Reymão, Ana Elizabeth Neirão2024-04-162024-04-162017Santos, Ricardo Thomaz. Desenvolvimento rural da Amazônia oriental e Pronaf-Eco Dendê: reflexões sobre a política pública de incentivo à produção de biodiesel e à agricultura familiar no município de Tomé-Açu - PA. 2017. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito, Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Regional) - Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2017. dissertation discusses the Program for Strengthening Family Eco-Agriculture for Palm (Pronaf Eco-Palm Oil) and its results for the worker in the Brazilian Amazon. Public policies such as focus encouraged the advancement of palm oil production (palm oil) in the region, and the Pará accounts for approximately 85% of national production. The overall objective of the research is to investigate what types of invigoration and development that palm oil production public policy for biofuels has led to family farmers, analyzing the Pronaf Eco-Palm. Tomé-Açu was elected as area of research, because the high participation of their farmers in that culture and the significant number of partnership agreements signed by this program. The palm culture has high participation in the local economy and good climate and soil conditions favor the development of palm oil palm and attracted large companies like Biopalma and Petrobras / Galp to the municipality. Its huge capacity made the city be chosen by the federal government to announce the Federal Program for Sustainable Palm Oil (PSOP), linked to the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) in 2010, reflecting the government's efforts to leverage this chain in the Amazon. In this context, palm oil has emerged as a great hope for the family farmer. Public policy promised significant income improvements for the workers and announced it is sustainable. But we can say that there is the strengthening of family farming through the implementation of Pronaf Eco-Palm in Tomé-Açu? This is the problem to be investigated by the dissertation. The methodology involves bibliographic and documental procedures, and field research, with the completion of semi-structured interviews with farmers who signed contracts with the Pronaf Eco-Palm in Tomé-Açu. In the end, it was concluded that this line of financing of Pronaf, contrary to what it promises, has not, in the current molds, been able to bring economic, environmental and social development, generating losses to the farmers, such as the indebtedness due to the financing obtained, environmental damages, resulting mainly from the use of pesticides, In addition an increase in social inequalities was observed, with the enrichment of the companies linked to the program, instead of the farmerAcesso Aberto familiarPolíticas públicasPrograma Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf)DesenvolvimentoDesenvolvimento sustentávelCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADASDesenvolvimento rural da Amazônia oriental e Pronaf-Eco Dendê: reflexões sobre a política pública de incentivo à produção de biodiesel e à agricultura familiar no município de Tomé-Açu - PADissertação