Elgrably, Isaac Souza2024-09-102024-09-102023VIDAL, Camilo Ribeiro; PEREIRA, Ramon Algaranhar; CHAVES, Raphael Magalhães; MORAES, Wellington Samuel R. O uso de assistentes virtuais inteligentes no atendimento hospitalar. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Computação) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://repositorio.cesupa.br/handle/123456789/486The employment of Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) has shown accelerated growth in the last decade, demonstrating applications on various scales. This technology spans various areas of society, providing usability and flexibility to users. The use of this technology in the hospital environment stands out. Scheduling medical appointments is often a cumbersome and timeconsuming process, resulting in dissatisfaction for patients. In this context, the present study explores the possibility of addressing the challenges of hospital care through the implementation of Intelligent Virtual Assistants. The method employed to achieve these objectives involves a systematic review conducted through an investigation into the applicability of an artificial intelligence solution. As a result, this article presents other studies demonstrating the development of IVAs in the hospital context, also outlining future prospects for the continued study of IVAs. Finally, the contributions of this work aim to provide insights into future directions for advancing the state of the art and propose recommendations for the visual construction of a non-functional prototype.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Inteligência ArtificialTecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC)Assistentes Virtuais InteligentesAcessibilidadeAcesso à informaçãoENGENHARIASO uso de assistentes virtuais inteligentes no atendimento hospitalarTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso