Sefer, Celina Cláudia Israel2024-09-202024-09-202019SABÓIA, Cícero Alyson Dantas; CUNHA, Karen Elita Marinho. Avaliação do conhecimento dos graduandos de medicina de uma instituição de ensino particular acerca da conduta do paciente com AVE no serviço de urgência. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2019. stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and the leading cause of death in the adult population in Brazil. It usually affects people over 55 years of age and is one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Data from the Ministry of Health reveal that, in 2015, there were 100,520 deaths related to the AVE, constituting 7.95% of the total deaths in the country. Stroke is a clinical emergency and a short delay in your treatment may have important clinical implications. Therefore, it is necessary that the doctors have control over the matter and know how to conduct a patient with a stroke in the emergency department. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of the medical students of a private higher education institution regarding the conduct of the patient with stroke in the emergency department. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive study using a quantitative questionnaire analysis with 109 medical students from Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará (CESUPA), distributed in the fourth, eighth and eleventh semesters. The analytical statistic was used to evaluate the results through the G-tests and Chi-square Adherence for univariate tables and G-tests and Chi-square Independence for bivariate tables. Results: A total of 109 questionnaires were analyzed, being 36 of the fourth, 40 of the eighth and 33 of the 11th semester. There was a predominance of females (56%) and the age group of 22 to 23 years (32.1%). Students of the 11th semester (72.7%) were the ones who felt more secure to attend stroke victims in the emergency room. In addition, 99.1% of students consider it important to master the subject. The superiority of the 11th semester was noted in the following items: most common cause of stroke (87.9% of correct answers); signs and symptoms suggestive of stroke, except in the item "aphasia", in which eighth-semester students (95%) obtained more correct scores than the eleventh (78.8%); definition of onset of symptoms if patient wakes or is found with symptoms of stroke (69.7%); maximum time from onset of symptoms to thrombolysis (63.6%); blood pressure (BP), which indicates the use of anti-hypertensives in patients suffering from stroke (72.7%); and in all items of assertions of true or false. It is noteworthy that, in these assertions, a satisfactory result of the students of the 11th semester was observed in relation to the others. A relevant fact was the accuracy of 100% of these students about the information that the computed tomography (CT) of the skull can be normal up to 24 hours of the AVE. In addition, there is a partial evolution regarding the conduct in the case of suspected stroke, since there was evolution only in the items "CT of the skull or cerebral nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)" and "Thrombolysis if ischemic stroke". There was no evolution in the items "acetylsalicylic acid (AAS)", "Measurement and control of blood glucose" and "electrocardiogram (ECG)". Conclusion: It is concluded that there is an evolution in the knowledge of medical graduates of CESUPA about the conduct of the patient victim of stroke in the urgency with the advancement of the semesters, but there are still gaps in theoretical and practical medical training on the subject proposed by the institution.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil vascular cerebralEducação médicaEnsino e aprendizagemEmergênciaEstudantes de MedicinaServiços médicos de emergênciaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEAvaliação do conhecimento dos graduandos de medicina de uma instituição de ensino particular acerca da conduta do paciente com AVE no serviço de urgênciaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso