaborators and external clients - with the help of a multi-criteria decision support method, and the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) tool was selected to perform This task. It compares alternatives peer-to-peer through a hierarchical analysis based on the decision-making process of a manager. The work is directed to department stores that present challenges in defining and arranging their departments for increased productivity, as well as reconcile with the customer's purchasing decision process. The method was applied in a home center located in Belém-PA that needs to define the new physical arrangement of the store that underwent a lease process of a relevant portion for an outsourced company. Three different layout alternatives were generated, evaluated through four quantitative and qualitative criteria, and one proposal was selected, being detailed through sensitivity analysis made available through the Software Expert Choice used in the development of the work. Finally, suggestions for improvement for the company were consolidated after interviews with clients and employees in order to enrich the study.Acesso Abertoções - LayoutLojas de varejoTomada de decisãoProcessamento eletrônico de dados - Técnicas estruturadasMétodo AHPPlanejamento Sistemático de Layout (PSL)ENGENHARIASAuxílio do método PSL em conjunto com a ferramenta AHP para seleção de layout em uma loja de departamentosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso