Albuquerque, Mário Roberto Tavares Cardoso de2024-09-172024-09-172021SILVA, Marcely Nascimento da. A utilização de etnofármacos pela comunidade ribeirinha de Belém-PA: uma avaliação sobre o conhecimento médico à medicina alternativa no início do século XXI. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2021. research aims to define the degree of knowledge and use of ethnopharmaceuticals by physicians at Basic Health Units in the Islands Region in Belém-Pa in 2021. This was a cross-sectional, observational and quantitative study for definition the clinical-epidemiological profile and knowledge about ethnopharmaceuticals of the participants. The collection of the research was carried out through interviews, with a multicentric, regional character. The questionnaire used was subdivided into part 1 (identification), part 2 (Who should know and use herbal medicines?), part 3 (professionals' knowledge of herbal products), part 4 (prescription and indications), part 5 (effectiveness) and part 6 (use and safety of herbal medicines and medicinal plants). The average age of the participants was 35.9 years, being equally distributed among 5 female professionals and 5 male professionals, totaling 10 physicians. 10% had graduated from college for 29 years, 60% graduated between 6-2 years and 30% graduated 6 months ago. 80% of physicians interviewed were graduates of public education and only 20% belonged to private education, the highest medical degree found among the participants was the title of specialist, represented by 60% of physicians. It was noted that 60% of physicians prescribed herbal medicines, however, only 30% received information about the subject during graduation, and no participant performed training on phytopharmaceuticals after starting their professional career. The most difficult factor for the prescription of herbal medicines was the lack of knowledge about the subject. 70% of respondents believed in the efficacy of the therapy, and among the most used biopharmaceuticals were Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis) and Espinheira santa (Maytenus ilicifolia). There was a lack of knowledge about contraindications for the use of herbal medicines and medicinal plants by 80% of respondents and 70% were unable to report risks generated by the use of herbal medicines. It was concluded that physicians in the riverside region of the islands of Belém/Pará believe in the efficacy of therapeutics with herbal medicines and medicinal plants, they usually prescribe for their primary health care users, but they have little knowledge about the resources and application of the therapy.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil medicinaisUso terapêuticoMedicina popularFitoterápicosAtenção primária à saúdeSaúde coletivaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEA utilização de etnofármacos pela comunidade ribeirinha de Belém-PA: uma avaliação sobre o conhecimento médico à medicina alternativa no início do século XXITrabalho de Conclusão de Curso