Rodrigues, Brenda Diniz2024-09-122024-09-122023-05-30SOARES, Fernanda Piqueira de Andrade Lobo; MIRANDA, Letícia Colares. Autoaceitação e qualidade de vida pós mastectomia de transexualização. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023. The term “transgender person” refers to any person who does not identify with their birth gender. Allied to that, in the medical field many studies approach the concept of gender dysphoria, whih means a significant clinical discomfort associated with gender and biological characteristics, associated with impaired self-perception and impaired quality of life. Within this context, medical interventions and other areas of the health field come to help in the gender transition process, which includes the performance of mastectomy. In summary, the present study seeks to estimate the procedures impact on the sexual resignation process of transgender men. Objective: To measure the impact of mastectomy on transsexual men, and how this surgery influences aspects related to the quality of life of this population. Materials and methods: This is a cross- sectional, observational and descriptive study, based on data collected through the application of a virtual questionnaire for patients undergoing masculininzing mastectomy for in Brazil, between december 2022 and march 2023. Results: 50 individuals participated in the research. Among these, most of them were between 20 and 39 years old, identified themselves as trans men for more than 2 years and had health insurance. In the pre-operative period, the highest proportion of minimum grades was related to the level of satisfaction with physical appearance. In post-operative period, most evaluated their quality of life as very good. Comparatively, between the two periods, the highest difference between the averages found was related to the acceptance of physical appearance, the smallest difference occurred in terms of satisfaction with health services. Regarding gender violence, 66% reported having suffered violence when seeking health care, and most related what happened to embarrassment due to pronoun error. Conclusion: Thus, it is evident that the masculininzing mastectomy had a positive impact on the variables studied related to quality of life. In addition, it clarifies the need to develop new tools to measure the quality of life of the studied population.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil de vidaAcesso aos serviços de saúdePessoas transgêneroProcedimentos de readequação sexualCIENCIAS DA SAUDEAutoaceitação e qualidade de vida pós mastectomia de transexualizaçãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso