Oliveira, Márcia Cecília Rodrigues de2024-05-292024-05-292023-12-07COSTA, Gabriel Santiago Gama da. Desenvolvimento das fases iniciais do BSC para construção da visão estratégica em um grupo de fazendas de gado de corte da região amazônica. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://repositorio.cesupa.br/handle/prefix/447The importance of agribusiness for Brazil and its financial results are noticeable, however, with the growth and modernization of this sector, the level of competitiveness and the need for more assertive decision-making increase. Thus, the present work sought, based on the Balanced Scorecard, to implement the strategic vision in a beef cattle company in Pará called Fazenda Aruans. Based on the use of Mission, Vision and Values, the strategic drivers, interviews were carried out with directors of the institution to outline these three important vectors and then have the ability to draw up a SWOT Matrix, evaluating the internal factors of the company with external factors to obtain more consistent data and write a credible work within the focus company. With these two tools applied, it was possible to outline the company's strategic objectives and relate them to each BSC perspective in the Strategic Map, correlating the objective of each of the company's areas with the business desire, therefore, two main objectives were identified: double the number of animals on the same volume of land that the company has and verticalize the organization's production chain. With this, each perspective was constructed.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Balanced Scorecard (Administração)Gestão estratégicaEficiência organizacionalGado de cortePlanejamento estratégicoFerramentas de gestãoENGENHARIASDesenvolvimento das fases iniciais do BSC para construção da visão estratégica em um grupo de fazendas de gado de corte da região amazônicaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso