Neves, Dilma Costa de Oliveira2024-09-182024-09-182020SIQUEIRA, Ana Karolina Kalif; PONTES, Felipe Lobato. Acionamento do serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência em Belém do Pará por motivos traumáticos nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2016. 2020. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Medicina) – Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2020. trauma is caused by a physical agent of varied etiology, nature and extent, with the etiology of the traumatic event being the factor that guides patients or viewers to request specialized help, constituting the traumatic reasons for triggering an urgent and emergency service in a medical practice. Objective: To identify the main traumatic reasons for triggering the SAMU (acronym in portuguese for emergency mobile care service) in Belém-PA in the months of February and March 2016. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive and exploratory document analysis, based on the records of care at SAMU in Belém do Pará. We included those with identification of the reasons for the trauma of patients treated by SAMU in the municipality of Belém, in the study period. For the present study, it was registered on the medical service's record and considered as traumatic reasons the following: collision between vehicles; fall; being run over; violence (physical, stab or firearm), burns and other accidents. The age and sex variables were used to describe the victim's profile. Because they have a small amount of records, data on occupation and education were removed from the data analysis. For the analysis of temporality, the information of the day of the week and time of the occurrence was used. The patient's evolution was limited to what was found in the victim's record at the time of care, such as death, transfer or hazing. Results: 1037 SAMU activation records were analyzed in the study period in the city of Belém-PA. 114 (11.0%) records were excluded because they did not contain the reasons for requesting the service. The age group and the gender most affected were, respectively, 20 to 59 years of age (70.6%) and males (67%). The main reasons identified were traffic accidents (52.8%), followed by falls (26.4%) and assaults (18.1%). Among traffic accidents, collisions between car and motorcycle stand out (29.2%), people falling of vehicles in motion (20.9%) and pedestrian accidents (14.8%). Regarding falls, the most common were motorcycle falls (74.5%), followed by bicycle falls (15%) and when getting on and off vehicles (11%). As for the assaults, the record with the highest occurrence was physical aggression (36.5%), followed by cold weapons (34.1%) and firearms (29.3%). The highest attendance frequency occurred in the maximum time of 10 minutes (48.1%) between the activation and the arrival of SAMU. The most frequent day of the week was on Saturday (16.3%) mainly during the night shift (29.5%). Conclusion: Proper completion of SAMU's service records is of the utmost importance, highlighting the reason for triggering the service, the profile of the victims affected and the trauma mechanism. This way more consistent financial assistance can be provided for the best initial care and arrangements for preventive measures and organization of SAMU's services.Acesso AbertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilênciaServiço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU)AcidentesUrgênciaCIENCIAS DA SAUDEAcionamento do serviço de atendimento móvel de urgência em Belém do Pará por motivos traumáticos nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2016Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso