Verbicaro, Loiane da Ponte Souza Prado2024-04-152024-04-152019-06-14Lima, Giovanna Faciola Brandão de Souza. O impeachment de 2016 e a expropriação constitucional do voto no Brasil: consequências à democracia brasileira. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. present study deals with the scenario of political instability in which the country finds itself. In order to do so, the aim is to find a response to this problem, namely, to what extent the process of Dilma Rousseff's impediment, together with the constitutional expropriation of the vote, contributed to the fragility of Brazilian democracy, in view of bibliographical research, especially with regard to the thesis raised by political scientists, who consider that, currently, we live in the time of the protagonism of the Judiciary Power. In addition to the concept of the regime established by the 1988 Constitution and the rite of impeachment, it was sought to demonstrate the context in which it occurred in the year 2016, as well as some of the different interpretations of this event.Acesso Aberto judiciárioDemocraciaImpeachmentSoberania popularCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASO impeachment de 2016 e a expropriação constitucional do voto no Brasil: consequências à democracia brasileiraTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso