Brito Filho, José Claudio Monteiro de2024-04-162024-04-162017Silva, Gláucia Kelly Cuesta da. Política pública de educação para adolescentes infratores do estado do Pará e a realização do projeto de vida. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito, Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Regional) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2017. present study analyzes whether the public education policies aimed at professionalization aimed at adolescents who are responsible for infractions in the State of Pará, who comply with the socio-international measure, contribute to the achievement of their life project. To do so, it was necessary to tackle the problem from four thematic axes: education, understood as a means of emancipation and transformation of the human being; Socio-educational measure as a response of the public power to the transgression of the law; Existing public education policy for the recovery of socio-descendants and their reintegration into social life; And, finally, the project of life, determined in childhood and adolescence. Likewise, the information obtained from the socio-educators of the Centro Socioeducativo Feminino do Pará (CESEF) was used to establish the relationship between the vocational training received at the hospitalization unit and their life plans for post-compliance with the socio-educational measure. In order to achieve this goal, an initial analysis was made of the protection granted to the adolescent offender under the Brazilian legal system, with special emphasis on the socio-educational measure of hospitalization, given the empirical research conducted at CESEF. Secondly, education was analyzed as a mechanism of transformation and emancipation of the human being, in the light of Rawls's theory of equity, as a guarantee of the reach of the project of life and indispensable for the achievement of the objectives of socio-educational measures. From these subsidies, the analysis of the public policies of education for adolescent perpetrators of infractions of the state of Pará that carry out socio-educational measure of hospitalization, being emphasized the education with professional aims. In sequence, an analysis was made around the project of life and the way it gained importance in the study of law as a human good. Finally, it was sought to establish whether the provided professional education allows or not the achievement of the life project of these adolescents, leading to personal and professional achievement.Acesso Abertoíticas públicas de educaçãoEducação profissionalizanteMedida socioeducativaEstatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA)Direito fundamentalCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASPolítica pública de educação para adolescentes infratores do estado do Pará e a realização do projeto de vidaDissertação